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5 th Grade Mrs. Williams’s Class/Team Nottingham.

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1 5 th Grade Mrs. Williams’s Class/Team Nottingham

2 Glenkirk Elementary About Mrs. Williams Teaching Experience Indiana University 2001, B.S. in Elementary Education 15 years experience I have two sons. Peyton is in 3rd grade here at Glenkirk and Ethan is 4 and in preschool. I enjoy being outside, reading, and time with family and friends.

3 Glenkirk ElementaryCommunication A.Green homework folders will be sent home every day. On Tuesdays, the folder will include graded papers and school news. B. Please stay in touch with class news at C. My email address is

4 Glenkirk ElementaryHomework Students will have homework each night. Please read 30 minutes each night. Study science study guides for about 10 minutes each night. Students will have a written math, social studies, or science assignment on some nights. Some online homework will be assigned. Unfinished class work can be sent home for completion. Unless otherwise stated, assignments are due the next day.

5 Glenkirk Elementary Responsibilities of the Student- Seven Habits of Happy Children BE PROACTIVE!- Agendas, Organization (Executive Functioning) PUT FIRST THINGS FIRST!- Homework, Study Skills SYNERGIZE/THINK WIN-WIN!- Cooperative Learning BEGIN WITH THE END IN MIND and SHARPEN THE SAW!-Time Management

6 Celebrations of Success & Behavior Incentives –Class Shields/Golden Shields –Tickets- 10 for a reward coupon –5 th Grade Knight to Know Rules –Students helped develop our rules for the classroom and throughout the building. –Quality Student/Quality Teacher Consequences –3 Counts (Warnings) –Think Sheets-Filled out by student. Signed and returned by parent. –After 3 Think Sheets in one quarter any further infractions will result in an Honor Code Violation and loss of the quarterly behavior incentive. –More serious infractions will result in an Honor Code Violation and will be handled through the office. Glenkirk Elementary


8 Language Arts Spelling and Vocabulary –5 th grade will focus on learning prefixes, suffixes and common root words and their meanings. –Commonly misspelled words will be added to vocabulary for practice. –Vocabulary will be studied and tested every two weeks. English and Writing –Instruction in composition, written expression, usage and mechanics –Quarterly Writing Prompts –Integrated into other content areas Glenkirk Elementary

9 Reading Read alouds Whole group instruction Small group instruction (based on reading level and/or strategy needs) Independent reading time - JUST RIGHT BOOKS! Students will work on decoding, reading comprehension, and test-taking strategies Variety of literature: Chapter books, leveled readers, picture books, short stories, poetry and nonfiction Reading skills also taught in context with Social Studies and Science content.

10 Glenkirk ElementaryScience Hands on experiments, Integrates Technology & Engineering Group/Partner/Individual work The 4 C’s (Critical and Creative thinking, Collaboration, and Communication) Test at the completion of each unit Topics include: Scientific Investigations Diversity of Life (Cells and Living Systems)* Matter Light Sound Oceanography Geology

11 Science Fair All fifth graders are required to complete an individual science fair project. A Science Fair Info Night will take place in November/December. Information packets will be distributed at that time. More information to come!

12 Student Data 5 th Graders will be keeping a data binder. They will record their results of reading, math, social studies and science tests. Class and student goals will be set before tests are given. Students will have time to reflect on their data and see if they reached their goals. We will discuss ways to achieve goals and also things that may have prevented us from achieving our goals. Since tests are computerized and/or cannot be sent home, students have a score sheet stapled into their homework folder where they will record scores to share with you.

13 Testing Students will be notified of dates for any quizzes and unit tests as early as possible. If a student does not earn a passing grade on a unit test (“C” or higher), the student will be given the opportunity to improve his/her test grade to a C. Remediation will be provided in the classroom and further home practice encouraged.

14 Grading Prince William County’s Grading Scale Graded papers are sent home in the homework folder. Please review your child’s work. Fix papers are recorded as Fs in the gradebook. Students are encouraged to make corrections and turn back in to be regraded. Please check Parent Portal for student grades. *Contact the front office for help with your account. SOL Tests in 5 th Grade: Reading, Math, and Science (4 th grade Science is included on 5 th grade test.) A 90 -100B+ 87-89B 80-86C+ 77-79 C 70-76D+ 67-69D 60-66F 59 and below Glenkirk Elementary

15 Important Times Important Times School Starts: 9:00 Lunch: 11:09-11:39 Specials: 2:45-3:30 Dismissal: 3:40

16 Glenkirk Elementary Encore Schedule GREEN WEEK: 1-Library 2-Music 3-PE 4-Art 5-PE GOLD WEEK: 1-Guidance 2-Music 3-PE 4-Art 5-PE

17 Glenkirk Elementary Healthy Snacks In accordance with PWCS policy, students may bring healthy snacks to school. Some ideas include, but are not limited to: Dry cereal, cereal bars Granola bars Fruit / Fruit snacks Popcorn / Pretzels Bottled Water

18 Bring Your Own Device PWCS has issued an Acceptable Use Policy for handheld technology. Students are permitted to bring E-readers and tablets to school for academic purposes. –To prevent misuse of technology, only e- readers will be allowed in class. Please do not send devices with access to the internet and other social media networks. Teachers and staff are not liable for these devices. A BYOD consent form will be on my website and must be completed before students may bring the device to school. Glenkirk Elementary

19 Volunteering Phone Tree Preparing materials Cutting or stapling projects at home Coordinate special events Classroom help with special projects Sharing a talent or hobby (Art, Reading, etc.) Join the PTO to become more involved in school activities If you are planning to volunteer please attend a training session. There is one tonight at 8:00 in the library if you need to be trained. You must attend a training to be a field trip chaperone.

20 Special Celebrations Fall Harvest October Winter Party December Valentine Exchange February End-of-the-Year Picnic June Please refer to the information sent home regarding birthday celebrations. Glenkirk Elementary

21 Please take a moment to read your child’s note to you and write a response on the back to him or her. Finally…

22 Glenkirk ElementaryQuestions?? Conferences will be held November 3 rd. A Sign Up Genius will be emailed out tomorrow to choose a time. Conferences will be held with the homeroom teacher. Information from Mrs. Nourse will be shared.

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