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Psychological Research

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Presentation on theme: "Psychological Research"— Presentation transcript:

1 Psychological Research

2 Scientific Methodology
Remember OTHER Observations Theory Hypothesis Experiment (Descriptive, Correlational) Replication

3 Observation Every Spring something really unusual happens

4 Theory I think it has something to do with Easter candy.

5 Hypothesis If I eat jelly beans

6 Operational Definitions of Hypothesis
You have to word your hypothesis so that it can be replicated. Ex. If a subject eats 17 jelly beans four times a day, then he/she will

7 Experiment, Descriptive, or Correlational Studies
You perform the study and ANALYZE the results.

8 You have to write your conclusions!!
They must be written so that they can be replicated (REPEATED).

9 Three types of research: Descriptive, Correrlational, Experiment

10 Descriptive Studies-can only describe
1) Naturalistic Observations 2) Directed Observations 3) Surveys 4) Case Studies 5) Tests

11 Naturalistic Observation

12 Occurs in a person or animals natural setting


14 Directed Observation

15 Occurs in an artificial environment like a lab

16 Surveys

17 Surveys ask individuals to report their beliefs, feelings, behavior

18 Important terms to know in Surveys:
Population- the group the survey represents Sample- The subjects you question Random Population- Everyone in the population should have an equal chance of participation (ex. Names should be picked by a computer or drawn from a bag) Representative Population- The sample should match the population on key characters The Size- the larger the sample the more accurate the results

19 Be careful about Volunteer Bias

20 Be careful about reading Surveys

21 Shere Hite Report on Women’s Sexuality

22 Case Studies

23 An in-depth look at one person

24 Tests

25 Psychology has many tests-personality, intelligence etc. etc

26 Tests can’t show causation-They can only describe

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