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Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 13.

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1 Vocabulary Power Plus Lesson 13

2 bystander The police asked bystanders to describe the man who robbed the convenience store.

3 bystander Noun – a person present at an event but not participating in it; an onlooker Synonym- spectator Antonym - participant

4 cede The farmer refused to cede any land to the state for the construction of the new highway.

5 cede Verb – to surrender; to give up or yield to another
Synonym –abandon Antonym -protect

6 comprehensive The chief told the officers that she wanted a comprehensive report of the incident no later than tomorrow.

7 Comprehensive Adjective – inclusive; extensive Synonym – complete
Antonym – limited

8 devout The devout monks meditated in prayer several times a day.
Her low wages and humble lodgings proved her devout interest in helping others.

9 devout Adjective – devoted to religion Sincere; earnest
Synonym – pious – serious Antonym – unholy - dishonest

10 Flounder Logan floundered during his poorly-prepared presentation.

11 flounder Verb – to move or speak clumsily and confusedly
Synonym – struggle

12 foster Schools should foster good citizenship as well as academics.

13 foster Verb – to promote the development or growth of; to nurture
Synonym – encourage Antonym – oppose

14 Incite Several of the rowdy fans were arrested for trying to incite a riot.

15 incite Verb – to provoke into action; to rouse Synonym – instigate
Antonym - prevent

16 pittance The pawn broker gave Harry a pittance of what the watch was actually worth.

17 pittance Noun – a small amount Synonym – bit; trifle
Antonym - abundance

18 precipitate The manager’s rude comment precipitated Brenda’s resignation from the company. Moisture in the air will precipitate when the temperature reaches the dew point.

19 precipitate Verb – to bring something about prematurely; to speed up
To fall from the sky as rain, snow, or hail Synonym – hasten Antonym- delay

20 restrictive After many accidents, the town imposed restrictive traffic laws.

21 restrictive Adjective – limiting Synonym – restraining
Antonym – liberal

22 scurry The rabbits scurried across the lawn and hid beneath the front porch.

23 scurry Verb – to move lightly and rapidly Synonym – scamper
Antonym - plod

24 Shrewd The shrewd investor seldom failed to make enormous profits.

25 shrewd Adjective – sharp in business and practical affairs; cunning
Synonym – clever Antonym – inexperienced

26 Spew Lava spewed from the volcano.

27 spew Verb – to eject forcefully’ to spit out in great quantity
Synonym – spurt Antonym -ooze

28 tact George, who has no tact, insisted on talking about his inheritance from the deceased as the funeral procession entered the cemetery.

29 Tact Noun – sensitivity in dealing with others Synonym – discretion
Antonym – carelessness

30 Vigorous Each day before the gym, Jerry goes to the gym for a vigorous workout. The vigorous woodsman did not stop chopping wood until the entire tree had become a pile of logs.

31 vigorous Adjective – strong and energetic in mind or body
Done with force and liveliness Synonym – brisk Antonym - lazy

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