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& the Dynastic Cycle. Elements of this cycle can be seen throughout the history of China’s dynasties.

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Presentation on theme: "& the Dynastic Cycle. Elements of this cycle can be seen throughout the history of China’s dynasties."— Presentation transcript:

1 & the Dynastic Cycle

2 Elements of this cycle can be seen throughout the history of China’s dynasties.

3 New ruler! New dynasty! Which leads to…. NEW GOLDEN AGE!!!

4 This “Golden Age” leads to population increase and some type of prosperity as the government tries to assist the people. Unfortunately, this can’t last and…… CORRUPTION SETS IN The empire becomes unstable and begins to decline The peasants begin to rebel and riot. Natural disasters that occur (i.e. famine, floods, earthquakes) are proof to the peasants that the Emperor is losing favor with Heaven.

5 CIVIL WAR Because the ruler has become corrupt and no longer cares for his people, they rise up against him and he loses the Mandate of Heaven. The population shrinks Another state or dynasty gains powers and emerges victorious. The cycle begins again.

6 ca. 2100-1600 BCE Supposed first dynasty No actual evidence this dynasty existed

7 ca. 1600-1050 BCE Chinese writing system introduced Bronze technology Developed accurate calendar

8 ca. 1046-256 BCE “Mandate of Heaven” one of the key ideas developed Confucianism and Daoism emerge

9 221-206 BCE Unitary state created (First Chinese Empire) Legalism used to create this unity under Shi Huangdi (he was the guy buried with the Terracotta Army!) Great Wall built

10 206 BCE-220 CE Confucianism established as orthodoxy Civil service exams introduced (you can get a job based on merit not birth/wealth!) Buddhism traveled the Silk Road to China

11 220-589 CE Empire was fragmented due to outside invaders North dominated by invaders from borderland and steppes South went through successive Chinese dynasties Buddhism spread

12 581-618 CE China reunified Grand Canal built that connected the north and south Military expansion Attempts to establish outside colonies

13 618-906 “Golden Age” Cosmopolitan and cultural flourishing Towards end of dynasty Great Proscription (842- 845) when Buddhism & its practitioners suffered persecution.

14 960-1279 Growth in commerce and maritime trade. Rice & tea became dominant food & drink Foot binding began Mongols invaded, lead by Kublai Khan

15 1279-1368 Kublai Khan named himself emperor Chinese held beneath both Mongols and foreigners Marco Polo visited (he’s a real guy, not just a game!) Silk Road flourished

16 1368-1644 Hongwu, backed by peasants, overthrew Mongols and became emperor Inward-looking state. Focused on internal versus external expansion.

17 1644-1912 Dramatic increase in population Invasion and intervention of foreigners Taiping and Boxer Rebellions happen during this time This is the last dynasty of China

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