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What is Plot?  The sequence of events in a short story. Plots usually follow a pattern you can recognize.

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Presentation on theme: "What is Plot?  The sequence of events in a short story. Plots usually follow a pattern you can recognize."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is Plot?  The sequence of events in a short story. Plots usually follow a pattern you can recognize.

2 1. Exposition  This is the beginning of the story where you meet the characters and find out about the setting. Exposition (Intro to characters and setting)

3 Exposition: Cinderella  Characters: Cinderella, evil stepmother, stepsisters  Setting: long ago, Cinderella’s house

4 2. Conflict  First, the writer describes a conflict, which is a struggle between opposing sides or forces. The conflict or problem is introduced. Exposition

5 Conflict in Cinderella  There is going to be a ball, where the prince will choose a bride. Cinderella’s step-family won’t allow her to attend.

6 3. Rising Action  The conflict gets more and more intense as the story moves to a high point. Rising Action Exposition Conflict

7 Rising Action in Cinderella  Cinderella’s fairy godmother makes it possible for her to attend the ball, but she must leave at midnight. She dances with the prince and it’s a magical moment.

8 4. Climax  After the conflict becomes intense, it reaches a climax. The climax is the point at which the conflict is greatest. It’s the most exciting part of the story! Climax Exposition Conflict Rising Action

9 Climax in Cinderella  It’s midnight and Cinderella must leave so she flees from the palace and loses her glass slipper on the steps!

10 5. Falling Action After the climax of the story has taken place, there are sometimes a few quick events that lead to the end of the story. Sometimes, there is no falling action. Climax Conflict Rising Action Falling action

11 Falling Action in Cinderella  The prince uses the slipper to find Cinderella. He tries the slipper on every female in the land, including the stepsisters, but it doesn’t fit.

12 Climax Exposition Conflict Rising Action Resolution 6. Resolution  After the climax you learn the resolution, or outcome of the conflict, before the story ends. Falling action

13 Resolution in Cinderella  Cinderella tries the slipper on and it fits! Cinderella and the prince get married and live happily ever after.

14 Rikki Tikki-Tavi Vocabulary  Revived: brought back to life or consciousness Synonym: resususcitated Antonym: suffocated

15  Immensely: something done with the largest amount possible  Synonyms: enormously, hugely  Antonyms: slightly

16  Mourning: the expression of sorrow or grief after something is lost  Synonym:sadness  Antonyms: joy, happiness

17  Veranda: an open porch, usually with a roof  Synonym: balcony

18  Consolation: something that comforts a disappointed person  Synonym:sympathy

19  Cunning: trying to trick or cheat others  Synonym: sneaky  Antonym: honestly

20  Valiant: brave or courageous  Synonym: heroic  Antonym: cowardly

21  Scornfully: expressing something in a way that shows dislike or disrespect  Synonym: rude, disrespect  Antonym: polite, respectful

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