November 1 2011| 1 CONTINUING CARE COUNCIL Report to Forum Year 2010-2011.

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1 November 1 2011| 1 CONTINUING CARE COUNCIL Report to Forum Year 2010-2011

2 November 1 2011 | 2 Council’s Mandate A vehicle to inform the Health Association Board and staff on issues impacting the continuing care members and services Discussion forum on issues of mutual concern –E.g. Public policy, system integration Provide supporting evidence/rationale for informed decision- making, recommendations Represent the sector on various working groups, committees Network with providers for input and updates

3 November 1, 2011 | 3 Update & Direction To respond to system issues as they arise To represent the sector and it’s needs To proactively and strategically address gaps

4 November 1, 2011 | 4 Responding to System Issues Draft Management Compensation Policy –Accountability is important –Suggested that documented approval of changes in mgt composition not be required by DHW; notification of changes can come through business reporting, etc –Suggested mgt compensation review

5 November 11, 2011 | 5 Responding to System Issues Foot Care Policy –Survey conducted, results analyzed –Sought a definition of “advanced foot care” –In absence of definition recommended that “advanced” foot care mean care for residents with chronic medical conditions that increases risk associated with foot care, and care for individuals with abnormal foot conditions. This requires special training, therefore a billable expense. –Current status – gov is doing a cross-jurisdictional review of policies in other provinces

6 November 1, 2011 | 6 Responding to System Issues Models of Care –Asked if / when the Models of Care Initiative would be rolled out into continuing care –Advised there is no plan for a formal roll-out, but discussions occurring regarding modified ways to showcase innovative “models of care” in the province –There is research on-going on “models of care”, e.g. Care in Construction project

7 November 1, 2011 | 7 Responding to System Issues Death certificates –Requested an amendment to the Vital Statistics Act to reflect what is, in many cases, current practice regarding death certificates and body removal Suggested it go one further to move towards an electronic system –Nurse Practitioners Supported their authority to sign death certificates Further suggestions – electronic system, authority given to nurses in CME office as well Proposed amendment has been made –More consultation to be done to determine when NPs can sign

8 November 1, 2011 | 8 Responding to System Issues Respite Bed Conversions –Council supports the efficient use of resources, but need monitoring and evaluation mechanisms in place –Requested information on how the effect of the conversions would be monitored and how this fits into the larger strategy for continuing care –Response – monitoring will be done under the Director of Monitoring and Evaluation

9 November 1, 2011 | 9 Responding to System Issues Smoking polices in nursing homes –Survey on resident smoking policies in nursing homes was conducted –Result – there are varied practices and philosophies –Action – policy and communication toolkit are posted on the “members only” section of the Health Association website

10 November 1, 2011 | 10 Responding to System Issues Funding Increases and Service Agreements –Wrote to Deputy Minister, detailing concern with funding increases being contingent on service agreement signing –Not only a funding issue, but a negative impact on government / sector relations –Asked to have individual facilities indicate to their respective regional coordinator what services will be impacted due to lack of funding

11 November 1, 2011 | 11 Representing the Sector Council represents the Council on a variety of working groups / committees –Academic Health Council –Primary Health Care Working Group –Challenging Behaviors Working Group –etc

12 November 1, 2011 | 12 Representing the Sector Public Image Committee –Mandated to implement various awareness initiatives, raising the sector’s profile with the public and other stakeholders –Continuing Care Month in September Website, TV ads, poster, contest –Regularly contributes to the Senior’s Advocate publication –Supports members with the development of promotional tools –Coordinates media relations training

13 November 1, 2011 | 13 Representing the Sector Improving Access to LTC –Government has several working groups working on barriers to access in long term care, following the release of three reports –A variety of priorities were outlined by DHW –Steering Committee and working groups were created Monitor improvement in placements to LCT beds Link funding to bed utilization Improve facility placement – policy and processes Improvements to IT

14 November 1, 2011 | 14 Strategically Addressing Gaps Strategic planning session in Sept –Become more proactive –Initiate a stronger focus on a few key issues Information feeding into the session –Government – it’s future plans –Trends and analysis –Feedback from member organizations –Our own experiences

15 November 1, 2011 | 15 Strategically Addressing Gaps Result – two areas of focus –Data collection –Communication and relationships

16 November 1, 2011 | 16 Strategically Addressing Gaps Data collection –Need to collect or gain access to high quality, standardized data –Will result in better, evidence-based planning ability at organization and sector levels –Probable focus on what our clientele “look like” – monitored over time –First step – what is government doing? What is their plan?

17 November 1, 2011 | 17 Strategically Addressing Gaps Communication / Relationship building –Become a body that is more regularly and proactively sought by government for input and feedback –Communication with sector Heighten awareness of Council activities to the sector Improve and enhance communication to/from broader membership –With public The Board is supportive of informing the pubic of continuing care sector issues –With stakeholders

18 February 12, 2010 | 18 Thank you! Comments? Questions?

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