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The Language Of Medicine Dr. Michael P. Gillespie.

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1 The Language Of Medicine Dr. Michael P. Gillespie


3  Identify medical terms that describe the growth and spread of tumors.  Recognize terms related to the causes, diagnosis, and treatment of cancer.  Review how tumors are classified and described by pathologists.

4  Describe x-ray studies, laboratory tests, and other procedures used by physicians for determining the presence and extent of spread (staging) of tumors.  Apply your new knowledge to understanding medical terms in their proper contexts, such as medical reports and records.

5 Cancer: characterized by unrestrained and excessive growth of cells Malignant tumors: compress, invade and destroy surrounding tissues

6  Cancer is responsible for 20% of all deaths in the United States.  More than half of people who develop cancer are cured.

7 1.Which cancers are the most common causes of cancer death for women? A.lung, breast, colorectal B.lung, colorectal, breast C.breast, lung, colorectal D.colorectal, breast, lung

8 2.Which cancers are the most common causes of cancer death for men? A.lung, prostate, colorectal B.lung, colorectal, prostate C.prostate, lung, colorectal D.colorectal, prostate, lung

9 Neoplasms (Tumors): growths that arise from normal tissue Malignant  Multiply rapidly  Invasive and infiltrative  Undifferentiated  Metastasize Benign  Grow slowly  Encapsulated  Differentiated  Don’t spread


11  Carcinogenesis: transformation of a normal cell to a cancerous one  Damage to genetic material  Genes  Nucleotides  Mutation  Apoptosis  DNA function  Mitosis  Protein synthesis

12  Environmental Agents  Chemical carcinogens  Radiation  Viruses (RNA and DNA)  Oncogenes (ras/colon cancer, myc/lymphoma, and bcr-abl/chronic myelogenous leukemia)  Heredity  Retinoblastoma, polyposis coli


14 Carcinomas: epithelial cell origin, 90% of all malignancies are carcinomas



17 Sarcomas: connective tissue origin, 5% of all malignancies



20 Mixed Tissue Tumors: tissues capable of differentiating into epithelial and connective tissue

21  Cystic  Fungating  Inflammatory  Medullary  Necrotic  Polypoid  Ulcerating  Verrucous

22  Alveolar  Carcinoma in situ  Diffuse  Dysplastic  Epidermoid  Follicular  Nodular  Papillary  Pleomorphic  Scirrhous  Undifferentiated

23 Grade: degree of maturity or differentiation under the microscope Stage: extent of spread in the body



26  Cauterization  Core needle biopsy  Cryosurgery  En bloc resection  Excisional biopsy  Exenteration  Fine needle aspiration biopsy  Fulguration  Incisional biopsy

27  Brachytherapy  Electron beams  External beam radiation (teletherapy)  Fields  Fractionation  Gray (Gy)  Linear accelerator  Photon therapy  Proton therapy  Radiocurable tumor  Radioresistant tumor  Radiosensitive tumor  Radiosensitizers

28  Alopecia (baldness)  Fibrosis (increase in connective tissue)  Mucositis (inflammation and ulceration of mucous membranes  Myelosuppression (bone marrow depression)  Nausea and vomiting  Pneumonitis  Xerostomia (dryness of mouth)

29  Alkylating agents  Antibiotics  Antimetabolites  Antimitotics  Hormonal agents




33  Agents that use or fortify the body’s own defenses against tumors (e.g, biological response modifiers/interferon)

34 COMBINING FORMS alveol/o cac/o carcin/o cauter/o chem/o cry/o cyst/o fibr/o follicul/o fung/i medull/o mucos/o mut/a mutagen/o onc/o papill/o pharmac/o plas/o ple/o polyp/o prot/o radi/o sarc/o scirrh/o xer/o

35 -blastoma -genesis -oma -plasia -plasm -suppression -therapy ana- apo- brachy- epi- meta- tele-

36  Bone marrow biopsy  Bone marrow or stem cell transplant  CT scans  Fiberoptic colonoscopy  Exfoliative cytology  Laparoscopy  Mammography  MRI  Needle biopsy  Radionuclide scans  Ultrasound  X-rays

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