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2 WHAT IS DEPRESSION Major depressive disorder or also known as clinical disorder is a mental disorder. Depression affects how you feel and behave, it can also affect your everyday life. It is a mental illness that can make you feel extreme emotions such as being sad, frustrated, angry, or irritated. Everyone who has this disorder, are different, so there isn't an exact way how a person should feel or act when they have depression. Since not everyone is the same it might be hard to tell from the outside if one is depressed or just sad. Others forces themselves to put on a “happy face” or an “I’m okay face.” when they are truly suffering inside.

Although not everyone experiences the same thing, most people experiences a few of these symptoms: First they feel depressed most of the time, which is 5 – 7 days a week. They start to lose interest in their activities. They either gain or lose weight. It is hard for a depress person to sleep when they’re supposed to. Which can lead to insomnia. Since they don’t get any sleep during the night, they may often feel sleepy during the day. Some people might feel that everything they do is being sped or being slowed down. Most people feel tired, and exhausted. Usually, they don’t have any energy to do anything. They feel that they’re worthless and often find themselves guilty about everything. It is difficult for them to make decisions and to concentrate. They also think of suicidal thoughts. With these symptoms, it can affect the physical and mental health of the people who are experiencing MAJOR DEPRESSIVE DISORDER.

WHAT IS A MAJOR DEPRESSIVE EPISODE? A major depressive disorder is when a person experiences 5 or more symptoms that is listed in the slide before this. It is also when they experience the same symptoms for two weeks or more. Some people get depression that is separated by years between episodes. While others might have periods of plenty of episodes. Some may get more symptoms and episodes as they age. Those who had one major depressive episode, 50%-60% may get another one. 70% who had a second episode can get a third one. 90% who had a third one can develop a fourth one. The chances of getting an episode goes up as you get more episodes. 2/3 of the people who had one major depression episodes can recover completely. 1/3 might recover a little bit or not at all.

5 WHO CAN GET DEPRESSION Anyone can get depression at any age. However, the average age for people developing depression is in the mid-20s. More women gets major depressive disorder than men. In an entire lifetime 10%-25% of women will get depression, and 5%-12% of men can get depression. It is the most common for people who are years old. It is the least common for people who are at the age of 65+. 15% with major depressive disorder die by suicide.

To prevent depression you need to know what causes it and to avoid it. WHAT CAUSES DEPRESSION: When a person is grieving; it can trigger depression. Since a person loss someone who probably meant a lot to them, it can be quite hard to accept that someone that is so close with you is not with you anymore. When you hang out with people who don’t care about you and aren’t truly your friends. This can give you depression since you are not getting the care, trust, and concern you should get if they were your true friends. If you don’t have anyone or you are isolating everyone. Big changes in your life can cause depression. Not everyone copes with big changes well. Some might like changes while others don’t. Some changes you might experience is moving to another city, or country, graduating, job change, and retiring. This is not a list that tells you to never do these things because sometimes you cannot prevent moving or graduating from happening, but you need to cope from it healthily by doing the things you like and by doing what calms you.

7 PSYCHOTHERAPY There are a lot of treatments for major depressive disorder. One of them is through psychotherapy or also known as talk therapy. The purpose of psychotherapy is to help people with depression to have better coping skills when they experience a certain symptom. Different types of Psychotherapy: Cognitive therapy or behavioral therapy- both of these focus how your feelings, emotions, how you view things or the way you think, and how you act or behave and how it affects with your depression. With this therapy your therapist will help you come up of new ways to help you act with real life situations regarding your own problems. Interpersonal therapy- is when it focuses how your relationships with other people affect with your depression. It helps you with the issues of an unhealthy relationship. Also, how to know when a relationship is unhealthy or not. Psychodynamic therapy- it is when you and a therapist observes how your behavioral pattern, contribute with your depression. You might also look back in the past, to see if your childhood has any traumatizing events that might’ve triggered your depression. Family counselling: is when not only the person who is depressed is being treated but the whole family. Family is a big part of everyone’s lives. So, it is only right to give advice from a professional. Psychotherapy is usually given along with medication that helps with depression as well. Although it is a great way to treat depression, it is not effective if it is the only thing you’re doing to help with depression.

8 EXERCISING Exercising on a daily basis can improve your physical and mental health. Exercising is proven to help with depression. Benefits of exercising: It releases brain chemicals that makes you feel good such as serotonin and endorphins. It lessens the chemicals in your immune system that can worsen depression. It increases the body temperature which can make you feel calm. While exercising it takes your brain off worries, because it is a distraction that gets rid of negative thoughts. How to start exercising: First, find out what you like doing. Ask yourself “what am I good at?” or “what do I enjoy doing the most?” There a lot of activities, sports, and exercises you can do. You can start doing a morning jog or run every morning. If you like sports you can go to the park or play with your friends. Also, you don’t have to do the same thing over and over again you can change it up whenever. Once you picked what you are going to do start making goals for yourself. For example if you picked yoga, you can a goal to do yoga 3 times a week.

9 TIPS AND SOLUTIONS EATING: Eating healthy food can help with your depression. It is good to have a balanced diet as it will keep your energy up. Instead of eating sugary foods that will only give you temporary energy, try eating food with a lot of carbohydrates. Such as fruits and vegetables. Also it is ideal to drink lots of water and to have portion of food from each food group. SLEEP: Getting enough sleep everyday is important for everyone but it is more important for people with depression. How long you sleep can affect your mood. When you don’t get enough sleep it makes you more irritated, sadder and more tired. EXPRESSING YOUR EMOTIONS: Being able to express your emotions is very important. Most people who has depression keep their feelings and emotions locked up inside. It is not a healthy thing to do, because at some point there will be a time when you cant handle it anymore, and when that happens it can lead to suicide. There are many ways you can express your emotions. It can be talking to a friend about how you feel in general, it could by writing how you feel. Also by making art such as drawing, or painting, or by simply listening to music that describes how you feel. Even if the doctor prescribes you medicine, you shouldn’t just rely on those. You should be doing the best you can to recover. You have to remember that it takes time to treat depression. It doesn’t just happen in a day, so don’t give up and be patient.

10 BIBLIOGRAPHY Goldberg, Joseph. "Major Depression (Clinical Depression)." <i> N.p., 11 Feb Web. 13 Jan Goldberg, Joseph. "Psychotherapy to Treat Depression." N.p., 15 Aug Web. 3 Feb Price-Evans, Dr. Prentiss. "Major Depressive Disorder.“ N.p., Web. 13 Jan


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