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Poetry p. 191-195.

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Presentation on theme: "Poetry p. 191-195."— Presentation transcript:

1 Poetry p

2 Poetry Definition: A type of literature in which ideas and feelings are expressed in a compact, imaginative, and musical way. Pleasing to the eyes Sings to the ears Tickles the taste buds

3 Poetry Characteristics:
Squeezes meaning into a short number of lines and words Lines end in a specific place to make a special effect Stanzas

4 What is Prose? Prose Short stories, novels, newspapers, any type of essay Longer, looser works or paragraphs Everything poetry is not!

5 Basic Elements of Poetry
Sound Figurative Language Form Imagery Speaker (List these as elements instead of examples.)

6 Sound Definition: Words are used to create appealing sounds.
Characteristics: Four Techniques: Rhyme Rhythm Repetition Onomatopoeia

7 Figurative Language Definition: Poet uses language that stretches words beyond their usual meaning Characteristics: Language is non-literal

8 Figurative Language Examples: Alliteration Simile Metaphor
Onomatopoeia Personification Symbolism

9 Form Definition: The way a poem looks on a page; the way a poem is written or organized. Characteristics: Poems are written in lines or shapes Stanzas-lines grouped together Run-on lines ( , ; : ) End-stopped lines ( . ? ! )

10 Form Examples: Free Verse No pattern or structure
Sounds like conversation Specific Forms Limerick, Diamonte, Shape, etc.

11 Speaker Definition: The voice that relates the story or ideas of the poem Examples: Poet Character or Voice Characteristics: Poet is not always the speaker Speaker could be a ghost, a tree, etc.

12 Meaning Definition: The central idea or emotion behind the poem
Characteristics: Restate the poem in your own words, Paraphrase; ask yourself is the poem about a person? Place? Thing? Feeling? Idea? What emotion do you feel when you read the poem? Who is the speaker? Example: “Sister for Sale” by Shel Silverstein

13 Rhyme Definition: The repetition of the same or similar sounds in words that appear near each other in a poem. Characteristics: End Rhyme: rhyme that comes at the end of lines Rhyme Scheme: pattern of rhyme(s)

14 Rhyme Scheme Example: Lowercase letters describe the scheme. A limerick is aabba. The first two lines rhyme, the second two lines rhyme, and the first two rhyme with the last.

15 Rhythm Definition: Characteristics:
The pattern of beats made by stressed or unstressed syllables in the lines of a poem Characteristics: Meter: regular stressed and unstressed beats Meter allows you to hear or feel the “beat” of the poem

16 Refrain Definition: A line or group of lines repeated at regular intervals Characteristics: Appears in some songs and poems Example: “The Cremation of Sam McGee”

17 Repetition Definition:
The repeated use of sounds, words, phrases, or lines Characteristics: Emphasizes important items and helps unify a poem or other work of literature

18 Imagery Definition: Image or mental picture that is created with words which appeal to one or more of the senses Characteristics: sight, sound, taste, touch, smell are affected as you read

19 Tone Definition: Writer’s attitude toward his or her subject matter.
Characteristics: The feeling the author projects from the words chosen. Examples: angry, humorous, factual (Mood is the feeling the reader gets from the work. Ex. eerie, suspenseful, joyful)

20 Traditional Definition:
Any poem that follows the strict structure and rules of traditional form Characteristics: Usually begin each line with a capital letter. Written in basic lines and stanzas unless it is a specific form (ex. Haiku)

21 Modern Poetry Definition:
Poems that do not have to follow a specific, traditional structure Characteristics: Comes in many forms Capital letters to begin lines are not required No set structure or form followed

22 Narrative Poetry Definition:
Narrative poetry is a specific form that tells a story Characteristics: Setting, characters & plot

23 Concrete Poetry Definition:
Poetry that uses typography or placement of letters and words to create an image. Characteristics: Shapes are suggested or revealed

24 Reading Poetry Strategies
Preview the poem and read it aloud a few times. Visualize the images. Clarify the words and phrases. Evaluate the poem’s theme. Let your understanding grow.

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