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Applying The Technique Picture Production

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1 Applying The Technique Picture Production
Operating the camera

2 Operating the camera Sample Festival FILM Student

3 Operating the camera Determine the angle shot position . Normal Angle
Height Camera Angle Low Camera Angle Bird Eye View Subjective Camera Angle Objective Camera Angle

4 Operating the camera THE ALTERED IMAGES
Field of view or framing a picture of the steps that must determine the broad field of view for a main object and other objects in relation to the background.

5 Operating the camera Types of Landscape Picture:
ELS (Extreme Long Shot) LS (Long Shot) MLS (Medium Long Shot) MS (Medium Shot) MCU (Medium Close Up) CU (Close up) BCU (Big Close Up) ECU (Extreme Close Up)

6 Operating the camera -ELS (Extreme Long Shot)
Shot very far, the field presents a very broad view, taking the overall view of the camera. Main object and other objects appear very small in relation to the background.

7 Operating the camera -LS (Long Shot)
Shot very far, presents the field of view that a closer comparison with the ELS, the object is still dominated by the background of more broadly.

8 Operating the camera - MLS (Medium Long Shot)
Shot of field of view provides a more close than the long shot, the object of man is usually displayed at the top of the knee to the head

9 Operating the camera - MS (Medium Shot)
Here, the object becomes larger and dominant, the human object visible from the waist up at the top of the head. Background is still visible with a comparable primary object

10 Operating the camera MCU (Medium Close Up)
Shot very close, is the object of the chest to the head. MCU is the most frequently used in television.

11 Operating the camera CU (Close up)
Shot near, the object becomes the main focus point in this shot, a little background is visible. Object to the human face is usually shown from the shoulders up in the head.

12 Operating the camera BCU (Big Close Up)
Shot of display parts of the human body. Object fills the entire screen and clearly details

13 Operating the camera ECU (Extreme Close Up)
Shot of display parts of the human body. Object fills the entire screen and clearly detailed.

14 Operating the camera Camera Movement In The Picture is often used:
Pan, Panning Tilt, Tilting Dolly, Track Pedestal Crab Crane Arc Zoom

15 Operating the camera 1. Pan, panning
Pan the camera movement is a horizontal (flat) from left to right or vice versa. Pan right (rotate the camera moves to the right) Pan left (rotate the camera moves to the left) 2. Tilt, Tilting Tilting the camera move is vertical, push up from bottom to top, or vice versa. Tilt up: push up to top Tilt down: bow down

16 Operating the camera Pedestal up: the camera was
3. Dolly, Track Dolly or track the movement is on the dolly or tripod approach or avoid the subject. Dolly in: approaching the subject Dolly out: avoid the subject 4. Pedestal Pedestal is on the movement of the camera pedestal which can be increased down. Now this much-used Porte jeep Traveler. Pedestal up: the camera was Pedestal down: the camera is sent down

17 Operating the camera 5. Crab
The lateral movement of the camera or sideways, running parallel with the subject that is running. Crab left (move left) Crab right (move right) 6. Crane Crane is the movement of the camera above the pulley up and down.

18 Operating the camera 7. Arc
Arc is move the camera rotate around an object from left to right or vice versa. 8. Zoom Zooming is a movement to a zoom lens or the optic avoid the object, change the lens focal length from the point of view narrow to wide angles, or vice versa. Zoom in: juxtapose objects from long shot to close up Zoom out: dissociate the object from close up to long shot

The End

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