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 Chapter 4.  Section 1  The Bill of Rights protects our civil liberties  the freedoms we have to think an act without government interference or.

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Presentation on theme: " Chapter 4.  Section 1  The Bill of Rights protects our civil liberties  the freedoms we have to think an act without government interference or."— Presentation transcript:

1  Chapter 4

2  Section 1

3  The Bill of Rights protects our civil liberties  the freedoms we have to think an act without government interference or fear of unfair treatment.

4  Intolerance of different beliefs in their homelands led mahy colonists to come to America in the first place.  1 st Amendment prohibits Congress from establishing an official religion in the United States.  The government may not favor one religion over another.

5  In some countries, people are jailed for criticizing the government or voicing unpopular ideas.  As interpreted by the Constitution, free speech can include internet communication, art, music, or even clothing.

6  The government cannot practice censorship  ban printed materials or films merely because they contian alarming or offensive ideas.

7  This protects our rights to gather in groups for any reason, so long as the assemblies are peaceful.  Also includes our right to form and join social clubs, politicla parties, labor unions, and other organizations

8  Petition  a formal request.  This can be done by writing political officials.

9  You do not have the freedom to provoke a riot or other violent behavior.  Citizens should use their civil liberties responsibly.  You may campaign for causes, but you may not disturb your neighbors with blaring loudspeaker broadcasts.  You may criticize government officials, but you may not spread lies that harm a person’s reputation  Slander  spreading lies  Libel  spreading lies in print.  The First Amendment was not passed to allow Americans to do whatever they pleased.  The rights of one individual must be balanced with the rights of another.

10  Section 2


12  Protects “against unreasonable searches and seizures”  Search warrant  a court order allowing law enforcement officers to search a suspect’s home or business and take specific items as evidence.  A judge must be convinced that a search will turn up evidence of criminal activity.

13  No one can be put on trial fro a serious federal crime without an indictment  a formal charge by a group of citizens called a grand jury, who review the evidence against the accused.  An indictment simply indicates the grand jury’s belief that an individual may have committed a crime.  Double jeopardy  a person accused of a crime and judged not guilty may not be put on trial again for the same crime.  Due process  following established legal procedures.  Eminent domain  the right of the government to take private protperty

14  Gives additional due process rights to people accused of crimes  Requires they be told the exact nature of the charges against them.  Speedy trial  Right to call witnesses  Right to a lawyer

15  Bail  a sum of money used as a security deposit  8 th Amendment forbids “excessive” bail  Cruel and unusual punishment


17  The courts have generally ruled that the government can pass laws to control, but not prevent, the possession of weapons

18  Makes it unlikely that any Americans will ever be forced to shelter the military again.  This will not happen in peacetime without the permission of the homeowner  During war time, this cannot happen without authorization of Congress.

19  Guarantees the right to a jury trial in civil cases if the amount of money involved is more than $20.  This amendment does not require a jury trial.

20  Makes it clear that citizens have rights beyond what is put in the Bill of Rights.  Ex. The right to privacy

21  The Constitution remained silent on the issue of slavery.  Manumission  the voluntary freeing of enslaved person, especially those who had fought in the Revolution.  Under the 10 th, any powers the Constitution does not specifically give to the national government are reserved to the states or the people.

22  Section 3

23  13 th  officially outlawed slavery in the United States.  14 th  1868  defined a United States citizen as anyone “born or naturalized in the United States” o Also required states to give all citizens equal protection under the law. o Prevented states from interfering with the “privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States”  15 th  no state may take away a person’s voting rights on the basis of race, color, or previous enslavement. o Suffrage  the right to vote.

24  17 th  allow citizens to elect their senators directly.  19 th  the Constitution never denied women the right to vote, and this was left up to the states initially. o 1869  Wyoming permitted women to vote  23 rd  24 th  26 th

25  Section 4

26  Discrimination  unfair treatment based on prejudice against a certain group of people  Segregation  social separation of the races  Civil rights  the rights of full citizenship and equality under the law  1909 NAACP (National Association for the Advancement of Colored People)  1910 National Urban League  1954 Brown v. Board  Martin Luther King, Jr.

27  1970s  Affirmative Action  programs to try to make up for past discrimination.  Racial profiling  being singled out as suspects because of the way they look.

28  Come up with three questions that could possibly be on the unit test.  Look back at your notes and textbook.

29  Chapter 5

30  Section 1

31  Responsibilities  things we should do, they are obligations that we fulfill voluntarily.  Duties  things that we must do o Obey Laws o Pay Taxes o Defend the Nation o Serve in Court o Attend School

32  Be Informed  Speak Up and Vote  Respect Other’s Rights  Respect Diversity o Tolerance  respecting and accepting others, regardless of their beliefs, practices, or differences.  Contribute to the Common Good.

33  Section 2

34  Community  a group of people who share the same interests and concerns.  Bureaucracies  complex systems with many departments, many rules and many people in the chain of command.  Welfare  the health, prosperity, and happiness of all members of the community.

35  Volunteerism  the practice of offering your time and services to others without payment.

36  Charitable Organizations  School-Based Programs  National Service Programs  Volunteering Has Benefits

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