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Cold War “The Longest Battle”.

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1 Cold War “The Longest Battle”

2 Definition: Cold War: The state of hostility without direct military conflict, that developed between the U.S. and Soviet Union after World War II.

3 I. Former Allies Clash A. Too different to be friends
1. Private v. Public Ownership 2. Democracy v. Totalitarian

4 B. Problems 1. U.S. did not recognize U.S.S.R.(16)
2. Stalin signed Non- Aggression Pact with Hitler. 3. Stalin had demanded second front 4. U.S. kept A-Bomb secret

5 C. United Nations becomes battle ground.

6 II. Potsdam(Germany) A. Final Meeting to decide post war world.
B. Truman, Stalin, Churchill(Atlee) C. Soviets refuse to allow free election in Eastern Europe(Poland, Czech,Yugo, Romania...) Satellite Nations.

7 B. Soviets B. Soviets 1. encourage communism
2. strip Europe to rebuild its economy 3. control Eastern Europe to balance U.S. threat. 4. keep Germany divided

8 III. Aims A. U.S. 1.encourage democracy
2. gain access to markets and material 3. Rebuild Europe p (Marshall Plan 12B) 4. Reunite Germany

9 IV. Containment A.U.S.Effort to block Soviets attempt to spread influence by creating alliances and supporting weaker countries. B. Winston Churchill’s “Iron Curtain”speech. C. Greece and Turkey 400million D. Truman Doctrine: Policy of providingeconomic and military aid to free nations.

10 V. Superpowers Struggle for Germany
To force the the West out of Berlin, Stalin closed all roads and rail to West Berlin. “Berlin Airlift” was a standoff betoween the Soviets and West. 327 days of food and supplies. West Wins U.S. prestige grows

11 VI. Nato vs. Warsaw NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
Warsaw Pact(USSR and Satellite Nations)

12 VII. Chinese Civil War A. Nationalists B. Communists Chiang Kai-shek
Supported by U.S. Corrupt Leadership Mao Zedong Supported by U.S.S.R. Attracted Peasants

13 C. Results 1. Communists win 2. Nationalists fled to Formosa(Taiwan)
3. Containment Failed! 4. Truman attacked as “soft” on Communism

14 VIII. The Korean War A. Japan had ruled Korea until 1945.
B U.S. and Soviets divided Korea at 38th parallel, set up friendly gov’s and leave. C North Korean Commies attack. D. U.N., Truman order U.S. troops to help S.K.

15 VIII. Korean War Cont. E. Gen. MacArthur leads 520,000 troops (90% U.S.) 16 Nations F. Tides of War(p.819) G.Gen. Mac takes Inchon!

16 H. China Joins the Fight 1. To stop the North Korean collapse, China joins. 2. 300,000 Chinese roll across boarder 3. Push U.N. Forces South 4. MacArthur wants to use the bomb!

17 5. U.N. forces retake Seoul. 6. MacArthur unhappy with Truman goes over his head(Congress) 7. don’t fly with Truman. Fires Mac. “Old Soldiers never die, they just fade away”

18 I. End of the War 54,000 Americans dead Stalemate(kiss your…)
Dems out Republicans in.(Eisenhower)

19 I. Cold War Hits Home A. WWII 80,000 U.S. Commies
B. Truman “Soft”? 1947 Sets up the Loyalty Review Board 1. Investigates 3.2 mil 212 dismissed 2. No explanation

20 C. House Committee on Un-American Activities
1. HUAC investigates movie Industry 2.Hollywood created Pro-Soviet films 3. Some didn’t cooperate “Hollywood 10” careers ruined


22 D. Spy Cases! 1. Alger Hiss(State Department) Soviet Spy(yep 1990)
2. The Rosenbergs-middle men for the bomb info

23 E. Joseph McCarthy 1. Senator from Wisconsin 2. Reelection?
3. “205” Commies in Gov. 4. Downfall: accuses the Army 5. McCarthyism “Have you no decency sir?”

24 F. Living on the Edge 1. “Brinkmanship”- Willingness to go to the edge of war. 2. “Eisenhower Doctrine-” U.S. would defend Middle East 3. Hydrogen Bomb(1952) X67 A-Bomb 4. Arms Race! 5. Nikita Khrushchev

25 G. Space Race! Sputnik!!!!

26 H. U-2 Spy Plane


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