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1815, Britain was constitutional monarchy Far from democratic Members of the House of Commons were elected, BUT less than 5% of people had the right.

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3 1815, Britain was constitutional monarchy Far from democratic Members of the House of Commons were elected, BUT less than 5% of people had the right to vote House of Lords could veto any law passed Rotten boroughs sent members to parliaments but major industrial cities had not representation People wanted secret ballots, so they could cast votes without announcing them publicly

4 The Reform Act of 1832 gave representation to newer population centers and granted suffrage to more men, giving the middle class more power. Queen Victoria became symbolic of Britain and of Victorian ideals of morality (duty, honesty, hard work, respectability.) She believed that the lower classes should be given more of a voice. Victorian Age 1837- 1901 Expanded British empire, Empress of India 300 million subjects around the world Married a German, prince Albert

5 In the latter part of the 19 th century, the Liberal and Conservative parties each made reforms that increased the size of the electorate. Britain became a parliamentary democracy, and the power of the House of Lords was diminished. A form of government in which the executive leaders (usually a prime minister & cabinet) are chosen by and responsible to the legislature (parliament), and are also members of it.

6 People wanted free trade Laissez faire During the early and mid 1800s, Parliament instituted reforms in the areas of protective tariffs (repealing the Corn Laws), slavery (banning it in all British colonies, 1833), and criminal punishments (reducing the number of capital offenses). More than 200 crimes were punishable by death Capital offense

7 In the 1800s and early 1900s, Parliament passed laws aimed at improving social conditions. Limited the workday of women & children Regulated workplace safety Improved workers’ housing Established old-age pensions Unemployment insurance Parliament finally granted suffrage to women over 30 in 1918

8 “Irish Question” throughout 1800s English began conquering Ireland in 1100s Irish never accepted English rule Absentee landlords Irish nationalists campaigned for freedom Britain passed home rule bill in 1914 War delayed putting the bill into affect 1921 southern counties of Ireland finally became independent Irish potato famine 1845- 1849 In 4 years about one million starved or died of disease Irish potato famine 1845- 1849 In 4 years about one million starved or died of disease

9 After the revolution of 1848, Napoleon III (Napoleon Bonaparte’s nephew) rose to power & set up the Second Empire Bourgeoisie saw him as a strong leader He promised to end poverty All classes were attracted by his name Second Empire looked like a constitutional monarchy, but really, Napoleon III was pretty much a dictator He was elected with about 75% of the vote

10 In the 1860s, he lifted some censorship & gave the legislature more power Like much of Europe, France prospered in mid 1800s Railroads Urban renewal of Paris Investment in industry Legalized labor unions Extended public education to girls Created small public health program A French entrepreneur organized the Suez Canal, links Mediterranean with Red Sea & Indian Ocean Still many lived in poverty



13 His worst failures were in foreign affairs 1860s, tried to put Austrian Hapsburg prince, Maximillian on the throne in Mexico They killed him They helped Italy defeat Austria But success backfired when Italy emerged as a rival on their border Franco-Prussian war 1870 Disaster for France Napoleon III was captured Siege of Paris, 4 months 1871, put an end to long period of French domination of Europe

14 Civil war erupted in 1871 The Third Republic emerged with a two-house legislature that gave power to a premier. A multitude of parties led to a coalition government that was unstable. Challenges, but France made economic progress The rise of anti-Semitism in Europe was evidenced in the Dreyfus affair in which a Jewish army officer was accused of spying for Germany. The Dreyfus case and Russian pogroms led to the establishment of the modern Zionist movement Zionism, movement to rebuild a Jewish state in the ancient homeland Separation of Church & State

15 Largest democratic country in Europe Constitution protecting basic rights Prosperous economy Unstable coalition governments rose and fell Industrial giant of Germany next door Many still wanted revenge

16 1800s Beacon of hope Economy was growing rapidly Offered jobs to newcomers Constitution & Bill of Rights Hope of political & religious freedom

17 Policy of expansionism Louisiana Purchase, 1803, nearly doubled its size Manifest destiny: Idea that the USA should spread across the continent

18 1800’s US had the most liberal suffrage in the world But still only white men who owned property could vote By 1830’s most white men could vote The abolition movement and the women’s rights movement both intensified in the mid 19 th century. The women’s rights movement grew stronger out of frustration with the inability of women to have a voice against slavery.

19 William Lloyd Garrison Abolitionist Pushed to end slavery in the United States Lucretia Mott & Elizabeth Cady Stanton Pushed for women’s rights 1848: Seneca Falls First women’s rights convention

20 Economic differences and the issue of slavery separated the North and the South and led to the Civil War. Even after African Americans were freed, segregation still restricted their opportunities in the South. 1861-865

21 After the Civil War, the U.S. economy grew to lead world in industrial and agricultural production Combination of political stability, private property rights, free enterprise & large supply of land and labor (mostly immigrants), transportation & communication technologies Giant monopolies came to dominate industry Workers—largely left out of the new prosperity organized labor unions, and farmers also came together to defend their interests. Populist party, passed 8 hour work day


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