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Geography Human & Physical.

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Presentation on theme: "Geography Human & Physical."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography Human & Physical

2 Label the following items on your map:
Africa Antarctic Circle Antarctica Arctic Circle Arctic Ocean Asia Atlantic Ocean Equator Europe Indian Ocean North America Oceania Pacific Ocean Prime Meridian South America


4 Geography Study of everything on Earth from rocks and rainfall to people and places.

5 Two major developments in human history
Domestication 12,000 years ago Hunters and gathers learned how to grow plants and tame animals Urbanization 7,000 years ago People began living in cities

6 Where do cities grow? Along trade routes Natural resources Defense
London trade Paris Trade/defense Chicago Johannesburg Natural resources Rockford

7 World Cities Most important cities center of economic power and wealth. 3 Major World Cities London Tokyo New York

8 Human vs. Physical Geography
Study of where people live and what they do Examines how people make and trade what they need to survive. Both -interaction of people with their environment. Physical focuses on Earth’s natural environment including landforms, water features, plants, animals, and other physical features. Studies the process that shapes the physical environment

9 Latitude Lines on a globe in a east-west direction

10 Longitude Lines on a globe in a north-south direction

11 Equator An imaginary line that circles the globe halfway between the North and South Pole.

12 Prime Meridian An imaginary line that runs from the North Pole to the South Pole through Greenwich England.

13 Hemisphere Halves of the globe divided between the Equator and Prime Meridian.

14 Continents Large land masses on the earth’s surface.

15 Discover the City Page-65 1. 90W 30N 2. 75W 40N 3. 70W 44N Page-57

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