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Respecting Life & Sexuality

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Presentation on theme: "Respecting Life & Sexuality"— Presentation transcript:

1 Respecting Life & Sexuality
The 5th, 6th & 9th Commandments

2 The 5th Commandment Respecting Life
Thou Shall Not Kill

3 Thou Shall Not Kill The intentional killing or hurting of yourself or another. Murder Suicide Moral Law Respect human life from the moment of conception until the moment of natural death Jesus teaches: “put away all thoughts of anger/vengeance, love your enemy” Beatitudes call us to be peacemakers Beginning course details and/or books/materials needed for a class/project.

4 Natural Death? God made us for eternal life; He did not create us to die. The original sin brings death into the world. God shared His divine life with us, “God blew his breath into the man” (Gen. 2:7) God is the author of life Only God has the authority over life and death “It is I who bring both death and life” (Ps. 2:39) Death is “unnatural to our nature” Survival instinct We struggle against death A schedule design for optional periods of time/objectives.

5 Jesus’ Teachings “You have heard it said…” “But I say to you…”
Do not kill; whoever kills will be liable to judgment. An eye for an eye. Hate your enemy “But I say to you…” Whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment Offer no resistance to one who is evil Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you Introductory notes.

6 Violations Against Life
Violent assaults Rape Torture Terrorism Hazing rituals Bullying Potentially harmful actions DWI Inattentive driving Unnecessary risk taking Endangerment by Government Business Medical research Objectives for instruction and expected results and/or skills developed from learning.

7 Beginning of Life Issues
Abortion Direct and deliberate killing of an unborn child at any time in a pregnancy. Never permitted Pre-natal testing Permissible if it does not harm the baby and is done to safeguard or heal Not permissible for use in deciding to abort the baby Genetic engineering The manipulation of the ovum or genetic code. Permissible to give treatment or for prevention if not harmful to baby Not permitted to create “designer baby” Stem cell research Collecting of stem cells for regeneration of degenerating organs. Research done with adult stem cells is permitted Using aborted babies or discarded embryos is not permitted “The end does NOT justify the means” Relative vocabulary list.

8 End of Life Issues Euthanasia Suicide
A direct action or deliberate lack of action that causes the death of a person who is handicapped, sick or dying. Suicide Deliberately taking one’s own life. Assisted suicide is the same but with the help of another. Treatment of the body after death. The body is to be treated with reverence after death. The following practices are permissible under careful conditions Autopsy, if necessary Organ donation, with permission and with care Cremation, with Christian Burial rites and interment or inurnment.

9 Peacemakers War Just War Criteria
Only permissible as a legitimate self-defense Conscientious objector Is just war possible? Just War Criteria Just cause Comparative justice Legitimate authority Probability of success Proportionate good Last resort

10 Personal Health Issues
Responsibility to keep oneself healthy Eat healthy Exercise Avoid harmful practices Smoking Drugs Eating disorders A list of procedures and steps, or a lecture slide with media.

11 The 6th & 9th Commandments Respecting Sexuality
Thou Shall Not Commit Adultery Thou Shall Not Covet Your Neighbor’s Spouse

12 Theology of the Body The body reveals the nature of God
God created us out of love, gave us life and sustains our life God gave us the power and authority to participate in love and the creation of life “Male and female he created them” Equal in dignity, different in role Meant to be in relationship- not meant to be alone Example graph/chart.

13 God’s Gift of Life Giving Power
Made in God’s image and likeness God makes us co-creators with Him. Power to procreate Nuptial Related to marriage or marriage ceremony Generative Related to the power of producing new life Male and female He made them Naturally drawn into intimate relationship, physical, emotional and spiritual union Represents the relationship of the Trinity Sexuality does not require a physical act Femininity Masculinity Conclusion to course, lecture, et al.

14 Chastity Sexual Integrity
Integration of sexuality into the total person Humans are: physical, emotional, intellectual, moral, social, spiritual and sexual. Temperance The cardinal virtue of self-control To moderate your appetite An opportunity for questions and discussions.

15 Pure of Heart Living the virtue of Temperance
Curbing or moderating our appetites and passions to achieve balance in the use of created goods. Chastity Modesty Patience in responding to sexual desires Decency in word and action Discretion in our dress, music, movies Temple of the Holy Spirit Sacred place

16 Sins Against Chastity Lust, carnal concupiscence
Desire for pleasure or sensual experiences that is against reason or the moral law “Women are from Venus, Men are from Mars” Sexual intercourse is only morally permissible between a husband and a wife. The ultimate physical expression of sexuality, the fullest expression of love that brings new life into the world. Requires the commitment of Marriage

17 Sins Against Chastity Fornication Prostitution Masturbation
Sexual intercourse between a man and woman who are not married Prostitution Providing sexual services in exchange for goods or money Masturbation Self-manipulation for the purpose of erotic pleasure or orgasm Pornography Written or visual portrayal of a person or action that is created or viewed with the intention of sexual stimulation Homosexuality Homosexuals are Children of God Treat with respect, compassion, and sensitivity Discrimination, violent acts or terrorism are a grave moral offense

18 Marriage and Sexuality
Unitive/ nuptial Annulment Marriage did not take place Procreative/ generative Openness to life Natural Family planning

19 Sins against the Sanctity of Marriage
Sins against the Unitive/ Nuptial quality of marriage Divorce Sins against fidelity Adultery Polygamy Sins against the generative/ procreative quality of marriage Sin against openness to life Contraception Sins against natural conception IVF Artificial insemination Surrogate motherhood

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