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An English Settlement at Jamestown

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1 An English Settlement at Jamestown
Coach Martin

2 The first permanent English settlement in North America is founded at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607.
Big Idea

3 English Settlers Struggle in North America
Business of Colonization English colonies were funded by Join-Stock Companies Several investors pooled their money to support colonies 1607 Virginia Company sends 150 people to found Jamestown English Settlers Struggle in North America

4 Founding Jamestown Disastrous Start Help from the Powhatan
The colonists focused solely on searching for Gold despite advice for John Smith The colonists quickly begin to suffer from hunger and disease Help from the Powhatan The Powhatan tribe provides aid/food to the colonists Colonists still suffer huge deaths/ 60 out 600 survive Founding Jamestown

5 Jamestown Begins to Flourish
New leadership Leads to Stability New leaders begin hanging those neglecting their work People suddenly more motivated “Brown Gold” leads to profits Colonists begin exporting 1.5 million pounds of tobacco Good farming conditions provide a big opportunity for profit with tobacco Jamestown Begins to Flourish

6 “Brown Gold” and Indentured Servants
Good farming conditions provide a big opportunity for profit with tobacco Key Missing Ingredient- Laborers Headright System Anyone who came to Jamestown received 50 acres Many who came brought indentured servants Servants worked the fields in exchange for food and shelter from 4-7 years “Brown Gold” and Indentured Servants

7 The First African Laborers
First African laborers arrived in 1619 Treated as indentured servants and later received freedom Slaves cost 4 times as much as servants As wealth accumulated more slaves were brought to the Americas The First African Laborers

8 Settlers Clash with Native Americans
Fighting breaks out between colonists and Powhatan The fighting ends temporarily with the marriage of Pocahontas and John Rolfe The battles lead to the king making Virginia a royal colony Settlers Clash with Native Americans

9 Economic Differences Split Virginia
3 Main Reasons for Hostility 1) Former indentured servants= cant vote and forced to pay high taxes 2) Poor Whites vs. Wealthy Landowners= wealthy land owners don’t help fight natives 3) Governor fails to support fight against natives Where was the money for taxes going? Economic Differences Split Virginia

10 Bacon’s Rebellion Nathaniel Bacon raised an army to fight natives
Governor Berkeley declared this illegal and shut down the army Bacon responded by setting fire to Jamestown Bacon’s Rebellion

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