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The Ancient Hebrews Robert Giles. 1800-1500 B.C.E Hebrews settled in Canaan Were Herders Originally from Mesopotamia Abraham led them there.

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1 The Ancient Hebrews Robert Giles

2 1800-1500 B.C.E Hebrews settled in Canaan Were Herders Originally from Mesopotamia Abraham led them there

3 Migration To Egypt Most likely because of famine. Were enslaved by the Egyptians there.

4 1300-1250 B.C.E Hebrews fled from Egypt. They fled across the desert (Sinai Peninsula) back to Canaan. This is called the Exodus.

5 The Exodus Lead by Moses. A very strong leader. He was raised in Pharaoh’s court. It is traditionally believed that the Exodus took approximately 40 years. It is the departure of the Hebrew slaves from Egypt under the leadership of Moses.

6 The 10 Commandments Were created during the Exodus. They are a set of moral laws. Bible/Torah says they come from God/Yahweh. Some of the first codified/written down laws.

7 10 Commandments Extremely Important. –Basis for the Western Worlds legal system.

8 The Hebrew Kingdom Believed that God had promised them the land of Canaan. Canaanites and Philistines were there too. They fight one another.

9 1020 B.C.E Kingdom of Israel founded. Saul the King is the first king of Ancient Kingdom of Israel.

10 1000-962 B.C.E King David Ruled Jerusalem is made the capital city. Trade between the Hebrews and the city of Tyre made the Hebrews rich.

11 960-922 B.C.E King Solomon Ruled. Is David’s Son. Israel reached the height of its power here. A magnificent palace and temple were built. After Solomon’s death kingdom broke into two. –Israel –Judah

12 722 B.C.E Assyrians conquer Israel. In turn enslave the Israelites.

13 586 B.C.E Nebuchadnezzer and Babylonians conquer Judah. They destroy Soloman’s temple. Only the Western Wall remains, which is now called the Wailing Wall. They then enslave the Judeans.

14 The Wailing Wall A retaining wall in Jerusalem that dates from the time of the Jewish Second Temple (515 B.C.E- 70 C.E). The image of Jews/Hebrews wailing and moaning over the hardships they have endured.

15 538 B.C.E Persians conquer Babylon. The Persians then send the exiled Hebrews back to their homeland. The Hebrews are now called the Jews.

16 Religion Monotheistic. –Huge Impact on the World. –God = eternal, ageless, supreme, and creator. –Very different from other Middle Eastern religions.

17 Religion Continued Believe there is a set right/wrong. Established by God/Yahweh. It is each person’s duty to follow it. Free Will. Laws recorded in the Torah. The 1 st 5 books of the Christian bible.

18 Religion Continued Believed in, and had many prophets. –Men and Women who were messengers of God. –Urged people to return/stay faithful to the faith.

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