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Was Walsingham’s spy network successful?

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1 Was Walsingham’s spy network successful?

2 Learning objective – to be assess the effectiveness of Sir Francis Walsingham’s spy network.
I can describe the key reasons why Walsingham’s spy network was effective. Grade 3 I can explain the key reasons why Walsingham’s spy network was effective. Grade 6 I can explain and assess the reasons why Walsingham’s spy network was effective. Grade 9



5 Who was Sir Francis Walsingham?
Sir Francis Walsingham was Elizabeth’s Secretary of State from A committed Protestant, Walsingham was in effect in charge of foreign relations. He became Elizabeth’s spymaster and had a spy and intelligence network that spanned the whole of Europe.

6 What were the key features of Walsingham’s spy network?
Informers in England – Walsingham had informants across England who would report on their neighbours who were under suspicion. Lord Lieutenants and bishops were responsible for collecting this information and sending it to Walsingham. Searches and registers – All foreigners were liable to be searched at any time by town councils and customs officials. Tavern keepers had to register any foreigners staying with them. A spy network – Walsingham had spies across Europe and North Africa. Ciphers and coded letters – All written communication was written in code and ciphers to hide plans.

7 What were the key features of Walsingham’s spy network?
Interrogation and torture – torture was only used in extreme cases as Walsingham felt torturing priests and traitors would only give them sympathy. Intercepting coded messages and letters – Walsingham employed spies in suspects’ households, skilled codebreakers and a man skilled at re-sealing letters in order to intercept and decode messages. Acts of Parliament – Walsingham was influential in Parliament and was central in the passing of increasingly anti-Catholic legislation. Capturing priests and recusants – After excommunicating Elizabeth in 1570, the Pope started to secretly send priests to England to spread the Catholic message. Many were captured by Walsingham’s spies. Most were sent to a special prison for Catholics, although 130 priests and 60 recusants were executed after 1574.

8 What was the impact of Walsingham’s spy network?
No plot to assassinate Elizabeth succeeded. 190 Catholic priests and recusants were executed but most who were captured went to prison. Elizabeth did feel that Walsingham and his supporters were too extreme. As a result, she amended the wording of many Acts of Parliament they proposed and often delayed the actions against the plotters even when their guilt was beyond suspicion.

9 Why was Mary, Queen of Scots executed?
Although Mary was found guilty of treason, Elizabeth was very reluctant to sign her death warrant. However, Elizabeth was eventually persuaded to sign the death warrant as it became clear that Philip II of Spain was planning to invade England and untrue rumours spread that Mary had escaped to join the Spanish invaders. So long as Mary was alive, she would pose a threat to the stability of the throne. Mary was executed in February Elizabeth would always regret signing the death warrant and would blame her ministers for pressuring her.

10 What is the significance of the execution of Mary, Queen of Scots?
The execution of Mary, Queen of Scots removed a significant threat to Elizabeth. The execution gave Philip II of Spain another reason to invade England and remove Elizabeth from the throne.

11 Bankrupt Elizabeth I Task Draw the continuum line below and place each of the eight features of the spy network of Sir Francis Walsingham. Write one sentence explaining each of your judgements. This feature was not significant in ensuring Elizabeth’s safety. This feature was partly significant in ensuring Elizabeth’s safety. This feature was very significant in ensuring Elizabeth’s safety. Informants in England Searches and registers Ciphers and coded letters Interrogation and torture Spy network Intercepting coded messages and letters Acts of Parliament Capturing priests and recusants

12 Extension Task Complete the following knowledge questions.
Bankrupt Elizabeth I Extension Task Complete the following knowledge questions. Describe two features of Walsingham’s spy network. Why do you think Elizabeth was reluctant to execute Mary, Queen of Scots? Why do you think Elizabeth’s ministers were increasing the pressure for Elizabeth to execute Mary? ‘Executing Mary, Queen of Scots removed all threats for Elizabeth’ Do you agree with this statement?

13 Plenary – a touch of Scrabble
The mystery word that relates to this lesson is worth 12 points ..... Using the Scrabble score card, can you work out which word it is?

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