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Maslow Humanism. Humanism Humanism – Humanistic and Cognitive theories of personality stress the positive aspects of human nature Humanism vs. Psychoanalysts.

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Presentation on theme: "Maslow Humanism. Humanism Humanism – Humanistic and Cognitive theories of personality stress the positive aspects of human nature Humanism vs. Psychoanalysts."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maslow Humanism

2 Humanism Humanism – Humanistic and Cognitive theories of personality stress the positive aspects of human nature Humanism vs. Psychoanalysts and Behaviorialists –Core issue is Psychoanalysts believe that human beings are fighting within themselves a good vs. bad mentality (conscious vs. superego) This struggle makes humans irrational and destructive –Core Issue in the Behaviorialists school is the rewards and punishments people receive define them as a person good or bad. –Both of these issues are seen as making humans negative in the Humanist mind

3 Maslow Humanist Psychology is based on the principle that all people are striving to seek “Self-Actualization” –Self-Actualization – the realization of potential as unique human beings Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) – father of the Humanistic School –Studied personalities or people he considered successful not disturbed individuals –Wanted to find out why they were successful Hierarchy of Human needs


5 Maslow –Physiological – Survival Needs Origin: –Deficiency of body tissue –Stimulation from outside –Hormones and blood chemistry

6 Maslow –Physiological – Survival Needs 8 basic needs –Nourishment –Liquid –Oxygen –Rest and Sleep –Elimination of Body Waste –Regulation of Temp Extremes –Avoid Pain –Sexual Tension

7 Maslow –Physiological – Survival Needs Facts about Primary needs: –Perimante – Change and adjust with age – never outgrow them –They are proponet – No higher until primary is met –Strive for Homeostasis: Balance tension and ease

8 Maslow Neurotransmitters – Broadband of stimulus cells in your brain that react to different drugs in your brain which intern make you feel a certain way. –Chemical Message – Molecules in your brain –Chemical Balance – What goes up must come down and vice versa –Change in Behavior due to Chemical Balance Drugs – psychoactive Drugs have an impact Neurotransmitters All addictive substances impact and effect “Dopamine” –Alcohol, Nicotine, Cocaine, Heroine


10 Maslow Drugs in your Head –Dopamine – Feel Good –Serotonin – Mood (PMS) Passion – Limbic –Norepanephine – speed (Adrenaline) –Oxytocin – Comfort (Cuddle Drug) –Endorphins – painkillers Compassion - Cortex –PEA – Chocolate

11 Safe and Secure Cave Man – Cave Fire Protection from elements Modern Man – House, Job, Finacial, Rules of Saftey

12 Safe and Secure Do we move up naturally from here? –Freud “Human beings find a comfortable niche, surround themselves with the basic essentials of survival and go to sleep.” “Human beings find a comfortable niche, surround themselves with the basic essentials of survival and go to sleep.” “They do not choose willingly growth and maturation, they are force on him by external eniviorment. People pick easiest route.”

13 Safe and Secure Do we move up naturally from here? –Maslow “Far from being forced to the next level, a child growing in healthy terms and a constant homeostatic balance – jumps at the chance to move up.” –Its part of our biological nature to seek contumacy growth. –People have a built in need to be challenged, boredom is the worst corruption

14 Love and Belonging Motivated by need to be loved and belong to social group. –Belonging – Group There is a choice between staying –Love – Various Interptations At this level we seek, discover and test relationships of affection and belonging

15 Love and Belonging LOVE – –Time and effort –Hard work/truth and honesty –Painful/ vulnerable Non Love – –Apathy –No Effort –Pain Avoiding

16 Love and Belonging LOVE – –Big Payoff Full and Happy Non Love – –No Payoff Empty and lonely

17 Ego and Esteem Need to make contribution that is hailed or acclaimed by someone else –Parents family not enough – although still appreciated Identify as someone of worth Motivated by need to have others approve

18 Self Actualization Motivated by need to be satisfied by own standards –Competition with own best self Actualization of Potential –Happy because of their performance Internalized Standards –Self Motivated

19 Self Actualization Cognitive needs – Esthetic Needs How many get there? Maslow says 1%

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