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Cardiovascular System Disorders

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1 Cardiovascular System Disorders
Pathology of the Cardiovascular System Path/o = disease + -logy =study of Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) – narrowing of the coronary arteries that can cause other problems, such as: Atherosclerosis – (ather/o = plaque + -sclerosis = hardening) hardening and narrowing of arteries by build-up of cholesterol plaque

2 Pathology of the CV System Cont’d.
2. Angina Pectoris – spasm of chest pain due to a decrease in blood flow to the myocardium 3. Myocardial Infarction – also known as a heart attack or “MI”; blockage of a coronary artery resulting in death of the surrounding tissue

3 Pathology of the CV System Cont’d.
Arrhythmias – abnormal rhythm of the heart Bradycardia – (brady = slow + cardi = heart + ia = abn. condition) slow heartbeat, < 60 beats/minute 2. Tachycardia – (tachy = fast) fast heartbeat, > 100 beats/minute

4 Pathology of the CV System Cont’d.
Fibrillation – rapid, ineffective contractions of the heart 1. Ventricular Fibrillation – irregular contraction of the ventricle, will result in death unless corrected quickly.

5 Pathology of the CV System Cont’d.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) – blood pressure above normal limits, 130/90 considered normal Diagnostic Procedures 1. Angiography – (angi/o = blood vessel + -graphy = process of recording) X-ray study of blood vessels after injecting dye (contrast medium)

6 Diagnostic Procedures Cont’d.
2. Echocardiography – (ech/o = sound) ultrasound of the structures and motion of heart

7 Treatment / Procedures of the CV System
Medications 1. Antihypertensives – (anti = against) used to lower blood pressure 2. Nitroglycerine – used to dilate blood vessels and relieve pain of angina 3. Anticoagulant – slows blood clotting and prevents new clots from forming

8 Treatment / Procedures of the CV System Cont’d.
Methods to Clear Blocked Arteries 4. PTCA – Percutaneous Transluminal Coronary Angioplasty. Balloon is inserted during cardiac catheterization and inflated inside artery, this opens the plaque in the vessel so more blood can flow through, balloon is deflated and removed. Sometimes, a stent is used on the outside of the balloon to keep the artery open.

9 Treatment / Procedures of the CV System Cont’d.
5. Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) – a portion of a vein is removed from the leg and attached to the blocked artery in the heart, this causes blood flow to go around (bypass) the blockage and improve blood flow to heart.

10 Treatment / Procedures of the CV System Cont’d.
6. Defibrillation – use of electrical shock to restore heart’s normal rhythm 7. Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation – emergency procedure for life support that consists of compressions and breaths

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