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Mapping Your Future: 9th/10th College and Career Information Night

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1 Mapping Your Future: 9th/10th College and Career Information Night
Todd Caffey A-G Jordan Stray H-O Jill Rotter P-Z Julie McBride College & Career Readiness/504 Coordinator Sheri Reese Secretary Jana Tyrrell Career Center Specialist

2 Agenda Educational Opportunities Tumwater Scholar Credit Check
Calendar Support Services

3 Educational Options Prepare and/or begin post-secondary education
AP Classes Running Start College in the High School Explore and prepare for various career fields New Market Skills Center

Advanced Placement (AP) Running Start College in the High School Location THS SPSCC or Centralia CC Course Content Developed by representatives from colleges and universities across nation Developed by community college professors Developed by college professors Pre-Requisites Strong work ethic (willingness to do homework and complete challenging assignments). Honors English is helpful, but not required Pass placement test at the college (SBA score can be used in place of this) Pass placement test (SBA score can be used in place of this) Cost Test fee in May ($95 per test – fee reduction available for those with free or reduced lunch) Textbooks, course fees (if applicable), and transportation costs (around $300 quarter – depending on the classes) College registration fee per 5 credit course (around $325) College Credit Score of 3, 4, or 5 on the AP exam Passing grade in class Benefits and Challenges AP scores widely considered in college admissions process Nationally acknowledged test (similar to SAT or ACT) considered a standard of academic excellence in the US Strong relationship to higher college GPAs and on-time graduation rates Being on campus makes it easier to stay involved in extra-curricular activities and high school social life Parents do have access to grades Dual enrollment (earn credit at both the high school and the college) Attend classes on a college campus Can work toward an Associates of Arts (AA) degree (for students who attend full-time their junior and senior year). More difficult to stay involved in extra-curricular activities and high school social life when only on campus part-time Parents do not have access to grades College-level curriculum and grading expectations (academic integrity, active participation, portfolio completion, etc.) Transferring Credits Nationally acknowledged (over 3,000 North American colleges grant credit) Best option for students considering private or out-of-state colleges Widely accepted as transfer credits at other Washington state colleges and universities (AA degree easier to transfer) Good option for students planning to attend community college or a state college after THS Widely accepted as transfer credits at other Washington state colleges or universities

5 Running Start Dual enrollment program that allows students to be enrolled in both the high school and the college. College courses are used to meet high school graduation requirements. 11th &12th grade students are eligible. Students must pass the college’s entrance exam (CPT) to qualify. Courses are tuition free up to 15 credits.*

6 Pros of the Program Can provide a challenge for students that are socially, emotionally, and academically ready for college curriculum. Allows students to take advanced courses or vocational courses not offered at the high school. Allows students to get a jump start on college credits or earn a degree while in high school. Can provide tuition savings for students and parents.

7 Cons of the Program Students must be mature and motivated to handle the freedom and responsibility of the program, such as attendance, registration, and deadlines. It is a community college, not an alternative high school. Course work is rigorous and often has more homework. Teachers will not extend deadlines or make exceptions because of high school status. Parents do not have access to grades or student information at the college. College grades are part of your permanent record.

8 Cons of the Program Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA or the college will dismiss them. Failing classes at the college can jeopardize high school graduation. Can also change honor cord status, GPA, class rank, etc. Transportation, books, and fees are the student’s responsibility. The college and high school calendars are not aligned. Running Start students are responsible for staying informed about all high school events, activities and requirements- check our website each week!

9 Steps to Enroll Spring of 10th grade year
Get parent permission form signed and return to counselor. Apply to the college online at Get student ID number. Take the placement test. Cost is $25. Testing schedule is online . Bring scores back to your counselor.

10 Steps to Enroll… Plan your schedule with your counselor.
Attend college orientation and advising session. Register for your classes online. Turn in your Enrollment Verification form to the college. Make sure you and your parents have signed it! Check your college account often!

11 New Market Skills Center
Kinesthetic learning Three periods a day AM session 7:50-10:20 PM session 11:10-1:40 Classes within walking distance Get an application from your counselor and see if you have enough credits to attend.

12 New Market Programs 2017-2018 Criminal Justice Culinary Arts
Automotive Service Technology Advanced Auto Tech Business Academy Collision Repair Technology Commercial Graphic Design Computer Hardware/Networks Construction Trades Cosmetology Criminal Justice Culinary Arts DigiPen Computer Science DigiPen Media Comm. Fire Science Pre-Veterinary Medicine Professional Medical Careers

13 Advanced Placement World History (10th grade)
AP Courses World History (10th grade) US History (11th grade) English Literature (11th and 12 grade) US Government (12th grade) Calculus (11th or 12th grade) Biology (11th or 12th grade) AP classes often require summer homework. Advanced Placement courses follow a national curriculum. AP tests for college credit are given in May. Individual colleges will determine credit granted.

14 Advantages to Advanced Placement Courses
Curriculum is nationally recognized. Potential for college credit from test. Students learn time management skills. Provides a taste of college expectations. Exposure to advanced writing and problem solving skills. Gain confidence in yourself. Increase chances of winning scholarship money. Colleges want to see rigorous courses.

15 Is AP right for me? There is far more reading that must be done on your own time. Must have fantastic time management skills. Attendance is critical. Must be willing to push yourself. Must be willing and able to do an hour of homework a night per class. Have an interest in the subject matter.

16 Is AP right for me? Summer homework will be assigned.
These are year long classes. Students are expected to take the AP exams in the spring. Balance, balance, balance! Don’t take on more than you can handle. Remember to factor in your outside activities when making your decision.

17 Tumwater Scholar Started in 2004 Replaces Top Ten Percent
Minimum credits 3.5 GPA 2 year long AP Courses or Running Start Courses Other specific course requirements Participation in sports or activities Course Years English Social Studies 3 Science Math Foreign Lang Fine Arts 1 See your counselor for an application in the spring of your senior year.

18 Graduation Requirements
Need 22 credits to graduate 4.0 English 3.0 History (World, US, and Senior Econ) 3.0 Math* (Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2 or pathway math such as accounting) 2.0 Science credits 2.0 PE/Health (.50 health/1.5 PE) 1.0 Art 1.0 Occupational Education 6.0 Elective credits

19 Required Tests for Class of 2019 and 2020

20 2 P’s Graduation Requirement
Community Outreach- 30 hours at a non-profit program Resume Presentation And Interview You can find all the handouts on our webpage. Click on Academics, then Career Center, then Senior Culminating Project- 2P’s.

21 Credit Checks Earn 6 credits per year. College entrance requirements
Should have a minimum of 10 credits at the end of your sophomore year to graduate on time. Review credits during registration each spring. College entrance requirements English 4 years Math* 3 years History 3 years Science* 3 years World Lang. 2 years Fine Arts 1 year Colleges expect Algebra 2 and Chemistry as a minimum.* Other specifics as stated by the individual college.

22 High School Planning Tool

23 Easy to Use!

24 Easy to Explore!

25 The Big 5- Strategies for Success
1. Academic Rigor- Take hard classes. Challenge yourself. 2. GPA- Work toward the highest GPA you can achieve.

26 The Big 5… 3. Achievement Tests- Take the PSAT, SAT and ACT to measure your ability for college readiness.

27 The Big 5… 4. School Involvement and Leadership- Be involved in your school through clubs, athletics and other activities.

28 The Big 5… 5. Citizenship- Embrace the importance of giving back to your school, community and world. How can you make a difference?

29 College Testing PSAT/NMSQT Practice version of SAT.
Next test is October 2017. This year we tested all Sophomores- hope to do so again next fall. Juniors should take the test since it is normed for them. Only test that qualifies Juniors for National Merit Scholarship Search! Register with ASB secretary ($20). Then take the regular SAT/ACT in the spring.

30 THS Learning Support Services
Core/Flex (M-TH 9:35-10:00) Math Tutor (T/Th 2:30-3:30) English Tutor (Monday 2:15-3:15) Social Studies Tutor (Weds. 2:15-3:30) Library open until 3:30 M-TH Saturday School- held in the library at least once a month. Skyward Access- parents can check grades daily and teachers directly.

31 Upcoming Events Registration for 2017-2018 school year.
Elective Fair called Map Your Future during core/flex March 7th, 8th and 9th. Counselors will be in the classrooms starting March 14th to assist in 4 year planning and review of graduation requirements. Students will select class preferences for electives and schedule for the entire year. Students are advised to share and review this information with parents. Please note we have a schedule change policy in place that we will adhere to.

32 Communication Have a question about a grade or an assignment?
the teacher directly for answers First name.last Voice Mail Mailed home in first T-bird Special THS Website:

33 Thank you for coming!

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