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RESPECTING LIFE The 5 th Commandment. Thou Shall Not Kill The 5 th Commandment.

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1 RESPECTING LIFE The 5 th Commandment

2 Thou Shall Not Kill The 5 th Commandment

3 Thou Shall Not Kill  The intentional killing or hurting of yourself or another.  Murder  Suicide  Moral Law  Respect human life from the moment of conception until the moment of natural death  Jesus teaches:  “put away all thoughts of anger/vengeance, love your enemy”  Beatitudes call us to be peacemakers

4 Natural Death?  God made us for eternal life; He did not create us to die. The original sin brings death into the world.  God shared His divine life with us, “God blew his breath into the man” (Gen. 2:7)  God is the author of life  Only God has the authority over life and death “It is I who bring both death and life” (Ps. 2:39)  Death is “unnatural to our nature”  Survival instinct We struggle against death

5 Jesus’ Teachings  “You have heard it said…”  Do not kill; whoever kills will be liable to judgment.  An eye for an eye.  Hate your enemy  “But I say to you…”  Whoever is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment  Offer no resistance to one who is evil  Love your enemy and pray for those who persecute you

6 Violations Against Life  Violent assaults  Rape  Torture  Terrorism  Hazing rituals  Bullying  Potentially harmful actions  DWI  Inattentive driving  Unnecessary risk taking  Endangerment by  Government  Business  Medical research

7 Beginning of Life Issues  Abortion  Direct and deliberate killing of an unborn child at any time in a pregnancy. Never permitted  Pre-natal testing  Permissible if it does not harm the baby and is done to safeguard or heal  Not permissible for use in deciding to abort the baby  Genetic engineering  The manipulation of the ovum or genetic code.  Permissible to give treatment or for prevention if not harmful to baby  Not permitted to create “designer baby”  Stem cell research  Collecting of stem cells for regeneration of degenerating organs.  Research done with adult stem cells is permitted  Using aborted babies or discarded embryos is not permitted  “The end does NOT justify the means”

8 End of Life Issues  Euthanasia  A direct action or deliberate lack of action that causes the death of a person who is handicapped, sick or dying.  Suicide  Deliberately taking one’s own life.  Assisted suicide is the same but with the help of another.  Treatment of the body after death.  The body is to be treated with reverence after death. The following practices are permissible under careful conditions  Autopsy, if necessary  Organ donation, with permission and with care  Cremation, with Christian Burial rites and interment or inurnment.

9 Peacemakers  War  Only permissible as a legitimate self-defense  Conscientious objector  Is just war possible?  Just War Criteria  Just cause  Comparative justice  Legitimate authority  Probability of success  Proportionate good  Last resort

10 Personal Health Issues  Responsibility to keep oneself healthy  Eat healthy  Exercise  Avoid harmful practices  Smoking  Drugs  Eating disorders

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