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Grade Level Assemblies

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Presentation on theme: "Grade Level Assemblies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Grade Level Assemblies
Arrive on Time and Ready

2 The Outcomes are to: Reduce late arrivals to class
Increase teaching and learning time Teach student expectations during transition times Outline teacher expectations during transition times Improve student learning Create a safe and caring school community Identify the indicators of plan’s success

3 What problems do late arrivals cause?
Disruption to the learning environment Lost teaching and learning time

4 Student Expectations Get all of the supplies that you need for the morning or afternoon from your locker before classes start and arrive in that first class before the bell sounds

5 Student Expectations When the bell goes to end a class, collect your belongings and move quickly and safely to your next class, arriving before the bell sounds that starts the next class Moving quickly and safely means getting to class without stopping to talk to friends in the hallways or at lockers

6 Student Expectations Travel on the right side of the hallway
Arrive in your next class with all of your supplies before the bell sounds Take your assigned seat and begin the assigned activity

7 Students on a Spare Students who have a spare must be in the Canteen, Library or Resource Area before the bell sounds indicating the start of the next class Students on spares must not be in the hallways for the first ten minutes of the class

8 Teacher Expectations Teachers who have a class the next period will wait at or near their door, greeting students and giving them instructions for the start of class

9 Teacher Expectations When the bell goes indicating the end of the transition period and the start of the class, teachers will close their doors and immediately begin teaching Teachers will not allow students to leave the classroom for any reason during the first 10 minutes of the class

10 Consequences for Lates
After a 5th late the classroom teacher will call parents to inform them of the lates and a letter will be sent home After an 8th late the classroom teacher will contact parents and a letter will be sent home Upon a 12th late students will serve an in school detention in room 102 and will work on daily assignments or missing tasks and parent will be informed.

11 Indicators of Success Reduction in lates Fewer truancies
Fewer discipline referrals More teaching and learning time Improved student success Improved school culture

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