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Background Timing: Response:
The children completed the questionnaire during class time shortly after the Easter holiday Please note that children in the younger year groups required some support from staff with questionnaire completion Parent questionnaires were handed out by governors and the headteacher at the parent consultation sessions on 16th and 17th March 2016. Response: 100 children completed the questionnaire Robins / Reception – 23 Kingfishers / Year 1 – 20 Goldfinches / Year 2 – 20 Swallows / Year 3 – 20 Owls / Year 4 – 17 67 parents completed the questionnaire Parents’ questionnaire Children’s questionnaire
Conclusions (1) The results of the surveys reflect both the positive impact that Ms Soulsby has had on St James’ as well as the hard work and commitment of the leadership team and all staff to improve our school over the past 12 months. Well done to you all! In last year’s parent survey, leadership and management were understandably an area for improvement. In 2016, all parents surveyed agree that this school is well led and managed, with 79% agreeing strongly. Other areas for improvement identified in the 2015 surveys included improving the school’s communication with parents, enabling parents to be more involved with their child’s education and improving behaviour. In 2016… 82% of parents agree that the school’s communication with parents has improved over the last year or so (13% don’t know) 91% of parents agree this school enables them to be more involved in their child’s learning 97% of parents agree this school makes sure its pupils are well behaved 70% of parents agree this school deals effectively with bullying (25% don’t know) 79% of children say the children behave well at this school “always” or “most of the time” (up from 62% in 2015)
Conclusions (2) Other results from the parent survey showing significant improvement since 2015 include: 97% agree they are made to feel welcome when visiting the school (73% agree strongly) 96% agree they would recommend this school to another parent (66% agree strongly) 94% agree their child is taught well at this school (60% agree strongly) 94% agree they receive valuable information from the school about their child’s progress (51% agree strongly) 85% agree this school responds well to any concern they raise (52% agree strongly, 14% don’t know/ not stated) From the children’s perspective, the survey results have generally improved since last year. Of particular note are: 99% say that teachers and staff treat us fairly “always” or “most of the time” (86% say “always”) 98% say teachers and staff take time to help them get better at their school work “always” or “most of the time” (87% say “always”) 92% say the enjoy school “always” or “most of the time” (74% say “always”) 92% say they learn a lot in lessons “always” or “most of the time” (76% say “always”) The main things parents like about St James’ are the headteacher, the school’s values and ethos, and the fact it is a small, friendly school The things the children like most about their school are the teachers / staff, their friends and maths!
Conclusions (3) Since the last survey in 2015, we have introduced a new Before and After School club run by Dawn Until Dusk. The results of the 2016 surveys reveal that: All parents (for whom it is applicable) agree that they are happy with the Dawn Until Dusk before and after school club provision The vast majority of children (for whom it is applicable) enjoy going to before and after school club “always” or “most of the time” The 2016 survey results suggest there are areas for improvement, including: All children being aware of how well they are doing at school Improving communication with parents further Offering more after-school and enrichment activities / clubs Making R.E. lessons more enjoyable Raising the profile of governors In terms of the future for St James’, parent comments are largely supportive of the transition to a primary school
Parent survey results
Parents’ survey – Total school (1) - 2016
% agreeing 2015 2016 97% 99% 100% 100% 92% 91% 99% 98% 93% 94% 80% 85% 92% 97% 54% 70% 67% 100% 78% 85% 73% 94% N/A 82% 76% 88% Significant increase since 2015 Base: All parents who completed the survey (2016: 67, 2015: 61)
Parents’ survey – Total school (2) - 2016
% agreeing 2015 2016 N/A 91% 95% 96% 91% 91% 86% 93% N/A 91% 64% 66% 95% 94% 97% 96% 93% 90% 90% 85% 98% 97% 96% 97% N/A 76% Significant increase since 2015 Base: All parents who completed the survey (2016: 67, 2015: 61)
What do you like about St James’?
Parents’ survey What do you like about St James’? Children make good progress Inclusive Headteacher Strong sense of community Supportive Caring Friendly All the children know each other Teachers / staff Good learning environment Warm / welcoming Values /ethos Happy children Safe Village school Small school Small class sizes Includes comments made by 2 or more parents
What do you like about St James’? - Quotes
Parents’ survey What do you like about St James’? - Quotes It's improved so much with the new head and it's very warm and welcoming and my son loves it. I have had all my three children come here and I think this is the best it has ever been. Head teacher very approachable. School leadership feels like it has improved and staff motivated. As parents we like the community feel and friendly nature of the staff and governors alike. It's a very friendly and open school which takes great care of their children. I feel in the last year we have made great progress in my child's learning. All children seem to enjoy their time here. Great settling-in process and creating an enthusiasm in the children for learning. I feel the school has improved in all areas over the last year. The communication to parents has also improved. The head is an approachable, enthusiastic person that the children seem to respect and have great affection for. The school seems to live its values and not just talk about them. Kindness and the values it's teaching our daughter. Excellent school. Happy with changes made over last 18/12
How could we make the school better?
Parents’ survey How could we make the school better? Nothing (8) Improve communication (with parents) (8) More after-school activities / clubs (7) Homework (5) P.E. / Sport (4) Better use of technology (2) More academic challenges (2) Improved outdoor equipment / facilities (2) I'm not sure if it could be better as such. If it keeps going on the track it is on, I believe it will generally just get better. Keep up the good work About children’s progress & day-to-day issues What they do in class / assembly For working parents who are not at pick up For Y1 Music Dancing Chess Drama More (challenging) homework Homework menu is good Small tasks related to lessons that week Feedback More P.E. / sport More competition More expert P.E. lessons For pupils More communication with parents electronically Set up a Google calendar Give more challenging work to students Progressional academic challenges More equipment in the playground
What would you like to see happen at St James’ in the future?
Parents’ survey What would you like to see happen at St James’ in the future? Transition to becoming a primary school (9) Enrichment related (7) Continue as you are (7) Communication related (4) Leadership related (3) Learning related (2) Become a primary school Smooth transition to primary See next slide for more quotes More sports-related clubs Improved after-school clubs Fun days / trips Social events More of the same! Continue with good work Remain at the same standard / ethos More communication between teachers and dinner ladies with HT Better communication Tell me what my child is great at doing in the classroom More open mornings Stability in the leadership team Keep the headteacher! Ms Soulsby will stay Better feedback to children on progress More effort with phonics
Primary-related quotes
Parents’ survey Primary-related quotes Excited to see future plans to extend to primary. If St James moves to full primary, I hope that there will be all the requirements - good classrooms, correct teachers in order to cope with the higher age range. That the school succeeds in its transition to an extended intake up to year 6. I don’t have much experience of the process but wish the school every success! Improved sports facilities / options for when primary (e.g. school football, netball teams) I am in favour of it becoming primary but am worried about enrichment / extra activities (e.g. cookery, sports, clubs). I am looking forward to St James becoming a primary school.
Children’s survey results
Children’s survey – Total school (1)
Base: All children who completed the survey (100)
Children’s survey – Total school (2)
Base: All children who completed the survey (100)
What do you like most about your school?
Children’s survey What do you like most about your school? Teachers /Staff School clubs Carpet time Maths An adult to go to if worried / sad It helps us learn Drawing / Art Playdoh Lessons are fun Robins’ playground Numicon (Celebration) Assembly Everything! Lunch English Friendly children My friends P.E. / Sports Playing with friends Includes comments made by 2 or more children
What do you like most about your school? - Quotes
Children’s survey What do you like most about your school? - Quotes I like how fun and interesting my lessons are! My different learning partners. We can get the Rainbow Moment. It's super. I love maths which makes me happy always. Writing stories I like the challenges they give us. Having Numicon to help me EVERYTHING! Because when you are stuck on your work, then teachers will always help you. Well, art is my favourite subject but mostly this school teaches you how to be a good person. The teachers are always caring to children. They make sure we are always happy. That everybody is kind and caring and they help you when you are sad. What I like most about this school is how the school staff look after us.
What would you like to see improve next in your school?
Children’s survey What would you like to see improve next in your school? It was interesting to note that many of the children’s responses focused on their own personal learning goals Lockers (12) My maths (9) My English (8) Behaviour-related improvements (8) Nothing (7) More outdoor toys / equipment (5) More books (4) This improvement was cited exclusively by the Goldfinches I want to improve my maths when I go to my new school. I would like more hard maths I would like to improve my maths to do my work independently I would like to improve my English in my next school. I would improve my English so I can do better story writing and make my writing more interesting Longer guided reading lessons No one fighting or getting hurt in football and no rough play. Children not to shout as much. Sometimes people need to get a little bit better at being good. Nothing because it is a good school. I would improve nothing at this spectacular school! I think everything is perfect. More climbing stuff for outside. A swing I would like to see maybe a few more things to play with outside that a lot of people will enjoy.
Children’s survey – Robins / EYFS (1)
Base: All children who completed the survey (23)
Children’s survey – Robins / EYFS (2)
Base: All children who completed the survey (23)
Children’s survey – Kingfishers / Year 1 (1)
Base: All children who completed the survey (20)
Children’s survey – Kingfishers / Year 1 (2)
Base: All children who completed the survey (20)
Children’s survey – Goldfinches / Year 2 (1)
Base: All children who completed the survey (20)
Children’s survey – Goldfinches / Year 2 (2)
Base: All children who completed the survey (20)
Children’s survey – Swallows / Year 3 (1)
Base: All children who completed the survey (20)
Children’s survey – Swallows / Year 3 (2)
Base: All children who completed the survey (20)
Children’s survey – Owls / Year 4 (1)
Base: All children who completed the survey (17)
Children’s survey – Owls / Year 4 (2)
Base: All children who completed the survey (17)
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