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Food Pyramid. Protein Needed for growth, tissue repair, blood circulation, breathing and digestion Found in meat, eggs, beans and nuts.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Pyramid. Protein Needed for growth, tissue repair, blood circulation, breathing and digestion Found in meat, eggs, beans and nuts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Pyramid

2 Protein Needed for growth, tissue repair, blood circulation, breathing and digestion Found in meat, eggs, beans and nuts

3 Carbohydrate Provide energy Types: – Sugar – candy, cake, honey – Starch- pasta, rice, potatoes, bread, cereal, – Fiber (aids digestion)- fruit, vegetable, whole grain

4 Fats Energy, carry some vitamins through your system (A,D,E,K), protect vital organs and body from cold temperatures Bad Fat- trans fat and saturated fat Good fat- avocados, fish: omega 3

5 Application activity On a sheet of paper write down every thing you ate yesterday. Then categorize your food into the food groups to determine how many servings of each group you consumed. Compare your findings to the dietary guidelines depicted in the food pyramid.

6 Tell me which food groups these items belong in A B C D E F

7 Vitamins Fat soluble- A,D,E and K A- Vision and skin: carrots, broccoli, spinach, cantaloupe, peaches and apricots. B- release energy from food, promote growth, appetite and digestion, regulate mood: whole grains, leafy green vegetables, meat, milk, eggs. C- holds cells together and healing: citrus fruits, strawberries, cantaloupe, pineapple

8 Vitamins D- helps your body use the minerals to build bones and teeth: Fish, fortified milk, sunshine E- Keep oxygen in the body from destroying nutrients: bread, eggs, organ meats, leafy green vegetables. K- helps blood clot

9 Minerals Calcium and phosphorus- work together for strong bones and teeth: Dairy Sodium and chlorine- absorbs nutrients: salt Potassium – absorbs nutrients: bananas Iron- supports red blood cells: meat products Iodine- regulates thyroid/ metabolism: Salt Fluorine- prevents tooth decay: drinking water

10 Water 2/3 of body is water Can go with out food for a few days but not without water 8 glasses a day

11 Planning meals Your are hosting a dinner party for the holidays. Plan what items you will serve for the meal. Remember, your items must be consistent with the dietary guidelines we have discussed in class. Example: Appetizer -Vegetable soup served in a bread bowl Main course- baked salmon, sautéed spinach and risotto Dessert- bananas foster with vanilla ice-cream

12 Meal planning Carbs/ grains- Bread bowl, risotto Protein- Salmon Dairy-Ice cream Fruit-banana Vegetable- Vegetable soup, spinach

13 Which one do you think has a higher sugar content?


15 What are we learning about today?

16 Reading food labels

17 Ingredients Ingredients are listed in order from the greatest amount to the least. Just how much of a "fruit breakfast bar" is fruit? Rule of thumb: the fewer the ingredients, the better. If there's a long list of scary ingredients you can't pronounce, you might want to put it back.



20 Application assignment Clear your desks except for a pen or pencil : )


22 Managing weight Fad diets – Cabbage soup, Atkins, south beach Calories- unit of energy Exercise – consumes energy to burn excess calories or fat.


24 Eating disorders Anorexia nervosa- self starvation Bulimia nervosa- eat uncontrollably and then forcefully eliminate the food before digestion.

25 Dying to be Thin

26 Teens in action c?list=PL4E6B4D0706907A18

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