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Principle #14 Reject Rejection

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1 Principle #14 Reject Rejection

2 What does this mean? “You have to be passionate. You have to be able to take rejection and disappointment at first and not let your confidence be undermined.” -Juliet Mills Actress

3 Examples of Those Who Rejected Rejection
Henry Ford was rejected by banks and the media, but he persevered

4 Examples of Those Who Rejected Rejection
Amelia Earhart rejected the notion that women could not fly airplanes.

5 Examples of Those Who Rejected Rejection
Rosa Parks rejected the idea that blacks should have to give up their seats for whites

6 See Rejection as a Myth Rejection is a concept that exists only in our heads. For example, if you ask someone on a date and the and the answer is “no,” you didn’t have a date before you asked and now you don’t have a date after you asked. Did the situation get worse? No, it stayed the same. (If you answered “yes,” pay attention to the next slide)

7 When Rejection Hurts Rejection hurts for one of two reasons:
You take rejection personally You let it cause you to stop taking action

8 View Rejection Differently
A rejection of your ideas is not a rejection of you as a person. See rejection as a “do over” or a detour

9 Mark Twain’s Perspective
“We should be careful to get out of an experience only the wisdom that is in it- and stop there; lest we be like the cat that sits down on a hot stove-lid. She will never sit down on a hot stove-lid again - and that is well; but also she will never sit down on a cold one anymore.” Remember: Rejection hurts when you let it cause you to stop taking action

10 SW-SW-SW-SW Whenever you ask for anything, remember the acronym SW-SW-SW-SW which stands for “some will, some won’t, so what? – someone’s waiting.”

11 Say, “Next.” When rejection comes, just say, “next.”

12 Video Clip How to Overcome the Fear of Rejection (4:58)

13 Quick Write (8 Minutes) Write about a time when you were rejected.
How did you feel? Did it affect your confidence? Did this rejection keep you from moving forward in the direction you wanted to go? Looking back, what did you learn from this experience? What advice would you give to someone who has just experienced rejection?

14 Silent Reading Read about rejecting rejection on pages in the book entitled The Success Principles by Jack Canfield and Kent Healy. Take down one page of Cornell notes.

15 On Your Own

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