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Endocrine, Excretory, and Reproductive Systems Unit 9.

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Presentation on theme: "Endocrine, Excretory, and Reproductive Systems Unit 9."— Presentation transcript:

1 Endocrine, Excretory, and Reproductive Systems Unit 9

2 Date Explain This ^^^^^

3 Date Endocrine System

4 Function - Endocrine System ✤ Regulate Body Systems ✤ Maintain Homeostasis ✤ How: Release Hormones into the Blood Stream (Circulatory System) ✤ Glands release to Bloodstream

5 Hormone ✤ Released from Secreting Cell (Gland) ✤ Flows in Blood ✤ Sensed by Target Cell ✤ Change Happens

6 Read the Article and Answer the Question ✤ How does a hormone do its job?

7 Background Knowlege ✤ Read Section 34.1 ✤ Make list of Endocrine Organs (979) ✤ Draw a simple diagram in body ✤ Include functions of each

8 Which Gland Controls all other Glands?

9 Pituitary

10 Jargon - Define the Terms ✤ 34.1 ✤ 34.2 ✤ 34.3 ✤ 34.4 ✤ 30.4

11 Organs Involved ✤ Pituitary Gland ✤ Hypothalamus ✤ Adrenal Glands ✤ Pancreas ✤ Thyroid Gland ✤ Parathyroid Glands ✤ Thymus ✤ Pineal Gland ✤ Ovaries ✤ Testes

12 Pituitary Gland ✤ “Master Gland” ✤ Releases Hormones into Bloodstream the control other Endocrine Glands

13 Hypothalamus ✤ Controls the Pituitary Gland ✤ Makes Hormones that are stored and released by the Pituitary Gland

14 Water Balance ✤ AntiDiuretic Hormone

15 Date Endocrine System

16 Adrenal Glands ✤ Adrenaline = “Fight or Flight” ✤ Adrenaline = Epinephrine ✤ Adrenal Glands prepare the body to deal with stress ✤ Blood Pressure Up ✤ Open Airways ✤ Focus

17 Date Endocrine System

18 Diabetes Mellitus Pancreas Islets of Langerhans

19 Pancreas ✤ Regulates Blood Sugar (works with Digestive System) ✤ 2 Hormones ✤ Insulin ✤ Glucagon ✤ Produced in the Islets of Langerhans

20 Diabetes ✤ Body cannot control sugar level ✤ Type I Diabetes ✤ Body cannot produce Insulin ✤ Born with this type ✤ Type II Diabetes ✤ Body does not respond well to Insulin ✤ Obesity Related

21 Nervous vs. Endocrine


23 Draw and Label ✤ Draw and Label a simple diagram of the organs in the endocrine system and their location in the body.

24 Bellringer ✤ The Nervous System and Endocrine System both have a similar function. What are the differences about how they perform this function?

25 Excretory System Unit 9

26 Function - Excretory System ✤ Remove Metabolic Waste from the Body

27 Organs Involved ✤ Liver ✤ Kidneys ✤ Ureters ✤ Urinary Bladder ✤ Urethra ✤ Skin ✤ Lungs

28 Liver ✤ Turns poisonous Nitrogen waste into Urea

29 Kidneys ✤ Remove Waste: Filtration ✤ Water ✤ Urea ✤ Metabolic Waste ✤ Produce Urine

30 Nephron Kidney “Functional Unit” ✤ Filtered Out in the Glomerulus, Contained in the Bowman’s Capsule ✤ Filtered Into Nephron: Water, Urea, Glucose, Salts, Amino Acids, and Vitamins ✤ Good Stuff Reabsorbed ✤ Bad Stuff Gets Thrown Out

31 What happens if your Kidney’s don’t work?

32 Skin ✤ Excretes: ✤ Water ✤ Salts ✤ Urea (Small Amounts)

33 Lungs ✤ Excretes: ✤ Carbon Dioxide ✤ Water Vapor (Small Amounts)

34 Reproductive System Unit 9

35 Male & Female Reproductive Structures

36 Male Reproductive Structures ✤ Testes - make sperm and testosterone, contained in Scrotum ✤ Seminiferous Tubules - produce sperm ✤ Epididymus - sperm mature ✤ Vas deferens - carries sperm to be released into Urethra ✤ Seminal Vesicle - makes semen

37 Female Reproductive Structures ✤ Ovaries - make eggs (Ova) and Hormones (Estrogen) ✤ Fallopian Tubes ✤ Uterus ✤ Cervix ✤ Vagina

38 Female Reproductive Structures ctd.


40 Pregnancy - Development of Baby ✤ Fertilized Egg = Zygote ✤ Zygote Divides (Cleavage) - 2 cells, 4 cells, 8 cells, 16 cells, 32 cells - and so on. ✤ Blastocyst (Embryo) - Implants into wall of Uterus ✤ Cells continue to divide ✤ Fetus @ 8 Weeks ✤ Placenta Forms - Protects, Nourishes, Amniotic Sac



43 STDs ✤ 1 in 4 Girls Between Age 14-19 have an STD ✤ Chlamydia (Most Common), Gonorrhea, Syphilis - Bacterial ✤ Hepatitis B, Herpes, Genital Warts (HPV), AIDS - Viruses ✤ Condoms




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