Waterway and landforms

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1 Waterway and landforms
Russian Land Waterway and landforms

2 Ural Mountains Divide Asian and European Russia
Average height of 2000 feet. Rich in iron and mineral fuels.

3 Caucasus Mountain Between Caspian Sea and Black Sea
Moderate temperature attract settlement Mount Elbrus—highest point in Russia (18,510 ft)

4 Central Siberian Plateau
north central of Russia Elevation is between 1600 to 2300 ft. Rivers have created many canyons in plateau. Kamchatka Peninsula 100 volcanoes Part of Pacific Ring of Fire

5 Northern European Plain
Northern part flat and drains poorly causing swamps Chernozem-rich black soil on the Plain 75% of Russians live on NEP. Major cities are Moscow and St. Petersburg

6 Western Siberian Plain
Made of 1 million square miles. Stretches from Arctic Ocean to Central Asia grassland. Poor drainage creates swamps and marshes.

7 Water Systems Black Sea Caspian Sea Warm water port for the Russians
Turks control access to Mediterranean Sea Caspian Sea Largest inland body of water in World No outlet to sea or Ocean

8 Lake Baikal Lies in Southern Russia
Deepest freshwater lake in the world. Contains about 20% of the world’s freshwater. YouTube - Incredible Lake Baikal, Russian Siberia

9 Volga River Mother River of Russia Canals connect the Volga to:
Baltic Sea Black Sea Moscow Heavy use has caused several problems: Dam’s threaten wildlife Unclean drinking water

10 Natural Resources Mineral and Energy
Russia contain 16% of world’s coal. Leading producer of natural gas. Russia rivers are used for hydroelectric power. Top producer of Al, gems and platinum

11 Soil and Forest Much of Russia is permafrost.
Black Earth belt is major growing region Problem transporting goods to city. 20% of world forest in Russia Majority of forest coniferous Commercial logging and wildfires destroying forest

12 Fishing Industry Salmon from the Pacific Ocean
Halibut, herring, and cod from Arctic Ocean Sturgeon provide caviar. Major export Dam’s are not allowing them to migrate.

13 Paragraph Question What landforms have had the greatest impact on Russia? Why? 8 sentence minimum Must have outline

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