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WWII 1939-1945 Materials needed: Photocopies of Readings in Global Studies- Appeasement, Arms Race, Rape of Nanking, Holocaust Powerpoint, Video Teaching.

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Presentation on theme: "WWII 1939-1945 Materials needed: Photocopies of Readings in Global Studies- Appeasement, Arms Race, Rape of Nanking, Holocaust Powerpoint, Video Teaching."— Presentation transcript:

1 WWII Materials needed: Photocopies of Readings in Global Studies- Appeasement, Arms Race, Rape of Nanking, Holocaust Powerpoint, Video Teaching Tolerance, Project on Night, Red Books, Powerpoint on Hiroshima No Pika w/ book, Unit 731 video 1

2 Key People Hitler (Germany) Mussolini (Italy) Hideki Tojo (Japan)
Emperor Hirohito (Japan) De Gaulle (France) Roosevelt (US) Churchill (Great Britain) Stalin (Soviet Union) 2

3 Hitler and Mussolini 3

4 Countries/Alliances Axis Powers- Germany, Italy, and Japan
Allied Powers- Originally Britain, France, and China; later joined by US and USSR 4

5 Vocabulary Fascism Appeasement Blitz Genocide Concentration Camp
Holocaust 5

6 Long-term Causes MAIN WWI/ Treaty of Versailles
Worldwide Economic Depression Rise of Fascism Weak League of Nations Munich Pact Appeasement 6

7 Worldwide Economic Depression
State frontiers are established by human beings and may be changed by human beings. The fact that a nation has acquired an enormous territorial area is no reason why it should hold that territory perpetually [forever]. At most, the possession of such territory is a proof of the strength of the conqueror and the weakness of those who submit to him. And in this strength alone lives the right of possession. If the German people are imprisoned within an impossible territorial area and for that reason are face to face with a miserable future, this is not by the command of Destiny, and the refusal to accept such a situation is by no means a violation of Destiny’s laws. For just as no Higher Power has promised more territory to other nations than to the German, so it cannot be blamed for an unjust distribution of the soil. The soil on which we now live was not a gift bestowed by Heaven on our forefathers. But they had to conquer it by risking their lives. So also in the future our people will not obtain territory, and therewith the means of existence, as a favour from any other people, but will have to win it by the power of a triumphant sword Source: Adolf Hitler, Mein Kampf, Hurst and Blackett Ltd. 7

8 Immediate Causes Japan invaded China Italy invaded Ethiopia
German Aggression in Europe Appeasement Germany invades Poland 8

9 Aggression of Fascist Nations
Source: Herblock, May 13, 1941 (adapted) 9

10 Japanese Invade Manchuria, 1931

11 Italy Invades Ethiopia in 1935
“It is us today. Tomorrow it will be you….God and history will remember your judgment.”- Haile Selassie 11

12 Japanese Invade China, 1937 12

13 Germany invades Czechoslovakia

14 Munich Pact “We will have peace in our time”~British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain after negotiating peace with Hitler Hitler gets to keep all the countries in Europe he took over as long as he promises not to invade anymore countries 14

15 Cartoon about Munich Pact

16 Appeasement 16

17 Spineless Democracies

18 Kristallnacht Night of the Broken Glass November 9, 1938
Jewish owned stores, synagogues, homes were looted and burned by Nazi storm troopers as they shouted “Death to the Jews” and “Revenge for Paris” 18

19 Germany invades Poland
WWII begins!!!! 19

20 London Blitz Kathleen’s Story Bombed out in the London Blitz, 1940
. . . When the bomb dropped I wasn’t even under the table! I heard the plane and recognised it was a Jerry (that’s what we called them) [Germans] because I’d heard so many. There was a tremendous BANG! and I ducked. All the windows came in and the ceiling and a couple of walls came in and there was incredible smoke everywhere. I was shaking like a leaf but I wasn’t hurt. I tried to get out but the door was stuck and I had to climb through where one of the windows had been. I could see there were lots of houses affected, glass everywhere in the street so I knew it was a big’un. I ran to the Air Raid Post but the Warden said “look missus, we’re gonna be busy digging bodies out, if you’ve got a roof you’re better off where you are. There’s lots worse off than you”. Funnily enough he was wrong; about 50 houses were badly damaged and a couple of them just turned into heaps of rubble, but nobody was actually killed Source: (adapted) 20

21 Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact
Hitler signs an agreement with Stalin not to touch the Soviet Union invades Soviet Union in 1941 (Operation Barbarossa) 21

22 Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor

23 US declares war December 7th- “a day that will live in infamy”
Pres. Roosevelt declared war on Japan on Dec 23

24 Kamikaze Pilots (suicide pilots)

25 Bataan Death March 25

26 Unit 731: Nightmare in Manchuria
The Rape of Nanking and The Forgotten Holocaust 26

27 D Day- June 6, 1944 27

28 VE Day- May 8, 1945 28

29 Immediate Effects Hitler and common law wife commit suicide
Mussolini and mistress Clareta Petacci are hung in Milan 29

30 Holocaust exposed 30

31 Bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
US bombed Hiroshima and Nagasaki, Japan In total, 110,000 killed immediately; 100, 000’s would die in the years to follow of cancer and radiation poisoning . . . In both cities the blast totally destroyed everything within a radius of 1 mile from the center of explosion, except for certain reinforced concrete frames as noted above. The atomic explosion almost completely destroyed Hiroshima’s identity as a city. Over a fourth of the population was killed in one stroke and an additional fourth seriously injured, so that even if there had been no damage to structures and installations the normal city life would still have been completely shattered. Nearly everything was heavily damaged up to a radius of 3 miles from the blast, and beyond this distance damage, although comparatively light, extended for several more miles. Glass was broken up to 12 miles. In Nagasaki, a smaller area of the city was actually destroyed than in Hiroshima, because the hills which enclosed the target area restricted the spread of the great blast; but careful examination of the effects of the explosion gave evidence of even greater blast effects than in Hiroshima. Total destruction spread over an area of about 3 square miles. Over a third of the 50,000 buildings in the target area of Nagasaki were destroyed or seriously damaged. The complete destruction of the huge steel works and the torpedo plant was especially impressive. The steel frames of all buildings within a mile of the explosion were pushed away, as by a giant hand, from the point of detonation. The badly burned area extended for 3 miles in length. The hillsides up to a radius of 8,000 feet were scorched, giving them an autumnal appearance Source: “The Atomic Bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki,” Manhattan Engineer District, United States Army, June 29, 1946 31

32 VJ Day- September 2, 1945 Japan surrenders agrees to dismantle its military and become a democracy 32

33 Occupation of Japan The US occupied Japan until 1952.
A Constitutional Monarchy was established. The Japanese Constitution set up a parliament, The Diet, and protected civil liberties. Japan lost its overseas empire 33

34 Creation of the UN United Nations- International organization with member nations whose goal is to promote world peace Founded October 24, 1945 34

35 Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Article 3: Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security of person Article 5: No one shall be subjected to torture or to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment Article 19: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers — The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 35

36 “Never Again” See Upfront, March 16, Op-ed piece- “Never Again, For Real” 36

37 Nuremberg Trials War crime trials held in Nuremburg after World War II to try the surviving Nazis concerning the Holocaust, aggressive war making, and mistreatment of prisoners among other things. 37

38 Occupation of Germany Germany was occupied by the Allied forces after WWII. Britain, France, and the US occupied West Germany and the Soviet Union occupied East Germany 38

39 Democracy in West Germany
With the help of the West, Germany’s armed forces were disbanded, a democratic constitution was written, the Nazi Party was outlawed and Nazi war criminals were put on trial. 39

40 Creation of the State of Israel
“. . . The Nazi holocaust, which engulfed millions of Jews in Europe, proved anew the urgency of the re-establishment of the Jewish state, which would solve the problem of Jewish homelessness by opening the gates to all Jews and lifting the Jewish people to equality in the family of nations ” (Zionism) 40

41 Beginning of Cold War US Soviet Union -VS- 41

42 Long-term Effects Mideast Peace Crisis Cold War Arms Race Space Race
Colonial Independence Movements 42

43 Space Race 43

44 Arms Race Source: Ellis and Esler,World History: Connections to Today, Prentice Hall, 2001 (adapted) 44

45 Capitalism v Communism
Source: Student Artwork: Shaneekwa Miller, Fashion Industries High School (adapted) 45

46 Colonial Independence Movements and the Collapse of Imperialism
Independence movements in colonies of the European powers gained momentum after WWII. Examples include India, Vietnam, and Rwanda. Some former colonies adopted communism as they blamed the West for their problematic history, thereby siding with the Soviet Union. Some sided with the US because they needed help to rebuild, and some, like India, followed a policy of non-alignment ( form no alliances). 46

47 Connections to Today Age of Terrorism Global Warming 47

48 Global Warming Source: Dan Wasserman, Tribune Media Services, Inc 48

49 Terrorism Source: John Trever, Albuquerque Journal, Sept. 2001, adapted 49

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