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Week 15 World History. Day 1 What were two inventions from Asia that changed the technology of warfare in western Europe? What were the main ideas of.

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Presentation on theme: "Week 15 World History. Day 1 What were two inventions from Asia that changed the technology of warfare in western Europe? What were the main ideas of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Week 15 World History

2 Day 1 What were two inventions from Asia that changed the technology of warfare in western Europe? What were the main ideas of the code of Chivalry? Which ideas associated with chivalry have remnants in today's society?

3 The Far-Reaching Authority of the Church  Power within Church is organized by status; pope is supreme authority  C hurch is place of worship, salvation & celebration  The Church has system of justice to guide people’s conduct everyone is expected to obey canon law  Popes have power over political leaders through threat of - excommunication—banishment from Church, denial of salvation - interdiction—king’s subjects denied sacraments and services  Kings and emperors expected to obey pope’s commands

4 Otto I Allies with the Church  Otto I (Otto the Great) is crowned king of Germany in 936 uses Church to secure power  Invades Italy on pope’s behalf; pope crowns him emperor in 96 of Holy Roman Empire The Emperor Clashes with the Pope  Pope Gregory VII bans lay investiture—kings appointing Church officials  Henry IV orders pope to resign; Gregory VIII excommunicates Henry  Gregory forgives Henry at Canossa, but lay investiture problem is not solved Concordat of Worms  Concordat of Worms is 1122 pope appoints bishops, emperor can veto appointment


6 Spiritual Revival  Starting in 900s, monasteries help bring about a spiritual revival Problems in the Church  Some Church officials marry  Some practice simony—selling religious offices  Kings use lay investiture to appoint bishops Reform and Church Organization  Starting in 1100s, popes reorganize Church like a kingdom  Pope’s advisors make Church laws; diplomats travel throughout Europe  Church collects tithes; uses money to care for sick, poor

7 The Crusades  1093, Byzantine's asks for help fighting the Turks- Pope Urban II starts Crusade—a “holy war” Goals of the Crusades  Re claim Jerusalem and reunite Christianity  S end away knights who cause trouble  arn land or win glory by fighting  Gain wealth through trade The First and Second Crusades  Crusaders who die promised a place in heaven  1 st Crusade:3 armies gather at Constantinople in 1097 capture Jerusalem in 1099  Muslims take back Edessa in 1144; 2nd Crusade fails to retake it  In 1187 Saladin—Muslim leader and Kurdish warrior—retakes Jerusalem

8 The Third Crusade  Richard the Lion-Hearted—king of England, and Saladin make peace after many battles  Saladin keeps Jerusalem pilgrims can enter city The Children’s Crusade  In 1212 thousands of children die or are enslaved in failed crusade  Reconquista—Christians drive Muslims from Spain, 1100 to 1492  Spain has Inquisition—court to suppress heresy; expels non-Christians

9 The Effects of the Crusades Powerful Church in convinces thousands to fight  Women manage the estate and business affairs  Merchants expand trade  Failure weakens pope & nobles, strengthens kings  itterness between Muslims and Christians

10 Group ( Note 2 causes for each of the developments) 1. Benedictine Monastery founded at Cluny 2. Power of Pope was extended. 3. 500 cathedrals built and decorated between 1170- 1270. 4. Byzantine emperor appealed to Court of Flanders for help. 5. Pope Urban II calls for a Crusade 6. Large amounts of support for 1 st Crusade 7. Four feudal crusader states formed each ruled by a European noble. 8. Jerusalem remained under Muslim control but unarmed Christian pilgrims could visit city's holy places. 9. Isabella and Ferdinand start Inquisition 10. European kings gained power from crusades.

11 Homework

12 Day 2 What were three main causes of the need to reform the Church? Provide 2 pieces of evidence that the Church functioned like a kingdom? What was the Reconquista and Inquisition?

13 England and France Develop  After  Danish Vikings invasions in the 800s  Alfred the Great (Anglo Saxon) unite England  The Norman Conquest  In 1066, England is invaded for last time by William the Conqueror who keeps 1/5 of land; hands out rest to supporters England’s Evolving Government Goal: to control lands in both England and France  Henry II—king of England—gains more French land through marriag and is a vassal in France

14 William I, King of England ("William the Conqueror," 1028–1087), in armor. Engraving (no date).

15 Juries and Common Law  Henry sends judges to all parts of England and institutes juries  The judges’ decisions form English common law—unified body of laws  Common law forms the basis of law in many English-speaking countries The Magna Carta  In 1215 English nobles force King John to sign  Magna Carta—limits king’s power and guarantees basic political rights  English people argue the rights are for all people, not just nobles

16 The Model Parliament  In 1295, Edward I summons wealthy townsmen and knights to raise taxes  Together with bishops and lords, they form a parliament—legislative body  Parliament has two houses: House of Lords, House of Commons

17 The End of the Carolingians  New French dynasty founded by Hugh Capet  Capetians rule France from Paris from 987–1328 Early Capetians are weak rulers; gradually kings become stronger Philip II Expands His Power  Philip II—a powerful Capetian, rules 1180–1223  Philip expands land controlled by French king  stablishes bailiffs to collect taxes and run courts  1226 to 1270 grandson Louis IX strengthens the central government  1285 to 1314 Philip IV rules; questions pope’s authority in France  Philip calls meeting of lords and bishops to support his policies  He decides to include commoners in the meeting

18 Estates-General  The meeting is called the Estates-General  Participants in the council come from France’s three Estates - First Estate—Church leaders - Second Estate—lords - Third Estate—commoners, landholders, merchants Beginnings of Democracy  England and France begin to establish a democratic tradition  A centralized government is created to rule widespread lands  Common law and court system support a central government  Commoners included in decision making

19 Group Read the Magna Carta on pg 395 Create an idea web w/ the main idea as Laws and Rights for all people Answer DBQ's # 1,2 on pg 395

20 Homework

21 Day 3 What two legal practices date back to Henry II? Which changes in the English government is reflected in the government of the USA today? Why did Philip II call the Estates General together?

22 A Church Divided Pope and King Collide  In 1300, Pope Boniface VIII asserts authority over France’s Philip IV  Philip has him imprisoned; pope dies soon after Avignon and the Great Schism  In 1305, French pope is chosen; moves to Avignon—city in France  In 1378, two popes chosen—one in Rome, one in Avignon  Each declares the other false, causing split called Great Schism  In 1417, Council of Constance ends schism, chooses Martin V as pope

23 Scholars Challenge Church Authority  Englishman John Wycliffe argues Jesus is head of the Church, not pope  Wycliffe preaches against wealth and worldliness of clergy  Wycliffe inspires English translation of New Testament  Jan Hus—Bohemian professor—teaches that Bible is final authority  Hus is excommunicated, tried as a heretic, burned at stake in 1415

24 The Bubonic Plague Strikes  In 1300s, Europe suffers bubonic plague— extremely deadly disease  Begins in Asia; spreads to Italy and other countries over trade routes  About one-third of Europe’s population dies in the epidemic Effects of the Plague  Town populations fall, trade declines, prices rise  Some serfs leave manors for paying work  Many Jews blamed and killed; Church suffers weakened stature C:\Documents and Settings\Pat\My Documents\mac comp 61409\maccomputer61409\Documents\kennelly111208\reagan\World History book\World History Power Points\WHCD_01 (E)\Chapter14\whs05_014_400.html


26 The Hundred Years’ War  Hundred Years’ War—lasts from 1337–1453, between England and France  English king Edward III claims French throne  War marks the end of medieval society; The Longbow Changes Warfare  In 1346, English army with longbows beats much larger French army.  Victory of longbows signals end of reliance on knights  Joan of Arc—French peasant girl who believes in visions of saints leads French army to victory at Orléans; Charles VII crowned king  In 1430 she is capture Joan in battle  The Church condemns Joan as a witch and heretic  On May 30, 1431, she is burned at the stak

27 Joan of Arc

28 The Impact of the Hundred Years’ War  Hundred Years’ War ends in 1453  France and England experience major changes - rise in nationalistic feelings; king becomes national leader - power and prestige of French monarch increases - religious devotion and the code of chivalry crumbles  England begins period of turmoil, War of the Roses

29 Group When and how did the Great Schism begin? How was the Great Schism resolved? How did the Great Schism affect medieval life? Where did the Plague begin and how did it spread? What were some economic effects of the plague? How did the Plague affect the church? What was the primary reason for the 100 years war? What was the outcome of the 100years war? How did the war affect Medieval Society?

30 Homework




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