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Dual credit education Howard College.

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1 Dual credit education Howard College

2 Is Dual Credit Education Right For Me?
Dual Credit Education is a program that allows high school students to enroll in college courses while still attending high school. Courses are taken in place of the normal course load at the high school and upon successful completion, college as well as high school credit, is earned. This presentation will explore the types of dual credit available to you at your local high school as outlined to the right so you can make an informed decision about taking advantage of this opportunity. Admission Requirements Core Academic Courses Career & Technical Education Misc. Details

3 Admission Requirements

4 Who Is Eligible? High School Students How Do You Qualify?
Must meet Texas Success Initiative guidelines to prove college- readiness (TSI scores and/or college placement exam). Must receive permission from high school principal, counselor and parent/guardian. Check with your High School to see which grades are eligible for dual credit classes. Admission and registration is coordinated through the high school counseling office. A student must complete college admission paperwork prior to enrolling in dual credit courses. Student must also fill out application online. ( This will include submission of an official high school transcript and tuition payment as required. Shot Records required if student taking courses on Howard College Campus

5 Tips For Success In College Courses
Do not miss class attendance is important! Be knowledgeable of each instructor’s grading policies, attendance and participation rules, etc. Each instructor has different expectations. Do not wait too long before getting help if needed. Start by talking to the college instructor and keep your high school counselor informed of progress. There are deadlines for dropping courses. An “F” will not disappear from your college transcript. Remember, this is a college course that may have different “vacation” days from the high school. Calendars may not always align. High school may be out, however, college courses may still meet. Do not assume you are excused from a college course for high school functions. Communicate with college instructors.

6 PLAGIARISM Most college papers are submitted to TURN IT IN. This is an online plagiarism checker. Do not copy and paste from the internet. Do your own original work. Plagiarism can get you expelled or kicked out of college. Or at minimum a zero.

7 How Much Does It Cost? Reduced Tuition for Academic Transfer Courses:
Career and Technical Courses Students may incur costs for equipment, testing fees, insurance, etc. Scholarships may be available to help cover these costs! Hours Howard Co Residents Texas Residents 3 hours $194 $250 6 hours $338 $400 9 hours $482 $550 One 3 hour class for NON-DC – Aprox $520! New Summer 2017 Current DC graduating seniors can get DC rates the summer after they graduate! Per Semester – we will register again in November. Payment for that semester will be due by early January PLUS Books and Supplies Note: Some books are $200 plus

8 How Do I Enroll In Dual Credit Classes?
See something you’re interested in taking? Ready to get enrolled? Talk to your high school counselor and they will help you get the proper paperwork completed for application and enrollment at Howard College. You will be required to fill out an application for admission (Online through ApplyTexas) and have your high school counselor verify your eligibility. Our FOCUS is to help YOU be SUCCESSFUL in your chosen career path! We look forward to being a part of YOUR future! More info:

9 Coahoma High School Dual Credit Policy ‘
Coahoma High School will allow the following dual credit classes to be taken in the fall and spring semesters only. 1301/1302-English Business Cal Psychology 1315-Speech Technology Welding 1314-College Algebra /1302US History Cosmetology 1301/1302-Sign Language Criminal Justice 2305/2306-Government CNA 1342-Statistics Green Construction Psychology can count as an elective or Dual Credit for health. This is an online course and can be used during the fall or spring if needed. If that student’s schedule allows it, additional online classes will be permitted on the CHS campus only. Students will not be permitted to take courses that require them to leave CHS campus once they have already arrived. Students are required to make a “C” or better in order to enroll in the second semester course. Payment At present time Coahoma ISD pays for one dual credit class per semester. It must be a class that is required for high school graduation. In the event a student does not make “70” or better in the course, the parent/student will be responsible for reimbursing the district any and all tuition fees associated with enrollment in the course. Please be aware of the funding each year may change due to budgetary considerations. *** This information can be found on the Coahoma High School website under Course Guide

10 Academic Dual Credit Course Guidelines
To take dual credit courses, students must: receive both parent and counselor approval grade must be a “70” or better. To receive Distinguished Achievement Program credit as an advanced measure, the grade must be “80” or better. It is difficult for the high school to monitor grades/progress through the Howard College professor. Course completion is the student’s responsibility. ***** This information can be found in the Coahoma High School Course Guide on the High School website

11 Blackboard (Online classes)
To log onto blackboard you must have: New Usernames - First letter of your first name, plus your full last name, plus the first four digits of your HC student ID.  If you need help Please take the time to log on and get familiar with blackboard before classes begin. If you have problems with your blackboard after the first day of class, please see Mrs. Brooks ASAP ***If you need to know your HC Student ID please see Mrs. Brooks.

12 The links below will help you get started in blackboard
There are links to help on blackboard on the BB home page: _tab_group_id=_1_1 Blackboard YouTube Help : More Blackboard Help – can even log in to a sample page if not in system to see a demo course: Students should be able to log in to blackboard if they are enrolled … however, not much may show up until the week class starts, but it would be good to go ahead and make sure they can get in, and if not, contact the help desk and get in before classes start … they should get a faster help time now than the first week of classes. Danny Sparks, Director of Dual Credit

13 Howard College Books Students are highly encouraged to purchase/rent/borrow the text book required for their Howard College course. You can find the required text book information on blackboard in your instructor's syllabus or online at the Howard College Book Store. Online: Phone:

14 Final Reminders: If you are a senior and you are going over to HC for English and Government, you must fill out a transportation form. You will not start classes until August 23rd. Please report to your 3rd period the first day of school. Howard College classes do not meet on Friday’s If you return to the Coahoma campus early, you must check in with the front office and report to the Library. You CAN NOT wonder the halls or hang out in another teachers class.

15 US History/C.N.A./ American Sign Language
US History students -will meet with their teacher every Monday morning 1st period in the Annex. The rest of the class is online, however you are still required to meet in the Library, Tues-Fri, 1st period and work online. Attendance will be taken. C.N.A. students- Will meet Monday-Thursday in the Annex room 6th period. On Friday, you will meet in the Library and check in with Mrs. Mansfield. Please make sure to pick up a packet from Mrs. Brooks, before you leave the meeting tonight. American Sign Language students- You will meet Mon-Thursday in room 94 with your Sign Language teacher. You will also meet on Friday in Library.

16 Holiday Schedule If CHS is closed, please check with Mrs. Brooks to see if HC is also closed. You are required to follow the HC class schedule. If CHS is closed and Howard isn’t, you MUST still attend class. If you will need to miss class for an extracurricular event, please let your instructor know ahead of time.

17 Final Thoughts ALWAYS, communicate with your instructor.
Check your online assignments daily. Stay ahead of your course work. PLEASE contact Mrs. Brooks if you have any questions, concerns or need advice. Take your college work seriously. Your GPA is extremely important if you want to continue college work after High School. Do your absolute best…it will pay off.

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