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Biodiversity:. Success Criteria: 1.I can state what is meant by the term classification. 2.I can describe the difference between invertebrates and vertebrates.

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Presentation on theme: "Biodiversity:. Success Criteria: 1.I can state what is meant by the term classification. 2.I can describe the difference between invertebrates and vertebrates."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biodiversity:

2 Success Criteria: 1.I can state what is meant by the term classification. 2.I can describe the difference between invertebrates and vertebrates and their subdivisions using examples. 3.I can describe the differences between plants that are flowering or non-flowering. CLASSIFICATION

3 Classification What does classification mean? Why is it important? Individual, pair and share First, answer this question on your own and then discuss it with your partner, and then with your class! 3 mins

4 All living things are classified into five main groups called kingdoms. Most living things belong to the animal kingdom or the plant kingdom. The Classification System plants Protoctists animals Bacteria (prokaryotes) fungi living things

5 Animal Kingdom VertebratesInvertebrates Mammals Fish Reptiles Amphibians Birds Insects Crustaceans Molluscs Spiders

6 SPIDERS : Characteristics : No backbone 8 legs 2 body parts a web used to catch food such as insects Cold-blooded Examples: Tarantulas Daddy Long Legs Black widow spider

7 INSECTS Characteristics : No backbone 3 body segments Most insects have wings Have antennae Have a heart but they don’t have blood Examples: Ant Dragon fly Praying mantis

8 MOLLUSCS Characteristics : No backbone Their bodies are un-segmented Many have shells Some live in water They are soft bodied They have two pairs of gills Molluscs have a muscular foot or tentacles Most feed on plants Examples: Snail Clam squid

9 CRUSTACEANS Characteristics : No backbone Live in water Have exoskeleton or hard outer shell which protects their body Have antennae 6-8 jointed legs Segmented body Examples: Crab Lobster Shrimp crayfish

10 BIRDS Characteristics : Have a backbone Breathe through lungs Warm-blooded Have beak or a bill Have various types of feathers Birds lay hard shell eggs 2 wings Examples: Blue Jay Great Blue Heron Great Horned Owl

11 AMPHIBIANS Characteristics : Have a backbone Most lay eggs Their eggs have no shells They use gills, lungs and skin to breathe They have a three chamber heart They are cold blooded They have four legs They use webbed feet Examples: Frog Toad Salamander newt

12 REPTILES Characteristics : Have a backbone Cold blooded Four legs Dry skin Scales protect body Examples: Turtles Crocodiles snakes

13 MAMMALS Characteristics : Have a backbone Warm blooded Breathe through lungs Born by a live birth Adults have teeth Examples: Humans Guinea pigs Whales monkeys

14 FISH Characteristics : Have a backbone They breathe through gills They have fins to help them swim Fish are cold blooded animals They lay eggs to reproduce They have an endoskeleton or internal framework of the body Examples: Rainbow trout Musky Salmon

15 7D Classification - Vertebrates Vertebrates are classified into 5 groups. Complete the table of features for each type of vertebrate. mammals birdsreptilesamphibiansfish body covering how it breathes where it lives how offspring are produced hairy or furry skin soft, moist skin (no scales) lungs mostly on land lay eggs (in water) lungs gills feathers tough skin with scales scales mostly on land on land on land and in water in water most young born alive lay eggs Classifying Vertebrates 5 mins

16 Confidence Check Show from 1-5 on how confident you are on each success criteria. 1 is not at all confident, 5 is super confident Success criteria 1. I can state what is meant by the term classification. 2. I can describe the difference between invertebrates and vertebrates and their subdivisions using examples.

17 Which group do I belong to? Boys vs. Girls. One boy and one girl will go head to head in the ‘Which group do I belong?’ to game show! I will read out a number of clues; when you think you know which group the animal (vertebrate) belongs to, you must call out your buzzer noise! Girls – bang!Boys – pop! Then the whole class will be asked a question. Then, we start again with a different boy and girl.

18 1. I live mainly in water. 2. I feed my young on milk. 3. I am covered in brown fur. 4. My body temperature is around 30 o C. 5. I have a beak that I search for food with on the river bottom. 6. The males of my species have a venomous spike on their hind legs.  Duck –Billed Platypus Write down the numbers of the features in the passage that make the Duck-Billed platypus a mammal. I am a Mammal!  Student Task! Which group do I belong to? Score out of 4?

19 1. I have green and brown moist skin. 2. I can run on water. 3. I lay about 20 jelly covered eggs at a time in water. 4. I am cold blooded. 5. I feed on both flowers and small animals. 6. I live in trees and on river banks.  Basilisk Lizard Write down the numbers of the features in the passage that make the Basilisk lizard an amphibian. I am an Amphibian!  Student Task! news/newsid_8303000/8303740.stm Which group do I belong to? Score out of 4?

20 1. I live in water and breathe through lungs. 2. My skin is covered in pale brown dry scales. 3. I lay tough leathery eggs on land. 4. I am cold blooded. 5. I feed on invertebrates like crabs and clams. 6. I can live for over 39 years.  Loggerhead Turtle Write down the numbers of the features in the passage that make the Loggerhead Turtle a reptile. I am a reptile!  Student Task! Which group do I belong to? Score out of 4?

21 1. I live in caves and dark places. 2. I have a wing span of 18cm and I can fly. 3. I give birth to live young and feed them on milk. 4. I weigh 57 grams and my body is covered in brown fur. 5. As an adult I only feed on blood. 6. I live up to 9 years.  Vampire Bat Write down the numbers of the features in the passage that make the Vampire bat a mammal. I am a Mammal!  Student Task! Which group do I belong to? Score out of 2?

22 1. I am covered in brown feathers. 2. I can run at around 50 Km/hr. 3. I lay eggs with hard shells. 4. I eat stones that help me to digest my food. 5. I eat plants and small insects. 6. I live up to 30years.  Emu Write down the numbers of the features in the passage that make the Emu a bird. I am a Bird!  Student Task! Which group do I belong to? Score out of 2?

23 Mosses: They have simple leaves and shallow roots, with no proper vascular systems. The leaves are very small and are not covered with a waterproof, waxy cuticle layer. Mosses, Angiosperm and Lichen are often found in damp areas as they dry out easily. They reproduce using spores. Ferns: They have proper roots and stems, and leaf-like fronds. The leaves are not covered in a waterproof, waxy cuticle layer and so they dry out easily and are generally found in damp places. They do have a vascular system. They reproduce using spores. Conifers: They have vascular tissues. They are large plants with proper roots and stems and needle-shaped leaves with a waxy cuticle. They are good at surviving in dry or cold climates. They reproduce using seeds found in cones. Flowering Plants: They have vascular tissues. They have proper roots and stems and have flowers. Their leaves are large and flat and have a waxy cuticle. They reproduce using seeds found in fruits. Plant classification 5 mins

24 Coniferous Trees Leaves like needles e.g. pine and spruce trees Leaves like scales e.g. Cedar trees

25 Deciduous Trees These types of trees have broad leaves

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