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Teen Depression What are the causes and effects of teen depression, how can you recognize them, and what.

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2 Teen Depression What are the causes and effects of teen depression, how can you recognize them, and what can be done to help?

3 Causes of Teen Depression

4 Biological Factors 2. Family members with a history of depression 1.Chemical imbalance in the brain

5 Biological Factors 1. 1. Teens that suffer form depression have a chemical imbalance in their brain. The serotonin, or the neurotransmitters, in the brain transmits feelings of happiness and pleasure, a teen with depression has low amounts of serotonin in their brain resulting in the feelings of happiness and pleasure not to be transmitted through the gap in the nerve cells. 2. 2. Teens that have family members with a history of depression or other mental diseases are more likely to suffer from the disease. Statistics show that 20%-50% of teens that suffer from depression have at least one family member that has a history of depression.

6 Personal Traits 2. Low self-esteem 1.Negative outlook

7 Personal Traits 1. 1. A teen with a negative out look on life is more likely to develop depression because the see mostly the bad in life depriving them of happiness. 2. 2. A teen that has low self-esteem is more likely to develop depression because they don’t believe in them selves and are more susceptible to the negative influences and attitudes of others and themselves.

8 Other Factors 4. Dysfunction in the home 5. Abuse of any kind (physical, sexual, mental, verbal) 2. Loss of relationship 3. Loss of a loved one 1. Stress from unrealistic expectations

9 Other Factors 1. 1. Teens that have unrealistic expectations from them selves or others suffer from depression because of the low self esteem they experience after they fail. 2. 2. Loss of relationship is another factor because the loss can result in severe sadness or low self-esteem which can lead to depression. 3. 3. Loss of a loved one can also cause depression because of the loss of support from the loved one or severe sadness because of the loss both may lead to depression 4. 4. Dysfunction in the home also causes problems they may develop into depression for a teen because without the loving support of family members the teen may not be able to deal with stress from other areas in their life or the dysfunction, such as divorce, abusive family members, or unrealistic expectations, may cause the stress. 5. 5. Abuse is also a factor because if a teen suffers abuse of any kind, physical, sexual, mental or verbal, it may cause low self-esteem, guilt, anger, sadness, or a number of other emotions that could lead to depression.

10 Effects of Depression

11 Problems at school Running away Substance abuse

12 Low self-esteem Eating disorders Internet Addiction

13 Self-injury Reckless behavior Violence

14 Suicide Suicide is the most extreme effect or action taken by a depressed teen. Suicide is the third leading cause of teen deaths in the U.S.

15 Signs and Symptoms

16 Sadness and/or hopelessness Irritability, anger, and/or hostility Tearfulness and/or frequent crying

17 Withdrawal from friends and family Loss of interest in activities Change in eating or sleeping

18 Restlessness and/or agitation Feelings of worthlessness and/or guilt Lack of enthusiasm and/or motivation

19 Fatigue and/or lack of energyDifficulty concentrating Thoughts of death and/or suicide

20 Tips for Helping Offer support Be gentle but persistent Listen without lecturing Accept their feelings

21 Actions to Take Visit a family doctor Seek out a specialist Explore Treatment options

22 Treatment Options Medications Therapy

23 Prevention Stay active Eat a balanced diet Keep in touch with friends and family Learn new skills Get a hobby Find ways and time to relax



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