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Core #2 Review Created by Educational Technology Network. 2009.

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1 Core #2 Review Created by Educational Technology Network

2 Core #2 Review Hodge Podge Black Death Feudalism The Crusades Medieval Europe 10 10 10 10 10 20 20 20 20 20 30 30 30 30 30 40 40 40 40 40 50 50 50 50 50

3 What is the Latin Term for “Middle Ages?”
Hodge Podge (10) QUESTION: What is the Latin Term for “Middle Ages?” ANSWER: Medieval

4 Hodge Podge (20) QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the name of the medieval city (and country) Miss Mangold studied in? ANSWER: Siena, Italy

5 Hodge Podge (30) QUESTION: ANSWER:
Charlemagne’s father was named __________ and he donated land to the ______________. ANSWER: Pepin; Church (Pope)

6 Hodge Podge (40) QUESTION: ANSWER:
Which religion played a major role in shaping feudal Europe? How did it play a role? ANSWER: Christianity The Pope donated land to nobles/lords in order to keep the population Christian.

7 Hodge Podge (50) QUESTION: ANSWER:
England’s Magna Carta moved the country more towards what type of government? Why? ANSWER: Democracy – it limited the monarch’s rights! It created a constitution.

8 Black Death (10) QUESTION: ANSWER:
The Black Death arrived in Europe around Which city did it hit first? ANSWER: Caffa

9 Black Death (20) QUESTION: ANSWER:
Where did the Plague originate, and how did it spread across the continent? ANSWER: China (Asia) Spread from rats, fleas on trading vessels

10 Black Death (30) QUESTION: ANSWER:
How the Black Death change the lives of serfs? ANSWER: The huge loss in population led to a higher demand for work; serfs could make more money in jobs.

11 Black Death (40) QUESTION: ANSWER:
List a possible way the economy was impacted by the plague. (4 possible) ANSWER: Trade decreased dramatically Wages increased for workers High food supply, low prices Lower priced housing (rent)

12 Black Death (50) QUESTION: ANSWER:
How does anti-semitism tie in the with Black Death? ANSWER: Europeans looked for a reason for the plague, and since anti-semitism was widespread in the 1300’s, Jews were sometimes blamed for the rapid spread of the disease.

13 Feudalism (10) QUESTION: ANSWER:
Organize (fill in) the feudalism social triangle. ANSWER: Kings, Queens Lords, Ladies Knights, Vassals Serfs, Peasants

14 Feudalism (20) QUESTION: ANSWER: Define these words: fief, guilds
Fief: land grant given from a lord in exchange for loyalty Guild: Business groups like blacksmiths or carpenters.

15 Feudalism (30) QUESTION: ANSWER:
Part of feudalism’s decline was caused by an increase of trade. What did this increased trade do to change Europe? ANSWER: Towns and cities emerge, moving away from isolated manors.

16 Feudalism (40) QUESTION: ANSWER:
List three things that a knight’s code of chivalry outlined. ANSWER: Stand up to your enemy Follow and defend the church. Protect and support the poor. Be generous and giving. Never lie.

17 Feudalism (50) QUESTION: ANSWER:
How did the fall of Rome impact Europe? What happened? ANSWER: Invading tribes like the Visigoths and Ostrogoths ravaged Europe. This led to the rise of isolated kingdoms.

18 Crusades (10) QUESTION: ANSWER:
The Muslim ruler, Saladin, was credited with what accomplishment during the Crusades? ANSWER: Re-unified Muslims under his leadership and recaptured Jerusalem

19 Crusades (20) QUESTION: ANSWER:
Pope Urban declared a Crusade in What was the goal? ANSWER: To reclaim the Holy Land, Jerusalem, back from Muslim control.

20 Crusades (30) QUESTION: ANSWER:
Which kind of people were motivated to join in the fights of the Crusades? ANSWER: Merchants, Knights, Priests

21 Topic 4 – 40Crusades (40) Points
QUESTION: How did the Crusades impact Europe? (2 ways) ANSWER: 1. Break down feudalism 2. Increase trade in Europe

22 Crusades (50) QUESTION: ANSWER:
Why were knights, merchants and priests motivated to become involved in the Crusades? (4 reasons) ANSWER: Entry to Heaven Respect/Prestige Land and Property Money through Trade

23 Medieval Europe (10) QUESTION: ANSWER:
What is the name of the Frankish leader who improved education and unified the Frankish kingdom (before the age of Feudalism?) ANSWER: Charlemagne

24 Medieval Europe (20) QUESTION: ANSWER:
What was one reason fuedalism was good and bad? ANSWER: Good: Provide safety and social order. Bad: No social mobility

25 Medieval Europe (30) QUESTION: ANSWER: “Thou shalt defend the Church.”
“Thou shalt not turn thy back on thine enemy.” “Thou shalt be generous.” What document outlines these rules? ANSWER: The Knight’s Code of Chivalry

26 Medieval Europe (40) QUESTION: ANSWER:
What was the Magna Carta? Why was it significant? ANSWER: Magna Carta was a law signed in England in 1215. It limited the rights of kings to prevent them from having too much power.

27 Medieval Europe (40) QUESTION: ANSWER:
What motivation existed for people to join the Crusades according to Pope Urban II’s speech? Also, who was the “infidel” according to Pope Urban II? ANSWER: Sins forgiven and entry to heaven Infidels = Muslims

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