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Election of 1824 Four people vying for Presidency: John Quincy Adams, John Calhoun, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay. Clay later backs out to run for Vice.

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Presentation on theme: "Election of 1824 Four people vying for Presidency: John Quincy Adams, John Calhoun, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay. Clay later backs out to run for Vice."— Presentation transcript:

1 Election of 1824 Four people vying for Presidency: John Quincy Adams, John Calhoun, Andrew Jackson, Henry Clay. Clay later backs out to run for Vice Presidency. Jackson won the popular vote but did not have enough electoral votes to have the majority. - Vote goes to the House of Representatives, Henry Clay pushes Kentucky’s vote in favor of Adams, Adams later names Clay Secretary of State, opponents call it a “corrupt bargain”.

2 National Republicans vs. Jacksonian Democrats
Two different viewpoints that dominate the 1820’s, create new political parties. Republicans - Federal govt should take a leadership role - Federal govt should support internal improvements (public works) - favored a national bank - predominantly middle class or well established white Protestants.

3 National Republicans vs. Jacksonian Democrats
- Federal government should remain as inactive as possible - Individual states should be responsible for internal improvements - Against a national bank - Predominantly slaveholders, small farmers, non- Protestants, and working class Election of 1828 goes overwhelmingly to Jackson. He becomes the 7th President and the first from west of the Appalachians (Tennessee).

4 Spoils System It had always been past practice to give friends and supporters jobs after taking over the presidency. This was known as patronage. Under Jackson it becomes known as the Spoils System. Jackson dismissed over 200 presidential appointees and nearly 2,000 other officeholders. He replaces them with Jacksonian Democrats. Jackson aimed to restrict federal activity, he vetoed more federal acts than the previous six Presidents combined.

5 What was the Spoils System?
Bell Ringer 11/30 What was the Spoils System?

6 Indian Removal Act 1830 Forced about 100,000 Cherokee, Creek, Choctaw, Chicksaw, and Seminole Native Americans from their lands in the South to lands in now Oklahoma. Indians were forced to give up 100 millions acres of land for 32 million in OK. Trail of Tears was a forced march by US Army of 15,000 Cherokee. March was 116 days long, 1 out of every 4 Cherokee dies from cold or disease. nullification

7 Describe the event known as the “Trail of Tears”
Bell Ringer 12/3 Describe the event known as the “Trail of Tears”

8 Bell Ringer 12/5 Jackson limited the involvement of the Federal government by _____ many laws and acts from Congress.

9 Worcester vs. Georgia Cherokee Indians sue Georgia through a missionary named Austin Worcester. Federal Gov’t wanted land in Georgia because gold was discovered. Cherokee could not be seen in American courts because they were not considered citizens. Chief Justice John Marshall rules Georgia had no authority over Cherokee territory. Pres Jackson ignores order and removes Indians from land anyways.

10 Tariff of Abomination Tariff of 1828 passed by Congress prior to Jackson taking office. Heavy tax on imports aimed to discourage foreign imports and encourage American manufacturing. Greatly benefited the industrial North while forcing Southerners to pay higher prices for manufactured goods.

11 Tariff of Abomination -Tariff prompted South Carolina to declare states had the right to nullify(reject) federal laws unconstitutional. -1832, after another tariff was passed, South Carolina threatened to secede (break away) from US.

12 Force Bill South Carolina’s defiance of federal law enraged Jackson.
Jackson urges Congress to pass Force Bill requiring SC to collect tariff. Jackson threatened to send 50,000 federal troops to enforce law.

13 Henry Clay’s American System
-Clay suggested keeping tariffs high but reducing them slightly. -Also making internal improvements. People would buy farm products from the South and West improving life for everyone. -Part of Clay’s compromise to tariffs.

14 The Bank War -Jackson saw the National Bank was a “monster”. 1832 supporters of bank wanted to re-charter bank, bank was set to operate till 1836. Jackson Vetoes the bill, National Republican attack him. Jackson wins reelection in 1832 and successfully kills the Bank of America in 2nd term.

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