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World War 2  Read Chapters 17 and 18 in your textbook.  Watch YouTube videos on WW2 (Crash Course, College Lectures, Etc…)

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Presentation on theme: "World War 2  Read Chapters 17 and 18 in your textbook.  Watch YouTube videos on WW2 (Crash Course, College Lectures, Etc…)"— Presentation transcript:

1 World War 2  Read Chapters 17 and 18 in your textbook.  Watch YouTube videos on WW2 (Crash Course, College Lectures, Etc…)

2 Directions:  Look for the names of 3 Dictators in Chapter 17 section 1. (pg. 568)  List the name and country for each dictator.  Tell how each dictator came to power in their country.

3 Road to War: Rise of Dictators 17.1

4 Major Causes of WWII: MADTIN  M ilitarism  A ppeasement  D epression  T otalitarianism  I mperialism  N ationalism

5 Imperialism  AKA Expansionism  Many countries desire to control more resources

6 Nationalism  Belief in the superiority of ones country over the all others. Militarism Building up of a countries military to protect the countries national interests.

7 Depression  World Wide Great Depression Impacted every country Germany in worst shape Germany fails to pay reparations from WWI  US lend money to Germany

8 Appeasement  The act of pacifying or placating (someone) by acceding to their demands.  Neville Chamberlin

9 Totalitarian Government  As a result of economic problems, totalitarian governments gained power in Germany, Italy, and the Soviet Union. Exerted total control over a nation, using terror to suppress individual rights and silence all opposition.  Hitler-Germany  Stalin-Soviet Union  Mussolini-Italy

10 Communist USSR  Gov’t has total control  USSR Joseph Stalin (man of steel) Forced industrialization and collectivization  Due to Stalin’s policies, the USSR soon became an industrial power, although one with a low standard of living.

11 Fascism  Adolf Hitler in Germany and Benito Mussolini in Italy ruled their totalitarian states with a philosophy called fascism.  Fascism emphasizes the importance of the nation or an ethnic group and the supreme authority of a leader.

12 Fascism in Italy  Benito Mussolini-former newspaper editor  Mussolini gained political power in Italy by promoting Italian conquest in East Africa and by terrorizing those who opposed him.  Gov’t feared Mussolini so King made him Prime Minister-outlawed elections and political parties  Mussolini consolidates authority (Il Duce)

13 Nazi Germany  Adolph Hitler Ex-WWI soldier (gassed during war) Joins National Socialist German Workers’ Party (Nazi)  Nazi’s promoting the superiority of Germany Attempts hostile takeover of gov’t – jailed In prison write Mein Kampf (My Struggle)- said that Germany defy the Versailles Treaty by rearming and reclaiming lost land. He also blamed minority groups, especially Jews, for Germany’s weaknesses.

14 Hitler’s Timeline  1924 – left prison to help party take over legally  1929 – gained support of people through promises  1930 – Nazis win seats in the Reichstag (Government)  1932 – Hitler ran for President, lost to war hero Paul VonHindenberg but Nazis hold most seats  1933 – Hitler became Chancellor and outlaws other parties  1934 –Hindenberg dies shortly after- Hitler in control

15 Hitler on the March  Third Reich – Empire to last 1,000 years  Oct. 1933- Germany withdrew from the Geneva conference and League of Nations  March 7, 1936 – Hitler’s army marched into Rhineland – demilitarized zone in western Germany along the Rhine river  Oct/Nov 1936 – Rome, Berlin, Tokyo Axis signed

16 United Streaming

17 WWII Starts  Sept 1, 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Britain and France declared war on Germany two days later.  Germany quickly overran Poland using a new military tactic called blitzkrieg, or “lightening war.” Blitzkrieg tactics-fast, concentrated attack that took the enemy by surprise.  Germany signed a nonaggression pact with the USSR Nations agreed to divide between them the independent states of Eastern Europe.

18 The Axis Powers

19 Review Questions  Define Totalitarian Government:  Define Fascism  How did Hitler come to power?  What action started WWII?  Define Blitzkrieg:

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