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Unit 8: The Start of the Cold War (1945-1965). In your notebooks…. The next page on the right should be the cover page: Unit 7- The Start of the Cold.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 8: The Start of the Cold War (1945-1965). In your notebooks…. The next page on the right should be the cover page: Unit 7- The Start of the Cold."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 8: The Start of the Cold War (1945-1965)

2 In your notebooks…. The next page on the right should be the cover page: Unit 7- The Start of the Cold War The next page on the left should be left blank for now The following page will be used for today’s intro activity Butter Battle Book Reflection

3 Butter Battle Book Why were the two groups at war? Why do you think they kept building bigger and bigger weapons? How was the story like real life? What was the purpose of the author? Why do you think we call this time period the Cold War if there was no war specifically between the U.S.S.R and the United States?

4 The Start of the Cold War Activity With a partner, you will complete the following assignment- finding primary sources for each of the events listed in the chart. Once the chart is completed, you will write a thesis statement and body paragraph answering the prompt. This is due Monday, May 2 nd but you will receive a second day in class this week to work on it.

5 Notebooks If you were absent yesterday, you will need to pick up the packet of notebook handouts. Everyone will receive a new packet today which will be used for notes during the PowerPoint. Page 21: Unit 8: The Start of the Cold War Page 22: Blank Page 23: Butter Battle Book Reflection Page 24-25: Cold War Timeline Page 26: Origins of the Cold War note page Page 27: Iron Curtain note page Page 28: Iron Curtain map Page 29: Berlin Airlift map Page 30: Berlin Airlift note page

6 Iron Curtain Map Label the map Color the countries based on: Warsaw pact member Communist nation outside Soviet bloc Neutral nation NATO member

7 Monday, May 2, 2016 As you enter today: Turn in the paragraph on the Cold War into the basket on the front desk. Grab today’s note packet from the front desk Start putting these two pages into your notebooks You will need 4 different colors (markets, crayons, pencils)

8 Berlin Airlift Map Label and color the 4 occupied zones of Germany and Berlin Answer the three questions: What was the Berlin Airlift? Why did the Berlin Airlift happen? What was the result of the Berlin Airlift?

9 Cuban Missile Crisis Documents Read through your assigned document, answering the three questions in your notebooks. When done, make groups of 3 with each document being represented. As a group, answer the following questions in each of your notebooks: According to these documents, what deal did the U.S. strike with the U.S.S.R? Why was this deal kept secret? Who seems more scared or on the defensive in these documents? What does this event show you about how people felt during the Cold War?

10 Interactive Timeline Today you will continue working on your interactive/multi media timelines: research the events of the Korean and Vietnam Wars find multi media to support and enhance the information found create a timeline starting from 1945-1975 covering both the Korean and Vietnam wars Projects due Friday, May 13

11 Tuesday, May 10 th, 2016 As many of you turn 18, you will need to register in the draft. Failing to do so can result in jail time, a fine, and unable to receive college loans and grants. Currently, women are not draft eligible but Congress is looking to change that. What do you think of the current draft requirements? Male (18-25 years old) Women do not register for the draft Should women be draft eligible? Why or why not?

12 The Draft Locate your draft lottery number based on your birth month and day. Place yourselves in order based on your lottery numbers from lowest to highest. You will find out which of you are drafted and which are safe. The President has announced that an army of terrorists is massing on our border with Canada and seems ready to invade from the north. Therefore, the US is calling a draft to build an army to protect the homeland.

13 The Draft Drafted How do you feel about being drafted? Are you happy to serve your country or resentful you were chosen and others were not? Do you feel this system of deciding who is going to war is fair? Undrafted How do you feel about not being drafted? Are you relieved that you don’t have to fight? Do you feel this system of deciding who is going to war is fair?

14 The Draft Describe the Selective Service’s lottery system for drafting soldiers into the military. What is your opinion about the fairness of the system? Would you be willing to serve if you were drafted under this system, or would you use a deferment? If you chose to defer, which deferment would you use, and why?

15 Vietnam Video Questions As you’re watching the video respond to the following questions: Explain the debate Americans had about the Vietnam War. What were some arguments different people made to either support the war effort or disapprove of the war? What were some decisions different American presidents made in regards to the Vietnam War? Which side do you agree with and why?

16 A Long March to Freedom As we watch the video, please take notes on the following: Important people/groups Obstacles in their way to achieve civil rights Tactics used in order to achieve their goals of civil rights Major events in the movement You can use this information to help

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