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Chapter 13 Adjectives & Adverbs. Adjectives Lesson 121.

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Presentation on theme: "Chapter 13 Adjectives & Adverbs. Adjectives Lesson 121."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chapter 13 Adjectives & Adverbs

2 Adjectives Lesson 121

3 Adjectives An adjective describes a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives make sentences more interesting because they tell what kind or how many.

4 Adjectives In a diagram an adjective goes below the word it describes. Most adjectives come before the noun they describe. Some adjectives end like a verb (ed, ing).

5 Adjectives Predicate adjectives come after the noun or pronoun that they describe. A predicate adjective always comes after a linking verb and describes the subject of the sentence.

6 Guided Practice 1. Heavy rains often come with thunderstorms.

7 Guided Practice 2. Thunderstorms are small compared to hurricanes.

8 Guided Practice 3. Lightning frightened the young child.

9 Guided Practice 8. Thunderstorms are dry. SLV PA Thunderstormsaredry

10 Guided Practice 9. Thunder warned us of stormy weather. SVDO () Thunderwarnedus

11 Independent Practice 1. Dry thunderstorms often happen in the West.

12 Independent Practice 2. Lightning bolts from storms cause wildfires.

13 Independent Practice 3. Large raindrops evaporate above ground.

14 Independent Practice 8. Hard hailstones damage crops. S VDO hailstonesdamagecrops Hard

15 Independent Practice 9. Ice balls are destructive to windows and cars. SLV PA ( ) ballsaredestructive Ice

16 Apply and Write Write two sentences using adjectives to describe a thunderstorm or another type of storm you are familiar with.

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