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Chp. 3 Africa Notes. Early Africa Early Africa is where we believe the human race began. The first hominid Lucy remains were discovered in East Africa.

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1 Chp. 3 Africa Notes

2 Early Africa Early Africa is where we believe the human race began. The first hominid Lucy remains were discovered in East Africa. It is where one Africa found that it was the start of one of the great civilization in Egypt. However, there were also three great empires in West Africa Songhay, Mali, and Ghana. During the Mali empire you had scholars that came to the university at Timbuktu. In Ethiopia you had the longest surviving form of Christianity.

3 Colonial Africa Many Europeans looked at Africa as the dark continent. Their racist notions of the African people allowed for them to take over the various parts of Africa. Thirsty for minerals, and other natural resources the European powers met at the Berlin Conference to carve up Africa (1884). You had Britain, Germany France, Belgium, and many more nations at the meeting. Thirsty for minerals, and other natural resources the European powers met at the Berlin Conference to carve up Africa (1884). You had Britain, Germany France, Belgium, and many more nations at the meeting. In it they used the technological superiority to conquer Africa. They formed their colonies and united ethnic groups that were not friendly toward each other.

4 Darwin Defenders of imperialism often applied Charles Darwin ’ s theory of natural selection to struggle between nations, races Darwin argued species more fit for environment will survive, reproduce Cecil Rhodes Social Darwinism advocate Cecil Rhodes, “ I contend that we are the finest race in the world and that the more of the world we inhabit the better… Believed British-built railway would bring benefits of civilization to all Africans Social Darwinism Social Darwinism notion stated certain nations, races more fit than others Social Darwinists believed “ fit ” nations came to rule over “ less fit ” nations, often showed discrimination against citizens of ruled nations Justification

5 Colonial Africa This met with some resistance as the Africans fought back. Ethiopia under Emperor Menelik II was the first one to successfully fight for its independence 1896. Eventually in the mid-1900 ’ s centuries, the various African nations would slowly fight and gain their independence. These nations were left in disarray, and the people had to learn to govern themselves all over again. Eventually in the mid-1900 ’ s centuries, the various African nations would slowly fight and gain their independence. These nations were left in disarray, and the people had to learn to govern themselves all over again.

6 Democratic Republic of Congo Capital: Kinshasa T he Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly known as Zaire; was once part of the Congo. It was previously under Belgium control from 1885 to 1960 when it gained its independence. T he Democratic Republic of Congo, formerly known as Zaire; was once part of the Congo. It was previously under Belgium control from 1885 to 1960 when it gained its independence. After it gained independence it suffered with civil unrest and a civil war broke out. Eventually a general Mobutu brought the country under control. After it gained independence it suffered with civil unrest and a civil war broke out. Eventually a general Mobutu brought the country under control.

7 Democratic Republic of Congo Mobutu was a harsh dictator and was corrupt ruler who stole the nations wealth. Eventually he was overthrown, and replaced by President Kabila in 1998. Mobutu was a harsh dictator and was corrupt ruler who stole the nations wealth. Eventually he was overthrown, and replaced by President Kabila in 1998. Soon his nation came under siege as several nation started a war competing for the vast natural resources. Kabila was assassinated and his son Joseph Kabila took over. Eventually a cease fire was agreed to. Peace was agreed upon but still there is tension. Soon his nation came under siege as several nation started a war competing for the vast natural resources. Kabila was assassinated and his son Joseph Kabila took over. Eventually a cease fire was agreed to. Peace was agreed upon but still there is tension.

8 South Africa Capital: Capetown Capital: Capetown The country of South Africa came under various group controls. The country of South Africa came under various group controls. The Zulu nation led by Shaka Zulu and his warrior were able to resist European encroachment. The Zulu nation led by Shaka Zulu and his warrior were able to resist European encroachment. However. eventually overwhelmed by their technology. Eventually the Dutch European defeated the Zulus and control. However. eventually overwhelmed by their technology. Eventually the Dutch European defeated the Zulus and control. Their descendant became Afrikaners. They would later fight a war called the Boer War with the British. Their descendant became Afrikaners. They would later fight a war called the Boer War with the British.

9 South Africa They eventually would lose to the British but would regain control of South Africa. They eventually would lose to the British but would regain control of South Africa. The white Afrikaners would gain control and later would implement a policy of Apartheid which means racial separation; the white minority wanted separation from the black majority. The white Afrikaners would gain control and later would implement a policy of Apartheid which means racial separation; the white minority wanted separation from the black majority. Over time world pressure would force President F.W. De klerk and the South African to reform its government. Over time world pressure would force President F.W. De klerk and the South African to reform its government. Eventually South Africa would have its first African president in Nelson Mandela in 1994. Eventually South Africa would have its first African president in Nelson Mandela in 1994.

10 10 Nelson Mandela 10

11 Rwanda Capital: Kigali Capital: Kigali Rwanda was a country once under the control of Belgium. After it gained its independence in 1962 Rwanda was very unstable. Rwanda was a country once under the control of Belgium. After it gained its independence in 1962 Rwanda was very unstable. During Belgian rule the Tutsi ’ s had a a privilege position in society. During Belgian rule the Tutsi ’ s had a a privilege position in society. After the Belgians left the Hutu ’ s began to exact revenge upon the Tutsis. After the Belgians left the Hutu ’ s began to exact revenge upon the Tutsis.

12 Rwanda Many Tutsis fled to neighboring countries. Tutsi rebels tried to regain control by attacking the Hutu controlled government. Many Tutsis fled to neighboring countries. Tutsi rebels tried to regain control by attacking the Hutu controlled government. The genocide – (systematic killing of a people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity-) occurred in 1993 after the Hutu President was killed The genocide – (systematic killing of a people because of their race, religion, or ethnicity-) occurred in 1993 after the Hutu President was killed By the end an estimated 800,000 - 1,000,000 people were killed. By the end an estimated 800,000 - 1,000,000 people were killed.

13 Sudan Capital: Khartoum Capital: Khartoum Sudan once was under the control of Great Britain until it gained its independence in 1956. Sudan once was under the control of Great Britain until it gained its independence in 1956. Various groups have controlled the government between military and civilians. Various groups have controlled the government between military and civilians. The current government was controlled by an Arab form of government that instituted Islamic law. The current government was controlled by an Arab form of government that instituted Islamic law.

14 Sudan Which caused conflict with Africans who were Christian and various other religion. Which caused conflict with Africans who were Christian and various other religion. Civil War broke out in the 1980 ’ s but eventually peace was reached. In 2004 violence escalated to the point of genocide. Civil War broke out in the 1980 ’ s but eventually peace was reached. In 2004 violence escalated to the point of genocide. Arab rebels called the Janjaweed, allegedly supported by the gov ’ t; began attacking black African villages. Approximately 200,000- 400,000 people were murdered. Arab rebels called the Janjaweed, allegedly supported by the gov ’ t; began attacking black African villages. Approximately 200,000- 400,000 people were murdered.

15 Libya Capital: Tripoli Capital: Tripoli Libya which came under the control of Muammar Gaddafi. As dictator, and nemesis of the United States and the west. Libya which came under the control of Muammar Gaddafi. As dictator, and nemesis of the United States and the west. He reportedly supported many terrorist groups, and has been linked to bombings France, Scotland, and Germany. He reportedly supported many terrorist groups, and has been linked to bombings France, Scotland, and Germany.

16 Libya After facing sanctions for Libya ’ s alleged role in these events; Gaddafi has made some changes. After facing sanctions for Libya ’ s alleged role in these events; Gaddafi has made some changes. 2011 Gaddafi like many Northern African countries has faced protest and pressure to step down by his people. 2011 Gaddafi like many Northern African countries has faced protest and pressure to step down by his people. Many were unhappy with his rule. There has been pressure by the international community as well to step down. Many were unhappy with his rule. There has been pressure by the international community as well to step down.

17 Egypt Capital: Cairo Capital: Cairo Egypt was once under control of the British and Ottomans from 1882 until it gained its independence in 1922. Egypt was once under control of the British and Ottomans from 1882 until it gained its independence in 1922. After trying to find stability and having its president it ended up in a war with Israel in 1973. After trying to find stability and having its president it ended up in a war with Israel in 1973.

18 Egypt In modern times Egypt has become more westernized and has alliance with U.S. In modern times Egypt has become more westernized and has alliance with U.S. After Sadat was assassinated in 1981 President Mubarak came to power. After Sadat was assassinated in 1981 President Mubarak came to power. After decades of rule and being considered a U.S. puppet the Egyptian people protested and forced Murabak to resign in 2011. After decades of rule and being considered a U.S. puppet the Egyptian people protested and forced Murabak to resign in 2011.

19 Somalia Capital: Mogadishu Capital: Mogadishu Somalia was faced famine caused by drought and one of the poorest economies in the world. Somalia was faced famine caused by drought and one of the poorest economies in the world. Years of war and conflict between warlords and Islamic groups have left Somalia with an unstable government. Years of war and conflict between warlords and Islamic groups have left Somalia with an unstable government.

20 Somalia In 1993 when the U.N. and U.S. stepped in during a famine. The U.N. provided humanitarian aid. In 1993 when the U.N. and U.S. stepped in during a famine. The U.N. provided humanitarian aid. Different rebel groups attacked the workers and the U.N. and U.S. sent in peace keeping force. Yet after U.S. soldiers (18) were killed the U.S. pulled out. Different rebel groups attacked the workers and the U.N. and U.S. sent in peace keeping force. Yet after U.S. soldiers (18) were killed the U.S. pulled out. Today piracy off the coast of Somalia and the Gulf of Aden near the Indian Ocean has become a huge problem. Today piracy off the coast of Somalia and the Gulf of Aden near the Indian Ocean has become a huge problem.

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