Values- and Strengths-Based Leadership

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Presentation on theme: "Values- and Strengths-Based Leadership"— Presentation transcript:

1 Values- and Strengths-Based Leadership
Jennifer C. Manuel Via Consulting Group March 9, 2016 © Via Consulting Group, 2016

2 Agenda Values-Based Leadership: Why Values?
Activity: Values Prioritization Strength-Based Leadership: Complimenting your Core Tying It All Together

3 Values-Based Leadership
Why Values? Knowing what we value most in our work, relationships, and other commitments makes it easier to respond to situations with integrity When conflict arises, we can better understand what it clashes with and how to best reconcile the situation

4 Values-Based Leadership
Four Principles of Values-Based Leadership Self-Reflection Balance Self-Confidence Genuine Humility Source: H. Kraemer, From Values to Action: Four Principles of Values Based Leadership

5 Values-Based Leadership
Four Principles of Values-Based Leadership Self-Reflection What do I stand for? How can I become more self-aware? How can I better know myself, so I can better lead others? Source: H. Kraemer, From Values to Action: Four Principles of Values Based Leadership

6 Values-Based Leadership
Four Principles of Values-Based Leadership Balance How can I view situations from a different viewpoint? How can I have an open mind and consider all sides of a challenge? Source: H. Kraemer, From Values to Action: Four Principles of Values Based Leadership

7 Values-Based Leadership
Four Principles of Values-Based Leadership Self-Confidence What can I do to accept myself as I am? What are my strengths & weaknesses, and how can I continually improve? Source: H. Kraemer, From Values to Action: Four Principles of Values Based Leadership

8 Values-Based Leadership
Four Principles of Values-Based Leadership Genuine Humility How do I keep my life in perspective? How can I celebrate who I am and where I came from, especially as I find success? Source: H. Kraemer, From Values to Action: Four Principles of Values Based Leadership

9 Values Prioritization
Find Your Top 10: Check the box next to the top 10 values that are most important to you The values listed have a career orientation, but can apply more broadly to your life in general

10 Values Prioritization
Narrow It Down: Of the 10 items you checked, circle the boxes for the Top 5 that resonate most for you Find a partner/group at your table and discuss: How did you narrow down your list? Were there any that were especially difficult to give up? What values are most important to you? Find the Center: Is there one value that the others tend to galvanize around, or that everything else stems from? If so, put a star next to it.

11 Strengths-Based Leadership
Why are strengths important? Contributions: Strengths give us a sense of the areas where we are most meaningful contributions Branding: Strengths point to the things that help define our personal and professional brand – they help you sell you Context: Strengths helps us define not just what gets done, but how it gets done

12 Strengths-Based Leadership
How can I discover my strengths? Created by Donald Clifton, the father of Strengths Psychology Assessment-based approach to discovering your top talents Available online or through a Strengths-certified coach

13 Strengths-Based Leadership
How can I discover my strengths? Approach by Adam Grant, contemporary Servant Leadership expert Advocates a “Reflected Best Self Exercise”, a letter-writing activity to capture what others value most about you

14 Tying It All Together How can I lead from my values & my strengths?
Declare your Needs: Help others to understand your values by being open & transparent about what your values are & how this influences how you prefer to get work done Create strengths-based teams: Understand the strengths of those you are managing or partnering with, and align strengths to work activities as appropriate

15 Tying It All Together, cont’d
How can I lead from my values & my strengths? Try Strengths-based problem solving: Go beyond the assessment; when a problem arises, assemble the team best equipped to tackle it based on their strengths Create Departmental Values: Think about your department or work team as a person, and determine the values it reflects and the values you want it to reflect

16 Questions?

17 Thank you!

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