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What do we call people who worked to correct the problems of society?

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Presentation on theme: "What do we call people who worked to correct the problems of society?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What do we call people who worked to correct the problems of society?

2 reformers

3 What was the slavery reform movement called?

4 abolition

5 What was the alcohol reform movement called?

6 temperance

7 What was the name of the nation in Africa set up for freed slaves?

8 Liberia

9 Who was the best known African- American abolitionist?

10 Frederick Douglass

11 What was the name of Frederick Douglass’s newspaper?

12 North Star

13 Who were the sisters, born in South Carolina, who worked as abolitionists and women’s rights advocates?

14 Grimke Sisters

15 What was the name of the network of abolitionists who helped slaves escape to freedom?

16 Underground railroad

17 What escaped slave woman made 19 trips to help slaves escape on the underground railroad?

18 Harriet Tubman

19 What section of the country were the strongest supporters of abolition found?

20 North

21 Who was the abolitionist who published the Liberator?

22 William Lloyd Garrison

23 Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton were leaders in what reform movement?

24 Women’s rights

25 What former slave was active in the women’s rights movement?

26 Sojourner Truth

27 Who was the women’s rights advocate who later had her picture on a dollar coin?

28 Susan B. Anthony

29 What was the name of the convention designed to bring attention to the problems women faced?

30 Seneca Falls Convention of 1848

31 What woman went to medical school at Geneva College in New York?

32 Elizabeth Blackwell

33 What person was known for helping mentally ill people?

34 Dorothea Dix

35 What man is associated with school reform?

36 Horace Mann

37 What was the name for laws which banned the sale of alcohol? (named after a state)

38 Maine Laws

39 What amendment gave women the right to vote?

40 19th Amendment (1920)

41 What amendment banned alcohol? (called prohibition)

42 18th Amendment (1919)

43 What amendment repealed prohibition?

44 21st Amendment (1933)

45 What Amendment freed the slaves?

46 13th Amendment (1865)

47 What amendment gave slaves the right to vote?

48 15th Amendment (1870)

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