PLEASE FIND YOUR SEAT! Welcome to Ms. Swanson’s Health Class.

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Presentation on theme: "PLEASE FIND YOUR SEAT! Welcome to Ms. Swanson’s Health Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLEASE FIND YOUR SEAT! Welcome to Ms. Swanson’s Health Class

2 *Rules and regulations contained in the Student/Parent Handbook will be followed. 1.) Be Prompt 2.) Be Prepared 3.) Be Positive 4.) Be Polite 5.) Be Productive *Rules and regulations contained in the Student/Parent Handbook will be followed. 1.) Be Prompt 2.) Be Prepared 3.) Be Positive 4.) Be Polite 5.) Be Productive

3 I would like your input on what some of these rules should include. As a group, elaborate on what these rules mean to your group and make them more specific. Star (*) the most important rule that your group came up with under EACH general rule. Be prompt. What does it mean to be prompt or on time? (To class, in your seat, turning in work, gathering class materials, etc.) Be prepared. What should each student be expected to come to class with? (Borrowing rules, consequences, late work, etc.) Be positive. What does a positive classroom look like? (Student to student behavior, student to teacher behavior, classroom interactions, etc.) Be polite. How should you treat others? (Use of language, communicating with other, helping out other students/teacher, etc.) Be productive. How should you spend your time? (Working individually, in groups, use of your classroom time, etc.) Any other rules your group would like to add? Now its Your Turn to make the rules!

4  In the classroom before the bell.  In your seat 15 seconds after the bell.  Turn in your work on or before the due date  Start your work right away

5  Bring folder, pen/pencil, and book if needed.  Have supplies ready  Be organized – use only one folder for health

6  Work cooperatively and motivate each other  Have a good attitude and make good efforts  Be respectful to teacher and student also with your language

7  Treat others the way you would like to be treated – use nice words  Raise your hand to speak and listen to other while they are speaking  Use manners – please and thank you

8  Try your best  Communicate properly and participate in class– ask questions  Work hard and stay on task  Use your time wisely

9  Take care of bathroom/locker needs before class you get 2 passes PER QUARTER  No food or drink in class – water is okay

10  Phones and electronics (and ear phones!) need to be put away BEFORE walking into class.  There will be days you are allowed to listen to music and I will let you know when.

11 If need be: 1. Verbal Warning 2. Conference with Student 3. School Detention/ Phone call home 4. Parent Conference 5. Referral to Administration

12  Enter the classroom quietly.  Go directly to your assigned seat.  Make sure you have all necessary materials for the class.  Folder (.25 cents from me)  Health Textbook  Pen/Pencil  Get started on Bell Ringer

13 - A sheet will be given the start of each week - Bell ringer will be written on the board - Write 2-4 sentences (depending on question) - Start on work packet

14  You may be responsible for taking notes at home. These may or may not be checked in daily  Use class time to complete assignments  Use connection period!!!!

15  Listen to the teacher and others while they are speaking  Wait to sharpen pencil and ask to use the bathroom  Raising your hand  Ask questions related to the subject.  Class will pause during P.A. announcements.

16  *1st tardy is a warning.  2 nd tardy is a detention  3 rd tardy is a detention  4 th tardy is a referral and counselor referral  5 th tardy you may be dropped from the class TARDY

17  1 st Check with a classmate what you missed =)  Missed a test? Connection!  Sick? Go to my website. Print off your work.  Webpage Webpage

18  Clean up  Put away folder  Park it  Wait for the bell

19  Grading (subject to change)  Class work/Homework  Chapter Tests/Quizzes  Projects  Bell ringers  Grading Scale A= 90-100 B= 80-89 C= 70-79 D=60-69 E=0-59

20 Units:  Intro to Health  Emotional / Mental Health  Stress  Relationships  Social / Moral Health  Violence  Physical Health  Body Systems  Nutrition / Fitness  Drugs  Diseases / Prevention  Human Development  First Aid  Environmental Health

21 SUPPLIES  This class requires you to have:  Folder ( 5 points for having one)  Pen or Pencil You should have these materials no later than Wednesday, August 19 th, 2015

22  In Chapter 2 we will focus on the importance of surrounding ourselves with positive people and being part of a supportive environment. We are going to create a positive atmosphere in our classroom by posting meaningful quotes in our classroom. Please TYPE up your quote so that it fits on ONE SHEET of paper and make sure to include the individual that created this quote. This paper can be any color you want. This quote can be about life, relationships, your mind set, overcoming failures, setting goals, etc. Include 5-7 sentences why you chose this quote and how it applies to your life. Please turn your quote in for full credit by Friday, August 21st, 2015.

23 Any questions or concerns?

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