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Warm up & Recap #3 Some of the issues and new things that cities and people were faced with because of the Industrial Revolution that you learned yesterday,

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Presentation on theme: "Warm up & Recap #3 Some of the issues and new things that cities and people were faced with because of the Industrial Revolution that you learned yesterday,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm up & Recap #3 Some of the issues and new things that cities and people were faced with because of the Industrial Revolution that you learned yesterday, were…… …..get lesson sheet on desk

2 And….Another yucky topic we have to discuss that will be a major effect of the Industrial Revolution? Child Labor … adding to #9 Because they could be paid less, children (and women) were often hired instead of men. Children worked 6 a.m. to 7 or 8 p.m. To keep them awake, mill supervisors would beat them. Tiny hands around machinery often made this very dangerous for the children.

3 They were called the Sadler Reports
Working long hours for meager wages in horrendous conditions in the mines and textile mills, the children of England were being abused, controlled and neglected. In 1830, the government of England began to investigate child labor in the textile industry, quickly followed by the coal mines. Those who had worked in the mills as children or were still working in mills or the mines were called in to give testimony to the government. They were told to answer the questions as “yes” or “no” or as briefly as possible. They were called the Sadler Reports

4 In time though, changes would happen….
In the early days of Industrialization there were no rules or regulations regarding the treatment of workers. As the population increased and families were driven off the (farm) land, the whole family would have to seek employment in factories. In time though, changes would happen…. ……American sociologist and photographer, Lewis Hine, helped in the situation. Hine used his camera as a tool for social reform. His photographs were instrumental in changing the child labor laws in the United States.

5 The Sadler Commission brought to life….
So now I will tell you some of the interviews that were conducted during the Sadler Commission… 1st…Elizabeth Bentley’s Testimony.

6 #2 Patience Kershaw What would happen to employers today if they treated workers like this (or even allowed the circumstances to prevail)? The following comment by a member of the commission is a part of the official record: “This girl is an ignorant, filthy, ragged, and deplorable-looking object, and such a one as the uncivilized natives of the prairies would be shocked to look upon.”

7 What were you doing at 8 years old?
#3 Sarah Gooder *********************************** What were you doing at 8 years old?

8 In time….Child labor laws were passed.
One of the early laws….The Factory Act called for the abolition of labor for children under 12 and a maximum of ten hours a day for children in the textile industry. Other industries would soon follow. ********************** There was a variety of acts from passed for women and children

9 So….we’ve seen a lot of negative effects of the Industrial Revolution…and obvious moments where the government will “have” to get involved for the betterment of society….. So….Now let’s look at some of the positive effects that will occur because of the Industrial Revolution…#13

10 Positive Effects of the Industrial Revolution
Created jobs for workers Contributed to the wealth of nations Fostered technological progress and inventions in transportation, agriculture, and communication Greatly increased the production of goods worldwide

11 Positive Effects Contd…#13….
We also will see an emergence in social classes that will balance out needs in society over time Upper class: landowners, aristocrats Upper middle class: factory owners, merchants, government employees, doctors, lawyers, managers lower middle class: factory overseers, skilled workers working class: workers in factories and mines

12 #13 Continued… Economically, the world was turned on its head…How people survived changed. The economy was now focused on mass production and selling manufactured goods around the world. The newly created wealth was spread unevenly, but led to the rise of the middle class. Little did we know at the time that it was upon this new middle class that society would revolve, setting the trends, paying the bulk of the taxes, and providing the stability to the culture that formally was the domain of the upper class.

13 Economic Reforms Social Reforms Political Reforms
#13 Continued… Another major positive effect of the Industrial Revolution was reform…. *********************** Economic Reforms unions, collective bargaining, strikes Social Reforms eventual end of child labor new wage earning classes from the factory workers Political Reforms laws were passed to protect the workers

14 #13 Continued…More political positive reform and change…..
*massive urbanization caused the need to expand government in new ways. *Garbage on the street created the need for a developed sanitation system that could only be addressed by government. *Rise in crime created the need for a police force. *The quick construction of tenements and roads led to poor quality that created the need for government regulation of various industries.

15 #13 Continued…. Before the Industrial Revolution wealth was tied up in land and the land was controlled by the upper class (nobility). ….Now that wealth, and therefore, one’s place in society was changed, society adjusted as well. Art, instead of being kept by wealthy individuals for their pleasure, was placed in museums that were opened and financed by the public. Public parks, public transportation, public education, mass media (newspapers), public entertainment, all provided change for the society in a variety of ways. *speaking of art…what was the art movement spurred from the Industrial Revolution and who was its greatest writer???

16 One of the effects of the Industrial Revolution was a new artistic movement called Realism.
Arguably the greatest Realistic writer was Charles Dickens, author of A Christmas Carol, Oliver Twist and A Tale of Two Cities.

17 Another well known writer from this period was Jonathon Swift…Heard of him?
Another major issue that cities and countries were faced with, was the fear of overpopulation……During the Industrial Revolution, people became very concerned for population and overcrowding in the cities…another problem was children, on the backs of their mothers as babies and in the streets becoming criminals from lack of work as teenagers….Writers of the period started reacting to this topic…. Jonathon Swift, in reaction, wrote A Modest Proposal, and had a very unique thought in how to deal with overcrowding issues….

18 Now some of you are probably freaking out about now?
What is a satire? J. Swift is famous for writing Gulliver Travels, another piece of satire about changes in the modern world. In this work of satire, to help solve the overcrowding problems of Ireland, Swift proposed that the children be over fed and cooked and given to the landowners as a meal. He goes into great detail concerning the raising of children as food, women who could be employed as “producers,” and even suggested cooking methods,…

19 That’s all folks….

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