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 Central Nervous System (CNS)  Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

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Presentation on theme: " Central Nervous System (CNS)  Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)"— Presentation transcript:


2  Central Nervous System (CNS)  Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

3  Consists of:  Brain  Spinal Cord

4  Cerebrum  Cerebellum  Brain Stem

5  Coordinates:  Thinking and learning  Creativity  Five senses  Memory and Emotion  Problem-Solving  Decisions

6  Stores and processes memories  Helps find memories  Affects emotions

7  Receives messages from most of the muscles in your body  Communicates with the other parts of the brain  Sends messages about movement and balance back to your body  Coordinates  Most muscles  Movement  Learned Skills

8  Coordinates  Heartbeat  Breathing  Digestion  Swallowing  Blinking

9  Bundle of nerves that carries messages between the brain and the rest of the body  Long tube of nerve tissue running from the brain down the length of the back inside of the spine


11  Somatic Nervous System  Sensory nerves  Motor nerves  Messages between brain and body  CONTROLS VOLUNTARY MUSCLES  Autonomic Nervous System  Controls organs and some muscles  CONTROLS INVOLUNTARY MUSCLES

12  Parts  Soma  Dendrites  Axon  Carries messages  Called impulses

13  Small space across which an impulse moves from an axon to the dendrites or cell body of another neuron

14  Stimulus (stimuli)  Anything that the body can react or respond to  May be internal or external  Response  The reaction to the stimuli


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