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The Great War 1914-1918: The Great War 1914-1918: “A Burnt Path Across History” “A Burnt Path Across History”

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Presentation on theme: "The Great War 1914-1918: The Great War 1914-1918: “A Burnt Path Across History” “A Burnt Path Across History”"— Presentation transcript:


2 The Great War 1914-1918: The Great War 1914-1918: “A Burnt Path Across History” “A Burnt Path Across History”


4 The Alliance System Triple Entente: Triple Alliance: England France Russia Germany Austria-Hungary Italy

5 Europe in 1914 Sarajevo *

6 Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary, the Archduchess Sophie, and children


8 The Assassination: Sarajevo

9 The Assassin: Gavrilo Princip the 19 year old Serbian student who assassinated the Archduke June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo Gavrilo Princip the 19 year old Serbian student who assassinated the Archduke June 28, 1914 in Sarajevo

10 Two Armed Camps! Allied Powers: Central Powers: Turkey 40 million people die

11 The Major Players: 1914-17 Nicholas II [Russia] George V [Britain] Pres. Poincare [France] Allied Powers: Franz Josef [Austria-Hungary] Wilhelm II [Germany] Victor Emmanuel II [Italy] Central Powers: Enver Pasha [Turkey]

12 The Schlieffen Plan

13 Europe in 1914

14 German Atrocities in Belgium

15 A Multi-Front War

16 The Western Front Stalemate - neither side can move the other

17 Trench Warfare “No Man’s Land”

18 British “Tommies”

19 Trench Warfare

20 German troops by a dugout

21 French soldiers

22 Life in the trenches

23 French soldiers using a trench periscope

24 Periscope Rifle

25 Inside a dugout


27 No Man’s Land

28 A forest in No Man’s Land

29 Flanders Fields

30 German troops in the trenches

31 British soldiers

32 American troops

33 “Duck Boards”

34 British Medics


36 War Is HELL !!

37 Decapitated

38 Sacrifices in War

39 New weapons of war The Products of the Industrial Revolution Machine Gun Flamethrower Poison Gas Tank Airplane Rifled Artillery Submarine

40 British Machine Gun

41 German Machine Gun team

42 Belgians with flamethrowers

43 French using flamethrowers

44 Exploding gas shells

45 Gas Masks

46 Dog in gas mask

47 The Cavalry

48 Gassed

49 Mustard Gas victim with chemical burns

50 British Tank When they first saw it, the Germans called it Schutzengrabenvernichstungautomobile “der Schutzengrabenvernichstungautomobile ” Translation: Grave digging shooting killing self propelled machine

51 American Tanks, September 1918

52 1914 French plane


54 Top American Ace Eddie Rickenbacker

55 “The Red Baron” Baron Manfred von Richtofen, top Ace of World War I. Shot down 81 Allied planes before being shot down and killed.

56 Captain Roy Brown Royal Canadian Air Force The man who shot down the “Red Baron”

57 Moving an artillery piece

58 Big Bertha – German Railroad Gun


60 The German’s “Paris Gun” could fire a shell 30 miles

61 Another German artillery piece

62 German Artillery shells

63 Recovered unexploded artillery shells left from World War I


65 No Man’s Land from the air

66 French Village BeforeAfter

67 Ypres, Belgium


69 U-Boats

70 Allied Ships Sunk by German U-Boats

71 British liner Lusitania – torpedoed by German submarine May 7, 1915

72 The Sinking of the Lusitania

73 The Sussex Pledge Germany will follow the rules of “Stop and Search” May 1916


75 The Zimmerman Telegram ! Sent from Germany to Mexico January 1917

76 The Yanks Are Coming! The Yanks Are Coming!

77 Russian Revolution - Nov. 1917 Russia withdraws from the war Germany moves over 1 million men from Russia to France All out German offensive in the west in spring/summer 1918 World’s first Communist government established The Russians are Leaving!

78 America saves the day!

79 Sergeant Alvin York, most decorated American soldier of World War I Captured 132 German soldiers in one day

80 11 a.m., November 11, 1918 Armistice The Armistice is Signed!

81 9,000,000 Dead Soldiers 9,000,000 Dead Soldiers

82 World War I Casualties

83 1918-1919 Flu Pandemic: Depletes All Armies 50,000,000 died worldwide 50,000,000 died worldwide

84 The Big Four at the Paris Peace Conference, 1919

85 Wilson in Paris He’s got the plan to “end all war” and “Make the world safe for democracy!”

86 David Lloyd George, Prime Minister of England Woodrow Wilson, 28 th President of the United States

87 Georges Clemenceau of France “ I am sick of hearing about President Wilson and his 14 points. God Almighty Himself only had 10 commandments!” Vittorio Orlando of Italy (no, they didn’t name the town in Florida after him)

88 Woodrow Wilson’s 14 Points Self Determination of Nations - No more empires. People of each nationality get their own nation End to Colonialism – nations give up their colonies – international agency rules them and gets them ready for independence Disarmament – nations only keep military force large enough for self-defense No secret treaties – “open covenants openly arrived at” “Peace without Victory” – Fair treatment for Germany at Paris Peace Conference – a discussion among equals Freedom of the Seas League of Nations - International organization of all major nations of world where they would settle disputes and problems by negotiation, not war

89 The Treaty of Versailles Self Determination of Nations - No more empires. No more Austria-Hungary, no more Ottoman Empire, Germany loses lands to form new nations. People of each nationality get their own nation End to Colonialism – nations (Germany) give up colonies – England & France rules them and gets them ready for independence (hah!) Disarmament – nations (Germany ) only keep (allowed) military force large enough for self-defense No secret treaties – “open covenants openly arrived at” (Shame on Germany for the Zimmerman Telegram!) “Peace without Victory” – Fair treatment for Germany at Paris Peace Conference – a discussion among equals -No Chance! Freedom of the Seas ( Shame on Germany for unrestricted submarine warfare!) League of Nations - International organization of all major nations of world where they would settle disputes and problems by negotiation, not war And now for what England, France & Italy want full responsibility Germany must accept full responsibility for the war (It was all their fault!?) $33 billion ($33,000,000,000) Germany must pay “War Reparations” $33 billion ($33,000,000,000)

90 The Versailles Treaty

91 US Senate Rejects Treaty of Versailles US never joins League of Nations US retreats into isolationism in 1920s & 1930s “No more European Wars”

92 The “Stab-In-The-Back” Theory  German soldiers are dissatisfied.

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