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Sociology Now 1st Edition (Brief) Kimmel/Aronson

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1 Sociology Now 1st Edition (Brief) Kimmel/Aronson
11 c h a p t e r Socialization The Family Sociology Now 1st Edition (Brief) Kimmel/Aronson *This multimedia product and its contents are protected under copyright law. The following are prohibited by law: any public performances or display, including transmission of any image over a network; preparation of any derivative work, including the extraction, in whole or in part, of any images; any rental, lease, or lending of the program.

2 Families as Kinship Systems
The Family Tree Families as Kinship Systems family kinship systems line of descent Matrilineal Patrilineal Bilineal

3 Culture and Forms of the Family
The Family Tree Culture and Forms of the Family monogamy polygamy polygyny polyandry group marriage exogamy The Family Unit family of origin family of procreation

4 The Development of the Family
The Family Tree The Development of the Family agrarian societies  no distinction between family and society family was A school A church A hospital A day care center A police station A retirement home

5 The Origins of the Nuclear Family
The Family Tree The Origins of the Nuclear Family emotional bond between two people companionate marriage nuclear as “highly gendered” home as “women’s sphere”

6 European American Family The Native American Family
Family and Ethnicity European American Family The Native American Family The African American Family The Asian American Family The Hispanic Family

7 Courtship and Dating Marriage Forming Families
1920s  pairs versus group dating Marriage most common foundation for family formulation in the world legal arrangement multigenerational households

8 Forming Families

9 over half of all Americans over 15 Cohabiting cohabitation
Forming Families Delayed Marriage Staying Single over half of all Americans over 15 Cohabiting cohabitation Explanation of Nonmarital Choices courtship and dating higher levels of education changing sexual behaviors increased acceptance of “premarital sex” nonmarital sex

10 Forming Families

11 Biracial Marriage Forming Families miscegenation
Loving v, State of Virginia (1967) social barriers

12 Same-Sex Marriage Forming Families cohabitating for hundreds of years
“Boston marriages” typical gay/lesbian couple urban well-educated less likely to have children more likely to own homes more egalitarian

13 Forming Families

14 Single-Parent Families Grandparenting Adoptive Parents
Gender and Parenting Single-Parent Families Grandparenting Adoptive Parents Foster Care Private Inter-Country Transracial Not Parenting

15 The Consequences of Divorce Blended Families
Family Transitions marriage as lifelong commitment divorce “divorce divide” based on class and race divorce blamed for social ills The Consequences of Divorce Blended Families

16 Family Transitions

17 Intimate Partner Violence
Violence in Families Intimate Partner Violence IPV aka “domestic violence”

18 Violence in Families

19 Intergenerational and Intragenerational Violence in Families
sibling violence violence against parents parental violence against children child abuse child sexual abuse American’s more accepting of violence against children then they realize The Family in the 21st Century: “The Same As It Ever Was”

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