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Although the origins of the Hebrews is unclear, it is believed they migrated from Mesopotamia to Canaan during the 2 nd century B.C.

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Presentation on theme: "Although the origins of the Hebrews is unclear, it is believed they migrated from Mesopotamia to Canaan during the 2 nd century B.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Although the origins of the Hebrews is unclear, it is believed they migrated from Mesopotamia to Canaan during the 2 nd century B.C.

2 The Holy Land is a region of great diversity From west to east, there are four (4) different terrains The coastal plain is low-lying and dry in the south The north there are marsh and lagoon The Jordan Valley is rainless Rugged mountains in the south and rolling hills in the north

3 This map demonstrates the four (4) main religions of the period and their area of influence

4 The Rise of the Biblical Tradition The three (3) great monotheistic religions of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam are called “Abrahamic Religions” Abraham is considered the father of the Jewish people These people called themselves the “Children of Israel” or Israelites which later would be as Jews. In the bible they are called Hebrews

5 Hebrew Origins The Period of the Patriarchs The Period of the Exodus The Period of the Conquest The United Monarchy Divided Kingdom and Exile The Return

6 The Period of the Patriarchs According to the Hebrew Bible, the Israelites received their name from God: Yisra-ayl meaning “one who struggles with God” It is believed that they migrated from Mesopotamia to Canaan on the east coast of the Mediterranean about 2000 B.C. Abraham, the father (patriarch) led the expedition

7 The Period of the Exodus The central event of the Hebrew Bible is the exodus from Egypt occurring around 1250 B.C. The Egyptians enslaved the Hebrews (c. 1750 B.C.) and were led out by Moses The voyage to Canaan According to tradition, it was during this time that the Hebrews received the Torah

8 The Period of the Conquest Hebrews vs. Philistines After the death of Moses, Joshua led the voyage to Canaan Twelve (12) Tribes Each tribe was led and administered by a judge, who was a tribal leader or elder Over a period of time, the people wanted one ruler for the entire nation

9 The United Monarchy Three kings reigned during this period: Saul (1020-1000 B.C.), David (1000-961 B.C.), and Solomon (961-922 B.C.) For 100 years the twelve (12) tribes were united under a common king Upon the death of Solomon in 922 B.C., civil war broke out and the united monarchy was divided into 2 smaller kingdoms Israel in the north and Judah in the south

10 Divided Kingdom and Exile Of the two kingdoms, Israel in the north was stronger and wealthier. It comprised ten (10) of the twelve (12) tribes The southern kingdom of Judah managed to live in harmony with its larger and more powerful neighbors Babylonians led by Nebuchadnezzar destroyed Jerusalem, the capital of Judah

11 The Return The Hebrews return from exile about 520 B.C. to rebuild their shattered temple and resume their religious life. In 333 B.C., the Greek leader Alexander the Great conquered Persia The Hasmoneans Romans take over the Jewish state in 63 A.D. The course of Jewish history for the next 2,000 years: a people forced to live in lands not their own Until 1948 would the Jews return to their homeland

12 The Hebrew Bible & Its Message The Hebrew Bible is divided in three (3) parts: the Law, the Prophets, and the Writings The Law = the first 5 books of the Torah The Prophets = writings attributed to the great moral teachers of the Hebrews (prophets) The Writings = the wisdom literature of the Bible, prose or poetry (Psalms) or both (Job)


14 The Bible as we know it today is not a single book, but a collection of 63 individual books divided into two main parts, the Old and New Testaments

15 Biblical Monotheism One God, God is good, and God is involved in the arena of human history This God is conceived of as a person and not as some impersonal force in the world of nature The Creation Story of Genesis 1.God exists before the world and called it into existence 2.God pronounces each part of creation & creation as a whole as “good” 3.God creates human beings as the priority of creation

16 Biblical Monotheism The notion of “Covenant” “I will be your God; you will be my people” Ethics The Ten Commandments The Prophets The Bible

17 The Beginning of Christianity Jesus The Spread of Christianity Saul of Taurus = Paul Apologist: were Christian writers who wrote about the moral code of Christianity Tertullian and Justin Martyr Anti-Christian Laws Roman emperor Constantine


19 Roman Emperor Constantine (306-337 A.D.) Constantine played an important role in restoring order and stability to the Roman Empire in the 4 th century This marble head was part of an enormous 30 ft. high statues of him that was placed in the basilica of Rome He had this statue made to demonstrate to his people that he was the absolute ruler with immense power

20 Early Christian Art Little significant Christian art or architecture dates from before the 4 th century For nearly two centuries after its birth, Christianity had no part in the artistic culture of the Roman Empire By the 2 nd century, Christianity grew and became organized therefore Christians began to come to terms with imagery Some of the early evidence of art comes from the catacombs

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