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Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins Vitamins, Minerals, Water.

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Presentation on theme: "Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins Vitamins, Minerals, Water."— Presentation transcript:

1 Carbohydrates, Fats, Proteins Vitamins, Minerals, Water

2 Nutrients substances in food that provide energy or help form body tissues and are necessary for life and growth 6 classes: carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, water

3 Eating too little food = weight loss, poor growth, death Eating too much food = extra energy is stored as fat, excess fat causes risks of developing diseases What you eat today not only affects how you see yourself, but can affect you in the long-term By eating a variety of foods you are more likely to get all of the nutrients you need for the day The food plate (“Food Pyramid”) is a guide to use to assure you are getting everything you need in a healthy manner (Not too little, not too much)

4 Food provides the fuel that runs your body Metabolism: chemical process that take place in your body to keep you alive; requires energy and nutrients Nutrients that provide energy: carbohydrates, fats, protein Nutrients that do not provide energy: vitamins, minerals, water still necessary for metabolism Food energy is measured in CALORIES carbohydrates: 4calories/gram protein: 4 calories/gram fats: 9 calories/gram

5 A class of energy-giving nutrients that includes sugars, starches and fiber. Main source of food energy.

6 Sugars simplest form of carbs glucose: sugar that circulates in your blood and provides energy refined sugar: provides energy, but no nutrients found in fruit, milk, cookies, potatoes Starches: complex carbs (many sugars connected together most come from plant foods Glycogen excess carbs that your body doesn’t need, stored as this quick energy reserve Fiber complex carb that provides little nutrients and can NOT be digested by the body keeps your intestines healthy, prevents constipation, prevents colon cancer and heart disease soluble fiber- dissolves in water insoluble fiber-does NOT dissolve in water

7 A class of nutrients that are made up of amino acids, which are needed to build and repair cells Amino Acids Proteins Cells Tissues Organs Systems Body

8 Help build new cells and repair existing ones Too much protein and it will be stored as fat Made up of amino acids Comes from both plant and animal foods Animal: eggs, meat, dairy complete proteins Plant: legumes, grains, vegetables Eat a wide variety of foods to get all your proteins red and white meats fish dairy legumes nuts grains

9 A class of energy giving nutrients- Also the main form of energy storage in the body STORED ENERGY

10 Essential nutrient 3 types: saturated fat unsaturated fat cholesterol Saturated Fat most are solid at room temp come from animal foods stay away from too much sat fat leads to obesity, high cholesterol Unsaturated Fat tend to be liquid at room temp come from plant foods 3 types: good type of fat (beneficial) Cholesterol Low density Lipoproteins brings cholesterol to the body cells (BAD) High density Lipoproteins carries cholesterol back to the liver to be removed (GOOD)

11 A class of nutrients that contain carbon and are needed in small amounts to maintain health and allow growth 2 types: Fat-Soluble dissolve in fat Vitamins A, D, E, K remain in body for a long time Water-Soluble dissolve in water 8 B vitamins, C not stored in body very well

12 A class of nutrients that are chemical elements that are needed for certain body processes, such as bone formation. Which mineral is needed for bone formation? Where do we get it?

13 Sodium 1 1/4 teaspoon of salt per day too much = high blood pressure processed foods are high in sodium unprocessed foods are low in sodium Calcium teens: 1300 milligrams/day (8 oz milk = 300 mg) nondairy sources green leafy veg, bread, OJ too little = weak bones (osteoporosis) Iron needed to carry oxygen in the red blood cells too little = anemia, too much = poisonous!! sources: red meat, green veg

14 To transport and absorb calcium, the body uses vitamin D.

15 Water is essential to life and nutritional health. Water makes up about 60 percent of the body, in muscles, fat cells, blood and even bones. How many days can we survive without water? How many glasses a day? How much is a glass?

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