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Proposal Work Plan for CICAD Expert Group on CSAD Alfonso Arica Acting Director for Technical Affairs DEVIDA – Peru Lima, May 18th 2016 COMISIÓN INTERAMERICANA.

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Presentation on theme: "Proposal Work Plan for CICAD Expert Group on CSAD Alfonso Arica Acting Director for Technical Affairs DEVIDA – Peru Lima, May 18th 2016 COMISIÓN INTERAMERICANA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Proposal Work Plan for CICAD Expert Group on CSAD Alfonso Arica Acting Director for Technical Affairs DEVIDA – Peru Lima, May 18th 2016 COMISIÓN INTERAMERICANA PARA EL CONTROL DEL ABUSO DE DROGA S CICAD Secretaría de Seguridad Multidimensional

2 Source: UNODC, World Drug Reportt 2015 Alternative Development is not exclusive to the Andean Region, the model as a development strategy has been implemented in 23 countries. Geographical location of Alternative Development

3 General objective of the CICAD Expert Group on Comprehensive and Sustainable Alternative Development (CSAD) Strengthening alternative development interventions in the hemisphere in all of its planning phases (design, execution, systematization, evaluation), achieving the implementation of the programs, project and activities of CICAD Member States, being balanced, comprehensive, and sustainable based on evidence and the realities of each country. Everything is according to the United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development.

4 Specific objectives: 1.Strengthening CICAD/OAS Member States through the technical assistance specializing in methodological tools for program planning comprehensive and sustainable alternative development, taking into consideration the realities of each country with a human development focus, social development and public security. 2.Strengthen capacities of alternative development in CICAD Member States through the creation of opportunities for technical dialogue and coordination, exchange, analysis of the problem, trends and threats for development.

5 Stages in Process of Approving the Work Plan I. Preparatory activities. II. Designing interventions for CSAD and Preventative Alternative Development (PAD). III. Executing interventions for CSAD and PAD. IV. Evaluating interventions for CSAD and PAD. V. Implementing interventions for CSAD and PAD.

6 1.Establishing which experts are responsible for each theme of the Work Plan 2.Guaranteeing the inclusion of diverse approaches and proposals related to CSAD and PAD, where appropriate. 3.Evaluate proposals for each theme to define activities of the Work Plan 2016-2017. 4.Facilitate integration of proposed activities into the Work Plan. 5.Disseminate the Work Plan to CICAD Member States for their approval. I.Preparatory activities.

7 1. Propose parameters for evaluating programs set by the Member States to evaluate interventions in CSAD and PAD 2013 2014 II. Intervention design in CSAD and PAD.

8 2. Establishing criteria to quantify potential target populations of CSAD and PAD Families participating in Comprehensive and Sustainable Alternative Development Programs

9 3. Propose guidelines for CSAD and PAD with a transversal, gender-based, environmental, and intercultural approach. Components Planned phases Socialization Immediate actions Medium and long-term actions Post-eradication Plan Productive (Cacao, coffee and organic gardens) Promote associations Social (comprehensive community development) Health (healthy behaviors and medical assistance) Infrastructure (Infrastructure maintenance and creation of records) Crosscutting principles COMMUNICATION GENDERENVIRONMENT SECURITY INTERCULTURAL RESPECT

10 1. Proposing mechanisms for technical assistance and multilateral technology transfer for CSAD and PAD. III.Execution of CSAD and PAD interventions.

11 2. Establishing a hemispheric vision and establishing alternatives based on United Nations Guiding Principles on Alternative Development.

12 1. Propose standardized technical criteria for outcome and impact indicators which contribute to the MEM processde DAIS y DAP, según proceda. IV.Evaluating CSAD and PAD interventions.

13 CSAD and PAD – Contribution to the 2030 SDGs

14 1. Establishing a methodological guide to evaluate and recognize good practices. V.Implementing CSAD and PAD interventions.

15 2. Strengthening Member States in the identification of success factors of different CSAD and PAD interventions, where appropriate. Human development approach aimed to families in coca-growing areas of influence Guarantees the State’s territorial control Social capital in benefit of the State: neighborhood committees and agricultural associations Reduces the probability of participation in illicit activities Provides technical assistance and promotes the articulation to consumption markets Helps to prevent food insecurity Promotes a responsible use of forestry resources Prevents the reharvesting of coca plantations

16 Publications and proposed products (to November 2016) Edited reports and published studies (electronic): 1.Publication of studies or progress, according to the theme (Design, Execution, Evaluation and Systematization). 2.Progress Report 2016 – to be presented at CICAD 60.

17 Internation al Cooperation Organizatio ns Regional governmen ts Local governmen ts Ministries and state entities Private enterprise Civil society Producer organizatio ns 3. Mapping institutions related to AD for each Member State (Directory)

18 Financial management for execution of projects, activities, etc. Efficiency in public spending approach Strengthening Regional and Local Government Oriented to institutional modernization Promotion of Comprehensive and Sustainable Alternative Development Human security approach Formulation of Programs which Conform to Strategy In coordination with all sectors Design of the National Anti-Drug Strategy Multi-sectoral approach 4. Study systematization of AD models in the Hemisphere, progress in first year.

19 Milestones for the Work Plan MAY `16 JUN 16 JUL 16AGO 16 SET 16OCT 16 NOV 16 DIC 16ENE 17 FEB 17MAR 17 ABR 17 MAR 17 ABR 17 First Meeting Work Plan Proposal (Peru) CICAD 60 Expert Group Progress Report Bahamas CICAD 61 Systematizing the AD Model (Washington D.C.) CND Hemispheric Position of Expert Group Approval of the Expert Group Work Plan 1.Map of CSAD actors 2.CSAD Website - CICAD

20 Timeline for Work Plan 2016 - 2017

21 Thank You

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