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Examine this image. Use observations to infer what is happening. Place your agendas on your desk.

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Presentation on theme: "Examine this image. Use observations to infer what is happening. Place your agendas on your desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Examine this image. Use observations to infer what is happening. Place your agendas on your desk.

2 Lewis and Clark American History

3 Louisiana Purchase to Lewis and Clark The Louisiana Purchase occurred in 1801 and DOUBLED the size of the USA Lewis and Clark left to start their exploration of the new territory in 1804

4 1804-1805 The Corps of Discovery was the name of their group. The Missouri River was the first they had to navigate and cross. During the first year of exploration they met Sacajawea, a Shoshone woman, who would travel with them as a guide and translator.

5 1805 By May 1805, Lewis and Clark reached the Rocky Mountain range. The Columbia River was mistaken for the Pacific Ocean, but by Nov. 15 th 1805 they reached the Pacific.

6 1805-1806 The winter of 1805 was spent with the Clatsop Indians. It was a hard winter and many supplies ran low. People on the East Coast thought they were dead. On their trip home, Lewis and Clark had negative encounters with the Blackfeet Indians in the plains.

7 1806 The Corp of Discovery arrived back in St. Louis in Sept. of 1806. Their expedition lasted 2 ½ years. Exploration was a success! They mapped waterways, plants, animals, found the Pacific, and initiated contact with Native Americans tribes.

8 Conclusion of the Expedition - New maps and discovery of new fauna and animals - Native Americans suffered greatly - Initiated westward expansion desires

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